Thursday, June 9, 2011

c4ghhft5r - BASIC

BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code,tory burch shoe, also translated Prudential), which means BASIC is a literal type of programming language, after the completion of the preparation by the compiler and the link is not subject to such procedures can be executed, but if you need a separate implementation still needs to build into the executable.


Basic introduction to the history of early BASIC BASIC BASIC computer name of the structured BASICVisual BASICBasic Chinese Wikipedia users of BASIC language BASIC features


Basic Beginner's Introduction to All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (beginner common Symbolic Instruction Code), the original was written as of BASIC, only later to be called the Basic of Microsoft's extensive. BASIC language by two Dartmouth College professors JohnG.Kemeny and ThomasE.Kurtz created by the mid 1960s. Since the idea was good, BASIC language is simple, easy to learn the basic characteristics, quickly became popular in general, almost all small, micro to home computers, and even some large computers have provided users with such language is used. In the microcomputer is concerned, because the BASIC language can be a microprocessor operating functions into full play, making the BASIC language has become one of the main microcomputer. With the rapid development of computer science and technology, especially the widespread use of microcomputers, computer makers are constantly on the basis of the reason for the functional expansion of BASIC, there have been many versions of BASIC, such as TRS-80 BASIC, Apple BASIC, GWBASIC, IBM BASIC (ie BASICA), True BASIC. BASIC has been from the beginning this time small, simple to learn a language developed into a feature-rich language. Many of its features have excellent computer with other comparable high-level language, and some functions (such as drawing), even more than other languages. The general standard language of human natural language, there are dialects, computer languages are the same. Many species have a BASIC computer language,tory burch flats, but its syntax, rules, functions are not entirely the same, the same used by the BASIC computer language may have different versions or different software development companies of different brands produced by BASIC language, but it was agreed BASIC founders inherited the basic form of the design and spirit, and were given a unique design approach and add some features Bale. BASIC BASIC language features early history is very weak, very few statements, only 14 statements, was developed to 17 statements, this is the so-called BASIC language during this period mainly in the minicomputer used to compile manner. Microcomputer BASIC 20 century 70s, BASIC become a widely used general-purpose language. It is also the age of micro-computer was born. The first microcomputer BASIC language is configured Microsoft (Microsoft), President Bill. Gates, when he was just 19 years old. In the Bill. Gates's first microcomputer BASIC in the lead, all computers have been equipped with a BASIC language, due to the different models, they are an extension of basic BASIC language is not the same, resulting in a BASIC language program of the same can not but not compatible situation. This period began to use BASIC language interpreted execution, facilitate the user to program maintenance. Structured design structured programming BASIC in the 20th century began to germinate 70 years, and its main idea is to make procedures for the implementation of the traditional writing order to reduce the statement to jump between, the use of modular design,tory burch sandals, each module relative to complete a defensive simple functions. Structured process to increase the readability of the program. The mid-20th century, 80, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) under the idea of structured programming, BASIC proposed a new draft standards. After this, the emergence of a structured BASIC language for this, there are Quick BASIC True BASIC and so on. They adapt to structural injustice, modular program design requirements, but also retains the BASIC language to learn, easy to use, easy maintenance, etc., while providing a way interpreted and compiled implementation. Visual BASIC 20 century and the mid-80s, Microsoft launched the Windows operating system, which provides a graphical user interface, mouse, window, menus, control computer, the operation becomes more intuitive and easier to use computers more easily, more convenient. Windows-based operating system, BASIC language is Visual BASIC (meaning designed with good user interface applications. Visual BASIC appeared to attach importance to the development potential of a large, Bill. Gates declared that: Basic language compiler ported to a computer using Intel processors in the ALR,tory burch shoe cheap, IBM selected Microsoft created the PC 1982 operating system, Microsoft's Basic also selected as the computer's ROM-Basic. Microsoft also released its DOS operating system free to join the GW-Basic, QBasic, etc. was the best Basic interpreter. Microsoft Quick BASIC (Microsoft) launched the company in 1987. In 1991, along with the introduction of MS-DOS5.0, Microsoft (Microsoft) The company also introduced a simplified version of Quick BASIC QBASIC, as part of the operating system freely available to the user. Since the Windows operating system since the emergence of the graphical user interface (GUI) of the BASIC language (Visual Basic) has been widely used. 2001 Visual Basic. NET introduced in 2003 introduced Visual Basic. NET 2003 launch of 7 November 2005 to launch the Visual Studio 2005 Visual Basic 2005. BASIC programming language interpreter based on the way early founding, but also evolved a number of different versions of names, such as: BASICA, GW-BASIC, MBASIC, TBASIC ,...?? Microsoft MS-DOS era that also launched QuickBASIC, and gradually improved as both the literal and build a double translation, Windows became popular in 1988 when Microsoft launched the Windows operating environment VisualBasicforWindows become the brightest spot of easy to use program Language, Microsoft specifically for users of MS-DOS was developed VisualBasicforMSDOS. The rise of Microsoft's BASIC language in the early credit. Basic name Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (beginner common Symbolic Instruction Code), the original was written as of BASIC, only later to be called the Basic of Microsoft's extensive. BASIC language was originally created for the campus of the college students of high-level language, the purpose is to make the students easy to use computer. Although only 16 BASIC initial statement, but relatively easy to learn BASIC at the time, it quickly from the campus to the community as a computer program designed for beginners to learn the preferred language. With the rapid development of computer science and technology,tory burch flip flops, especially the widespread use of microcomputers, computer makers are constantly on the basis of the reason for the functional expansion of BASIC, there have been many versions of BASIC, such as TRS-80 BASIC, Apple BASIC, GWBASIC, IBM BASIC (ie BASICA), True BASIC. BASIC has been from the beginning this time small, simple to learn a language developed into a feature-rich language. Many of its features have excellent computer with other comparable high-level language, and some functions (such as drawing), even more than other languages. In 1975, Bill Gates founded Microsoft, and the success of the Basic language compiler ported to a computer using Intel processors in the ALR, IBM selected Microsoft created the PC 1982 operating system, Microsoft has selected The Basic as the computer's ROM-Basic. Microsoft also released its DOS operating system free to join the GW-Basic, QBasic, etc. was the best Basic interpreter. Microsoft Quick BASIC (Microsoft) launched the company in 1987. In 1991, along with the introduction of MS-DOS5.0, Microsoft (Microsoft) The company also introduced a simplified version of Quick BASIC QBASIC, as part of the operating system freely available to the user. Since the Windows operating system since the emergence of the graphical user interface (GUI) of the BASIC language (Visual Basic) has been widely used. 2001 Visual Basic. NET introduced in 2003 introduced Visual Basic. NET 2003 introduced November 7, 2005 in Visual Studio. NET 2005 to launch Visual Basic. NET 2005. We still have Visual Studio. NET 2008, there are Visual Basic. NET 2008 Chinese Wikipedia users BASIC BASIC is a small computer-related work. You can help Wikipedia by adding to it. Programming language editing industrial programming language: A + | Ada | assembly language | B | Brainfuck | C | C + + | C + + / CLI | Cg | COBOL | Eiffel | Erlang | FORTRAN | IronPython | Java | JRuby | Jython | LISP | Oberon | Objective -C | Ocaml | Pascal | Perl | Powerbuilder | Python | QBASIC | R | REXX | Ruby | Self | Smalltalk | SQL | Tcl / Tk | Visual Basic | PHP | C # | F # | J # | Visual Basic. NET scripting language: ActionScript | JavaScript | JScript | Nuva | PostScript | VBScript | lua academic programming languages: APL / J | Haskell | Logo | ML | pascal | Prolog | Scheme | SAC other programming languages: ALGOL | BASIC | Clipper | Forth | Modula-2 / Modula-3 | MUMPS | PL / I | Simula BASIC in May 1965,tory burch sale, developed by American scientist Thomas Kurz out. 10 years later, (now Microsoft's president) Bill Gates put it ported to PC. Thirty years, BASIC language computer language beginner who has been the most widely used of a high-level language. It can carry out numerical calculation, drawing, playing music, so powerful, and is very easy to learn. BASIC language features 1. Easy to learn: BASIC language using the English word most of the original word or abbreviation of operation symbols, written expression and mathematics are also similar. Standard BASIC statement is only 17. 2. Conversational: People can use the keyboard and display and the computer 3. Applicable to a wide range: not only for scientific computing, but also data processing. 4. Two of implementation: interpreted and compiled mode. Explain the ways in which side edge, programs run very suitable for beginners. BASIC is the Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code The acronym meaning beginners purpose Symbolic Instruction Code language, which is the United States in 1964 by two professors John G. Kemeny and Thomas in the Fortran language, the language system based on the design, This simple, easy to learn programming language statement was only 17, 12 functions and three commands, now generally referred to as the basic BASIC. Atlas Atlas entry for more extended reading: 1


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