Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Social Radio Experience ? onechocolate communications

March 7, 2012Posted in 2012 predictions, Future, Social Radio, Technology, TweetVolume, Tweets, Twitter, Uncategorized, apps, blackberry, iPad, internet, iphone, new media, radio, social media trends, social networks, social tvTags: apps, communication, content-based communication, conversation, Digital, internet, iPad, iphone, media, mobile, radio, socail radio, social, social media, Social Networking, Social Networks, technology, tweet, Twitter

After the rise of the social TV, it was only a matter of time before a ?Social Radio? came onto the scene, and it has presented itself in the form of an App!

?The Social Radio for Twitter? app reads out your Twitter feeds for you, turning your Twitter account into a ?radio station?. It gives users the opportunity of choosing content they want to listen to (Twitter users, lists, hashtags, trending topics) and play songs or albums found on phones or tablets. This application, although still in the Beta stage, was released at the end of February 2012. It has received extremely positive reviews and was also been selected to compete in the top 20 best mobile apps for the Appcircus/Mobile Premier Awards. The app allows you to multi-task at work or be on the move whilst keeping on top of tweets that you are following. This application is also a good platform for those with limited accessibility. I decided to try out this app, and I must admit it was a quite unique experience.

I can definitely see the appeal of this app as I am able to listen to what is being tweeted by the people I follow, whilst carrying on with my daily tasks or making that cup of tea. It is very accessible and easy to use, takes little time to download, and has minimal delay in comparison to the feed on the online pages. However, as it is still being tweaked, there are a few issues which need some work, and will no doubt be corrected in the future.

For example, we do not tweet as we speak; therefore certain words that are abbreviated will be mispronounced due to the robotic text-to-speech voice, i.e. how it pronounces links, or words such as ?UK? or ?USA?. Unfortunately, this makes the human tonality of live tweeters very cryptic, which I think would be problematic as brands and individuals use Twitter as a quick way to get their personality across in their short messages.

Despite its flaws, it is an interesting experience, particularly for those who need to keep track and be updated on their real-time feeds. It?s a big step in content-based communication and is only the beginning of what is to come and how we might experience the future use of social media platforms.


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