Sunday, April 8, 2012

Let Your Smile Shine A Mile Away With These Simple Tips!

Foods with a dark coloration, and especially fruit juices with a strong color are notable for staining teeth. Fruits like raspberries and blueberries can stain your teeth and make them look dull. Pop, coffee and tea also have negative effects on your teeth. This is a great preventative measure to take.

If you have unfilled cavities or have been diagnosed with gum disease, you should not attempt to whiten your teeth. Whitening your teeth could worsen these conditions, and you might end up worse off rather than better off. Before buying any whitening products or having them done, get the okay from your dentist first.

To maintain newly whitened teeth, take care with food and beverages. Your teeth are much more likely to get stained if they have just been whitened. Stay away from food and drink that has dark pigmentation once your whitening program is complete. Coffee is a good example, as it causes discoloration as it soaks into the teeth.

Maintaining white teeth is difficult unless you get your semi-annual dental cleanings. Dentist office cleanings are typically scheduled for twice a year. Always set the next appointment when you are at the dentist. You can ask the receptionist to call you to make sure that you do not forget the date and time.

Make sure you follow all instructions on any teeth whitening products to ensure they work properly. Letting these sit on your teeth for longer than is recommended can cause serious consequences, such as increased sensitivity or inflamed gums. After completing a whitening session, avoid acidic drinks like coffee and soda. These beverages may have a chemical interaction with your whitening product.

Although some teeth whitening methods done at home may sound great, they can sometimes have bad side effects, including increased sensitivity and swollen, bleeding gums. Professional whitening is really the best way to go for white teeth. If you do try homemade whitening treatments and have problems, be sure to see your dentist right away.

If you?re interested in whiter teeth, look into purchasing an electric toothbrush. They can do wonders for removing discoloration caused by tobacco, or what you eat and drink. They remove extrinsic stains that manual brushing can?t.

Consult with a dental professional before you begin any program to whiten your teeth. Your dentist will be able to explain what your options are, and they may fill you in on some side effects that the products may have.

Combine dried orange peel and bay leaves, grinding them until they form a powder. Add water to this powder and brush with this mixture. The mixture can also help prevent gum disease, cavities and other mouth-related problems.

If you want your teeth to look their whitest quickly, bite into an apple. Fruits and vegetables that are crunchy, like apples and celery, can help clean your teeth.

In order to create an illusion that your teeth are whiter, select lipstick that is the correct shade for you. Stay away from brightly colored red lipstick as this can make your teeth appear darker. More natural shades, such as nudes and light pinks, are a better option if you have yellow teeth.

Don?t use toothpastes that have fluoride in them. Fluoride is a harmful chemical ion which is found in food, water and soil. If a person is exposed to high doses of fluoride, it has been shown to cause teeth discoloration. A natural teeth whitening method is simply picking a toothpaste without fluoride.

Use a mortar and pestle to grind dried bay leaves and orange peels into a fine powder. Brush with this powder and a bit of water to help naturally brighten your teeth. This process will brighten and whiten your teeth without harmful chemicals, as well as prevent certain dental problems when used on a normal basis.

Before starting a new teeth whitening process, it is a smart move to visit your dentist. Perhaps all that was necessary was a professional cleaning. While you?re at the dentist, mention your plan for whitening your teeth at home. Your dentist can examine your teeth and determine whether or not it is a good idea. If he finds cavities or indications of gum disease, then teeth whitening should be postponed until you resolve those issues.

As was stated before, teeth whitening can do wonders for your life by boosting your self confidence. Being able to smile freely and have teeth that you?re proud of can make all the difference in your life. If you apply these simple methods, you?ll see how easy it is to get a great smile and beautiful, white teeth.

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