Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pope refers to "Muslim brothers" on Good Friday

ROME (AP) ? Pope Francis reached out in friendship to "so many Muslim brothers and sisters" during a Good Friday procession dedicated to the suffering of Christians from terrorism, war and religious fanaticism in the Middle East.

The new pontiff, who has rankled traditionalists by rejecting many trappings of his office, mostly stuck to the traditional script during the nighttime Way of the Cross procession at Rome's Colosseum, one of the most dramatic rituals of Holy Week.

With torches lighting the way, the faithful carried a cross to different stations, where meditations and prayers were read out recalling the final hours of Jesus' life and his crucifixion.

This year, the prayers were composed by young Lebanese, and many recalled the plight of minority Christians in the region, where wars have forced thousands to flee their homelands. The meditations called for an end to "violent fundamentalism," terrorism and the "wars and violence which in our days devastate various countries in the Middle East."

Francis, who became pope just over two weeks ago, chose, however, to stress Christians' positive relations with Muslims in the region in his brief comments at the end of the ceremony.

Standing on a platform overlooking the procession route, Francis recalled Benedict XVI's 2012 visit to Lebanon when "we saw the beauty and the strong bond of communion joining Christians together in that land and the friendship of our Muslim brothers and sisters and so many others."

"That occasion was a sign to the Middle East and to the whole world, a sign of hope," he said.

Friday's outreach followed Francis' eyebrow-raising gesture a day earlier, when he washed and kissed the feet of two women, one a Muslim, in the Holy Thursday ritual that commemorates Jesus' washing of his apostles' feet during the Last Supper before his crucifixion.

Breaking with tradition, Francis performed the ritual on 12 inmates at a juvenile detention center, rather than in Rome's grand St. John Lateran basilica, where in the past, 12 priests have been chosen to represent Jesus' disciples.

Before he became pope, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio long cultivated warm relations with Muslim leaders in his native Argentina. In one of his first speeches as pope, he called for the church and the West in general to "intensify" relations with the Muslim world.

The Vatican's relations with Islam hit several bumps during Benedict XVI's papacy, when he outraged Muslims with a 2006 speech quoting a Byzantine emperor as saying some of Prophet Muhammad's teachings were "evil and inhuman." And in 2011, the pre-eminent institute of Islamic learning in the Sunni Muslim world, Cairo's Al-Azhar institute, froze dialogue with the Vatican to protest Benedict's call for greater protection of Christians in Egypt.

However, Francis' past outreach to the Muslim community in Argentina seems to have changed that. Al-Azhar's chief imam, Sheik Ahmed el-Tayyib, sent a message of congratulations to Francis on his election and said he hoped for cooperation.

The Vatican's efforts to reconcile with the Islamic world have not been welcomed by all. Italy's most famous Muslim convert to Catholicism, Magdi Allam, announced last week he was leaving the church because of its "soft" stance on Islam. Allam was baptized by Benedict XVI in 2008 during the high-profile Easter Vigil service when the pope traditionally baptizes a handful of adults. There has been no Vatican comment on his about-face.

Thousands of people packed the Colosseum and surrounding areas for the nighttime procession, holding candles wrapped in paper globes as Francis sat in silent prayer as a giant torch-lit crucifix twinkled nearby. Some in the crowd had Lebanese flags around their shoulders in an indication of the special role Lebanese faithful played in this year's procession.

Lebanon has the largest percentage of Christians in the Middle East ? nearly 40 percent of the country's 4 million people, with Maronite Catholics the largest sect. As civil war has raged in neighboring Syria, Lebanon's Christian community has been divided between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Overall, Christians in the Middle East have been uneasy as the Arab Spring has led to the strengthening of Islamist groups in most countries that have experienced uprisings. Thousands of Christians have fled the region ? a phenomenon that the Vatican has lamented, given Christianity's roots in the Holy Land.

"How sad it is to see this blessed land suffer in its children, who relentlessly tear one another to pieces and die!" said one of the Good Friday meditations. "It seems that nothing can overcome evil, terrorism, murder and hatred."

Francis picked up on that message, saying Christ's death on the cross is "the answer which Christians offer in the face of evil, the evil that continues to work in us and around us."

"Christians must respond to evil with good, taking the cross upon themselves as Jesus did," he said.

At the end of the ceremony, a male choir sang a haunting Arabic hymn, a reflection of the Eastern rite influence that infused the ceremony.

On Saturday, Francis presides over the solemn Easter Vigil ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica and on Sunday, he celebrates Easter Mass and delivers an important speech. Usually the pope also issues Easter greetings in dozens of languages.

In his two weeks as pope, Francis' discomfort with speaking in any language other than Italian has become apparent. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Friday "we'll have to see" what Francis does with the multilingual greetings.

The Good Friday procession was conducted entirely in Italian, whereas in years past the core elements recounting what happens at each station would be recited in a variety of languages.


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PFT:?'Boys create $5MM in space? |? Tag no issue

Philadelphia Eagles v Dallas CowboysGetty Images

Given Friday?s events, it?s clear that the suggestion that the Cowboys couldn?t have used the franchise tag on Tony Romo in 2014 came from the Romo camp as part of an effort to break whatever final hurdle(s) existed between the team and the player.

Per a source with knowledge of the situation, it never was going to be issue.

The glitch that would have resulted in the final years of Romo?s contract voiding after the window for using the franchise tag had closed came, we?re told, from a deal that was done in 2011 to help create cap space.? At that time, Romo, the Cowboys, and his agents agreed to commence the process to make Romo a Cowboy for life, and to get it done before the start of the final season of his current contract.

In the end, Romo was never going to leave the Cowboys.? So it didn?t matter if there was no franchise tag to be used.

?Tony has a special relationship with Jerry [Jones], Stephen [Jones], and the Cowboys organization.? The parties truly view it as a long-term partnership and they truly trust each other,? the source said.? ?Tony values being a Cowboy for life.?

Moreover, the guaranteed money in the new Romo deal ($55.5 million) hints that the franchise-tag formula was a factor in the negotiations.? With a salary of $11.5 million in 2013 and franchise-tag numbers of $20.16 million and $24.19 million, respectively, in 2014 and 2015, Romo would have made $55.85 million over the next three years, if he had gone one year at a time under the franchise tag.

Either way, the Cowboys have gone all in with Romo.? Today?s deal simply puts even more chips in the middle of the table.


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Leadership fight divides Occidental shareholders: report

(Reuters) - Occidental Petroleum Corp chairman and former chief executive Ray Irani is pushing to replace the oil company's current CEO, Stephen Chazen, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday, citing "investors and people familiar with the company's operations."

However, several big investors who support Chazen have considered the possibility of trying to vote some directors, including Irani, off the board, the newspaper said, citing "people familiar with their plans."

The debate over the leadership of the fourth-largest U.S. oil company has divided major shareholders ahead of the company's annual meeting on May 3, the newspaper said.

The boardroom drama comes as shares of Occidental have fallen 18 percent in the past year, compared with an 11 percent rise for California rival Chevron Corp and a 4 percent rise for giant Exxon Mobil Corp .

Occidental, in a brief press release on February 14, announced that it was searching for someone to succeed Chazen, 66, after less than two years in the top job.

Yet, earlier this month at an industry event in New Orleans, Chazen told a group of investors that he did not volunteer to leave, the newspaper said.

Chazen is only the third CEO at Occidental in half a century. Irani was named CEO in 1990 by Armand Hammer, a flamboyant tycoon who spent three decades building the company up from a small firm of just three employees.

Chazen and Irani found both themselves targeted over their high compensation, until a shareholder effort to take board seats sparked reform in 2010. Chazen ended up earning compensation worth $31.7 million in 2011, down from $38.1 million the year before, while Irani made $49.8 million in 2011, down from $76.1 million.

The 78-year-old Irani, who is scheduled to retire at the end of 2014, owns a substantial amount of Occidental stock, the Journal said.

Occidental's lead director, Aziz Syriani, said in a statement that the company's independent directors, and not Irani, were making decisions about Chazen's eventual successor.

"Any suggestion otherwise, or insinuation that Dr. Irani is guiding the process, is completely and flatly wrong," Syriani said in the statement, which Occidental provided to Reuters.

An Occidental spokeswoman had no additional comment.

(Reporting by Julie Ingwersen; editing by Gunna Dickson)


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Low-power use for mobile devices: 60 GHz radio frequency chip

Mar. 29, 2013 ? As the capacity of handheld devices increases to accommodate a greater number of functions, these devices have more memory, larger display screens, and the ability to play higher definition video files. If the users of mobile devices, including smartphones, tablet PCs, and notebooks, want to share or transfer data on one device with that of another device, a great deal of time and effort are needed.

As a possible method for the speedy transmission of large data, researchers are studying the adoption of gigabits per second (Gbps) wireless communications operating over the 60 gigahertz (GHz) frequency band. Some commercial approaches have been introduced for full-HD video streaming from a fixed source to a display by using the 60 GHz band. But mobile applications have not been developed yet because the 60 GHz radio frequency (RF) circuit consumes hundreds of milliwatts (mW) of DC power.

Professor Chul Soon Park from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and his research team recently developed a low-power version of the 60 GHz radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC). Inside the circuit are an energy-efficient modulator performing amplification as well as modulation and a sensitivity-improved receiver employing a gain boosting demodulator.

The research team said that their RFIC draws as little as 67 mW of power in the 60 GHz frequency band, consuming 31mW to send and 36mW to receive large volumes of data. RFIC is also small enough to be mounted on smartphones or notebooks, requiring only one chip (its width, length, and height are about 1 mm) and one antenna (4x5x1 mm3) for sending and receiving data with an integrated switch.

Professor Park, Director of the Intelligent Radio Engineering Center at KAIST, gave an upbeat assessment of the potential of RFIC for future applications:

"What we have developed is a low-power 60-GHz RF chip with a transmission speed of 10.7 gigabits per second. In tests, we were able to stream uncompressed full-HD videos from a smartphone or notebook to a display without a cable connection. Our chip can be installed on mobile devices or even on cameras so that the devices are virtually connected to other devices and able to exchange large data with each other."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Adam Wainwright, Cardinals finalize $97.5M deal

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright speaks during a news conference at the Cardinals spring training complex Thursday, March 28, 2013, in Jupiter, Fla. Wainwright and the Cardinals have agreed to a new five-year contract worth a reported $97.5 million. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright speaks during a news conference at the Cardinals spring training complex Thursday, March 28, 2013, in Jupiter, Fla. Wainwright and the Cardinals have agreed to a new five-year contract worth a reported $97.5 million. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright, right, shakes hands with Cardinals owner Bill DeWitt Jr. at the start of a news conference at the team's spring training complex Thursday, March 28, 2013, in Jupiter, Fla. Wainwright and the Cardinals have agreed to a new five-year contract worth a reported $97.5 million. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright speaks during a news conference at the Cardinals spring training complex Thursday, March 28, 2013, in Jupiter, Fla. Wainwright and the Cardinals have agreed to a new five-year contract worth a reported $97.5 million. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Adam Wainwright throws during the first inning of a spring training baseball game against the New York Mets, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, in Port St. Lucie, Fla. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

(AP) ? Adam Wainwright fought to hold back his emotions.

"Usually I am not at a loss for words, but the city of St. Louis means so much to me that it's taken me a little bit to get it out," he said.

Wainwright will be staying with the Cardinals for a while after agreeing Thursday to $97.5 million, five-year contract covering 2014-18. The deal, the largest for a pitcher in team history, raises his guaranteed income to $109.5 million over the next six seasons.

"I feel like my heart is in St. Louis," Wainwright said, surrounded by family, members of the Cardinals' front office and his teammates. "I love it there. I love driving to the field and seeing the arch, driving up and seeing the amazing Busch Stadium. It's a treat to work there every day and it's something that continues to take me off guard and make me feel like I am way too blessed."

At one point Wainwright called his young daughters up to the podium for a hug of support. he also embraced Cardinals Chairman Bill DeWitt Jr. and General Manager John Mozeliak. Wainwright saved some of most emotional remarks for brother, Trey.

"The guy who taught me how to play baseball," Wainwright said, his voice trailing off

Wainwright had been eligible to become a free agent after the World Series. He gets $12 million this year under his previous deal, and the new agreement announced Thursday pays him $19.5 million in each of the following five years.

A 31-year-old right-hander, Wainwright was 14-13 with a 3.94 ERA last year after missing the Cardinals' World Series championship season in 2011 because of elbow surgery.

Wainwright was 20-11 with a 2.42 ERA in 2010 and was an NL All-Star.

Under Wainwright's previous contract, he was guaranteed $15 million from 2008-11, and the Cardinals had options for $9 million in 2012 and $12 million in 2013 that had to be exercised or declined simultaneously.

"Adam represents everything the Cardinals look for in a player," DeWitt said. "He's an elite pitcher with a tremendous work ethic, a great teammate and a leader, and a winning-championship caliber player."

Wainwright is 80-48 with a 3.15 ERA during his eight-year major league career, which has been spent entirely with St. Louis. He is 2-0 with a 2.48 ERA in 13 postseason appearances with four saves.

"This really embraces everything that we have been trying to accomplish over the last years in terms of the culture of what we are trying to build," Mozeliak said.

With Chris Carpenter likely out of the season with a potential career-ending nerve issue, Wainwright enters the season as the Cardinals' unquestioned ace.

"This would be empty if I didn't thank Carp for what he's done, teaching me the mentality of a pro, professionalism, and tenacity," Wainwright said.

NOTES: Wainwright would get a $500,000 bonus each time he's among the top 10 in Cy Young Award voting. He would receive a $50,000 bonus if he's an All-Star, $50,000 for being voted the league championship series MVP, for World Series MVP, $50,000 for a Gold Glove and $25,000 for a Silver Slugger. He also would get $50,000 for winning division series MVP if the award is instituted.

Associated Press


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Friday, March 29, 2013

HP Pocket Playlist

The HP Pocket Playlist ($129 direct) is a 32GB flash drive that can be used to carry extra media files that won't fit on your phone or tablet. Whether it's because you bought the cheaper 8GB phone, or that your 64GB of stoarage space is already filled up, The Pocket Playlist is can hold movies, music, and photos that can be shared with a half-dozen friends simultaneously. All in all it's not bad if all you need is a pocket full of Marvel comic book movies, but you'll probably get a better bang for the buck from a hard drive-equipped media drive.

Design and Features
The Pocket Playlist is about the size of a mid-tier smartphone, measuring 0.35 by 2.5 by 4.75 inches (HWD), and it looks like one too, albeit one without a screen. Its casing is made of glossy black polycarbonate, with three physical switches and buttons on one edge, and two LED indicators for power and Wi-Fi status. It only weighs 2.24 ounces, so it will slip easily into your jeans pocket and not weigh it down too much. Last but not least, there's a micro-USB port on the bottom of the drive, for charging and transferring your content. The Pocket Playlist is similar in size to the Kingston Wi-Drive ($129.99): both are flash storage-based wireless drives. The Pocket Playlist comes with both an AC adapter and a car charger to keep the internal battery topped up.

The Pocket Playlist comes with an installer CD, which puts a copy of Arcsoft Media Converter on your PC. You can then use Media Converter to transcode media files like videos so they will play on your mobile devices. The program has presets for iOS devices, as well as generic settings for Android phones and tablets. If your files are in iTunes or another media library they most likely are already in the correct format. Copying files to the Pocket Playlist is a simple drag-and-drop affair, open the drive in Windows Explorer or in Mac OS Finder and copy stuff over manually via USB or wirelessly (more on that below). The drive is formatted FAT32, so it will work with both Mac OS and Windows out of the box. However, since the drive is FAT32, you're limited to a 4GB file size. Other wireless media drives like the Editors' Choice for wireless media drives Seagate Wireless Plus ($199.99) come formatted NTFS to allow for larger files. The Seagate comes with an NTFS utility for Macs, so Mac users aren't in a bind there. Seagate also packs in a media sync utility, so you don't have to search your computer for media files to put on your wireless drive.

To get the files over, you need to either connect the drive physically via USB or use the drive's built-in Wi-Fi router to connect to its built-in network. Wi-Fi is obviously slower, but is usable out in the field when you don't have the USB cable handy. One nit to pick is the physical switch that denotes operation via USB or Wi-Fi. If you put the drive in your bag and the switch is in the wrong position, you'll have to take it back out to use the drive over Wi-Fi. Drives like this should be intelligent enough to know which connection is active.

If you are using a portable or permanent hotspot, you can set the Pocket Playlist to pass Internet traffic through. Essentially, this means that the Pocket Playlist is connected to the hotspot and you phones and tablets are hooked to the Pocket Playlist. It's a good workaround that lets you still connect to the Internet while sharing the files on the drive. If you're in the middle of nowhere with no Internet signal, you can still serve the files locally to your devices.

A plus in favor of the Pocket Playlist is the drive's self-cataloging. You can drop files several folders deep on the drive, and the built-in file server will pick them out and display them in categories (movies, photos, music) on the Pocket Playlist's Android or iOS app. This is a better way to navigate your media files, and much better than the method on the Corsair Voyager Air ($219.99), which requires you to manually dig and find files in individual folders strewn about the drive.

The HP Pocket Playlist is a lightweight wireless media drive for people that need just a bit more storage for their smartphones and tablets. It can be used while travelling, or to share a media among a small group of people in an office or coffee shop. It's not bad, but there are better solutions like the Editors' Choice Seagate Wireless Plus that gives you a full Terabyte of storage and much better file management.

Compare the HP Pocket Playlist with several other hard drive side by side.

More hard drive reviews:
??? HP Pocket Playlist
??? Corsair Voyager Air
??? Seagate Wireless Plus
??? Apricorn Aegis Bio 3.0
??? Kingston SSDNow V300 Series SV300S3D7
?? more


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Ten years and 10,000 fewer premature deaths later

By Jonathan Allen

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg marked the tenth anniversary on Wednesday of his ban on smoking in bars and restaurants with a report saying the ban and subsequent anti-smoking measures had prevented 10,000 premature deaths.

"Ten years ago when New York City prohibited smoking in restaurants and bars, many predicted the end of the hospitality, restaurant and tourism industries," Bloomberg said in a statement.

"Yet ten years later, fewer New Yorkers are smoking, we are living longer, our industries are thriving and nobody longs for a return to smoke-filled bars and restaurants."

Critics of the move feared banning smoking would hurt the restaurant and bar business, but the Health Department report said there are now some 6,000 more restaurants and bars in the city than there were a decade ago.

The city's Smoke-Free Air Act came into effect a little over a year into Bloomberg's first term as mayor in 2003 and prohibited smoking inside bars, restaurants and most workplaces.

The following year, the city began providing free nicotine replacement therapy to smokers trying to quit and in 2011 expanded the smoking ban to the city's parks and beaches.

According to the report released on Wednesday, the proportion of adult smokers dropped by about a third to 15 percent in 2011 from 21.5 percent in 2002. The report, released by the city's Health Department, also said the proportion of youths under age 18 who smoke dropped by about half to 8.5 percent.

Bloomberg's tenure, which will end this year, has been marked by his efforts to improve New Yorkers' health by trying to induce them to eat less salt, trans fats and calories in general, among other measures.

Bloomberg has been criticized by some as paternalistic but his efforts have coincided with an increase in New Yorkers' life expectancy, including a decline in tobacco-related deaths.

Bloomberg's attempt to limit the size of sugary drinks sold in the city was derailed this month only hours before the new rules were to take effect when a judge ruled that they were "arbitrary and capricious". The city is appealing that decision.

A week later, Bloomberg announced his plan to require shops to hide cigarettes and tobacco products from public view, arguing that would shield young people from marketing efforts.

Some shop owners and cigarette manufacturers have criticized the plan as unnecessary extra regulation that would infringe the free speech provision of the U.S. Constitution.

Bloomberg also proposed a minimum price of $10.50 for a pack of cigarettes, in the hope that some smokers would find the habit too expensive to maintain. The two bills are now before the city council.

Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of premature death in the city, according to the Health Department.

Ronald Bayer, a professor of public health at Columbia University, called Bloomberg's health initiatives a "major achievement" and said his efforts to make smoking less socially acceptable were an effective and legitimate use of his office.

He said it remains an open question how much further government could go to discourage smokers to quit.

(Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst)

(In next-to-last paragraph, this story corrects spelling of professor's name to Bayer, not Beyer)


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Need for Web Analytics & Tracking in Digital Marketing | Web ...

Realizing the massive power of internet, most of them have opened online outlets to promote their business products and services. With the advent of smart phones & tablets, the usage of internet has increased enormously. Thereby most of the companies and organizations have gone mobile to reach millions of potential mobile users. E-commerce businesses also became a big hit with high return on investment by meeting the client?s requirements on time, every time. Hence the competition increased in ecommerce and online businesses due to high-end profit.

As the competition increases, there arises the need to track and analyze the business products and services on web to lead the way with high return on investment (ROI). The major reason to have web analytics & tracking is to boost up the sales and services based on region, and the requirements of the end-users.

After a complete analysis of the website?s user behavior, decisions are made to implement an effective strategy to reach more number of potential end-users. By implementing web analytics, we can track and monitor,

- By how the customers get to know about our products/ services
- The search terms used by the users
- The most visited page by the users
- The least visited page
- The number of visits that turns in to conversations, etc

Moreover, we can even get you the reports of the behavioral analysis of your website visitors, with which any required modifications can be done that your website visitors have always been looking for. The installing may be simple but for the set up and effective maintenance of the web analytics, well trained professionals are required. The process is incorporates,

- Understanding the client?s website objectives (e.g., lead generation, content, customer support, sales)
- Defining the strategic goals (buying an item, downloading a PDF, filling in a form)
- Setting up key performance indicators to measure the success of marketing campaigns over time
- Creating Analytics profiles on Google/ Yahoo/Bing or any other tools
- Setting up of Analytics tracking code
- Setting up of conversion Goals on Analytics
- Setting up of Filters on Analytics to customize the reports
- Tagging of marketing campaigns
- Designing Analytics Dashboard with the most valuable reports

Google analytics is said to be the worth for its pricing and outstanding that provides ongoing reports and analysis of the website traffic statistics and web marketing campaigns (e.g., pay per click advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), banner advertising, e-mail marketing). Thus web analytics are mean to scale up the business online with futuristic approach.

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Atlanta rapper Gucci Mane jailed on assault charge

(AP) ? Rapper Gucci Mane was being held in jail on an assault charge after a fan told police the artist smashed a champagne bottle on his head in a downtown Atlanta nightclub.

Fulton County Jail records show that Gucci Mane, whose real name is Radric Davis, was in custody early Wednesday on a charge of aggravated assault with a weapon.

An arrest warrant was issued for the rapper after James Lettley of Fort Hood, Texas, who is a member of the military, told police Davis struck him at Harlem Nights Club on March 16. Lettley said he was hoping to get a picture with the rapper when he was attacked.

It was unclear if Davis has an attorney.

Associated Press


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Dungeons & Dragons Coming To iOS Later This Year As Wizards Of The Coast Teams Up With Playdek

d&dA new partnership between mobile game publisher Playdek and Wizards of the Coast, famed creator of Magic: The Gathering and other tabletop games will bring Dungeons & Dragons to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch later this year. Playdek will be developing officially sanctioned and licensed titles that bring various Wizards of the Coast tabletop experiences to iOS devices, with the first such efforts slated to go live sometime in 2013.


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Italy court to decide whether Amanda Knox should be tried again for murder

In the six years since Seattle student Amanda Knox was tried for murder in Italy, she was convicted, spent four years in jail, and was finally acquitted. In a new twist, prosecutors are asking the court to try the case again. NBC's Michelle Kosinski reports.

By Michelle Kosinski, NBC News

ROME -- Italy's highest court was set to decide on Monday whether to overturn the acquittal of American student Amanda Knox in the murder of her roommate.

Knox and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were both convicted and then acquitted of Meredith Kercher's 2007 murder in Perugia, Italy, where they were students.

Knox spent four years in prison after being found guilty.

Small-time drug dealer Rudy Hermann Guede, an acquaintance of Knox's, was also convicted and was jailed for 16 years.

Prosecutors argued that Knox and Sollecito killed Kercher after a drug-fueled sexual assault.

Oli Scarff / Getty Images

The long legal saga of Amanda Knox, an American student accused of the violent death of her roommate, British student Meredith Kercher, has made headlines around the world since it began in Perugia, Italy, in late 2007.

If judges reject the prosecutors' argument that the acquittal should be thrown out and a new trial ordered, Knox's acquittal will be final.

"The only way the evidence could be characterized was absent, non-existent, inconclusive and unreliable," said Theodore Simon, Knox's defense attorney.

The scant DNA evidence initially linking Knox and Sollecito the murder was later found to have likely been contaminated. Defense attorneys argued that Guede was the sole killer and that the acquittal was justified.

Since her release from prison in 2011, Knox has resumed her studies in Seattle.

Knox and Sollecito did not appear in court Monday.


Amanda Knox leaves prison after murder conviction overturned

Knox heads home from Italy; prosecutor to appeal verdict


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Monday, March 25, 2013

Son makes ?3,700 in app purchases, policeman father reports him for fraud

British police officer reports his own son for fraud over in-app purchases

A U.K. policeman has reported his own 13-year-old son for fraud after the young man racked up a ?3,700 charge for in-app purchases on his iPad that Apple refused to refund. The officer, Doug Crossan, says that his son was not aware that he was being charged for these downloads, and that he wants Apple to cancel the charge. Apple has refused to do so, so in order to get his money back, he reported the purchases as fraudulent.

So Mr Crossan, of Clevedon, North Somerset, has reported Cameron to the Action Fraud helpline - meaning it is now up to the police to decide if a crime has been committed.

He said: 'I am sure Cameron had no intention to do it, but I had to have a crime reference number if there was any chance of getting any credit card payments refunded.?

What this means for Officer Crossan?s son Cameron is that he could get brought in and questioned by his father?s colleagues about this. Apple has safeguards in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening, and its position is that it is up to the parents to make sure that their children?s App Store purchases are under control. The iTunes store requires authorization in order to make an in-app purchase, including a password. Officer Crossan?s credit card details were on the iPad because he purchased an album through it. His position is that because the games were free initially, that they did not expect to be charged.

So, should Officer Crossan get his refund? Or should he simply moniter his son?s purchasing habits better, and not leave his credit card details on his child?s device?

Source: The Daily Mail


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5 jailed in UK for inventing movie in tax scam

LONDON (AP) ? Five people have been jailed in Britain for pretending to make a Hollywood movie in a scam to defraud tax authorities of millions of pounds.

The fraudsters were convicted earlier this month of attempting to bilk the government of 2.8 million pounds ($4.2 million) in a plot reminiscent of the Academy Award-winning hit "Argo" ? but without that movie's heroic hostage rescue.

Prosecutors said the fraudsters claimed to be producing a made-in-Britain movie with unnamed A-list actors and a 19 million-pound budget. But officials say the project was a sham to claim back millions in taxes.

Bashar Al-Issa, described as the leader of the fraud, was jailed Monday for six and a half years. The others were sentenced to around four years each.


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Bow-legged robot can scamper across rugged terrain

Scientists have developed a tiny robot with six curved legs that enable it to sprint over unstable surfaces such as sand, gravel, and other unstable surfaces.

By Charles Q. Choi,?TechNewsDaily / March 21, 2013

The tiny robot uses curved legs to speed across loose materials like sand.

Chen Li, Tingnan Zhang, Daniel Goldman


A six-legged, hamster-sized robot that can easily scamper across sand, gravel and similarly unstable surfaces could lead to better rovers for exploring Mars and other alien worlds, researchers say.

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Such robots could also find use in search-and-rescue missions; for researchers, the robots could shed light on how animals such as sand lizards run and how kangaroo rats hop on grainy terrains, investigators added.

Scientists are increasingly designing robots that can go where humans can or should not venture. To create such machines, many inventors are taking inspiration from nature, analyzing how animals roam across landscapes. For instance, snake-like robots might slither into crevices to help find disaster victims.

Surfaces such as sand, gravel, soil and mud pose especially difficult challenges since these materials can flow around legs in ways that are often more complex than the movements of fluids like water. To learn how to best navigate grainy surfaces, researchers led by physicist Chen Li at the University of California at Berkeley experimented with a six-legged droid. It measures just 5 inches (13 centimeters) long and weighs about a third of a pound (150 grams), or about the length and weight of a pet hamster. Researchers used a 3D printer to create legs in a variety of shapes, then analyzed which ones helped the robot best scamper across poppy seeds, glass beads and natural sand. [See also: Robot Legs Mimic How Babies Walk]


The results of these experiments closely matched simulations the researchers developed to predict the robot's motions. In addition, these findings revealed laws governing the walking behavior, which could be generalized across many different grainy materials. The results helped refine the robot's leg shape and walking style, with researchers arriving at a design that optimized each of the droid's steps.

"I was floored by how well the models developed by Li and Tingnan Zhang were able to predict the performance of the legged robots across a range of granular materials," researcher Daniel Goldman, a physicist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta and supervisor of the project, told TechNewsDaily. (In a?video, the robot scampers along very quickly.)

In the end, the best legs were convex, made in the shape of the letter "C." Compared to other leg designs, this shape helped the robot sink less and move faster when traversing beds of grains. The researchers estimate this robot reached a maximum speed of about 1.6 mph (2.6 km/h) and took about five steps per second.

"As long as the legs are convex, the robot generates large lift and small body drag, and thus can run fast," Goldman said. "When the limb shape was changed to flat or concave, the performance dropped. This information is important for optimizing the energy efficiency and performance of legged robots."

Although the robot is still not quite as effective at walking across sand and gravel as a lizard or insect, this research might help improve the performance of roving and walking droids such as Mars rovers.

"We can start looking at why certain desert organisms have specific feet shapes or other adaptations that may also help them move," Goldman said.

Animal movement

Ultimately, this work could help create and advance a field the researchers call "terradynamics" that predicts how animals, robots and vehicles move on grainy and other complex surfaces, akin to how aerodynamics helps analyze motion through the air and hydrodynamics studies movement in water.

"Just as a good understanding of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics has allowed us to create devices with unprecedented mobility in air and water, this work can help us take the next step ? no pun intended ? toward greater mobility on more complex ground," Goldman told TechNewsDaily.

Future research can explore what leg and foot shapes and stride patterns work best on surfaces made of irregularly shaped grains, surfaces made of grains with various shapes and sloped surfaces such as sand dunes. Studies can also investigate the benefits of springy versus rigid limbs.

"We can also not just look at animals living now, but also ones from the past," Goldman said. "What kind of feet did the first animals that walked on land have? Presumably they were walking on soft materials, since they were near the water. Did they have limbs that helped them walk on those?"

Li, Zhang and Goldman detailed their findings in the upcoming March 22 issue of the journal Science.

Copyright 2013 TechNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, March 23, 2013

This Giant, Twisting Garden of a Tower Mimics Our Own DNA

A marriage of microbiology and vertical gardening, Taipei's currently-under-construction Agora Garden will be a twisting, blossoming double helix amplified to massive proportion. More »


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Oboz Footwear Appoints Marketing Manager - SportsOneSource ...

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Oboz Footwear Appoints Marketing Manager
SportsOneSource Media???? Posted: 3/22/2013

Oboz Footwear welcomes Kira Stoops to the team as its new marketing manager. Stoops is charged with oversight of all marketing functions, including a new ambassador program, developing promotional events with retailers, and ensuring that Oboz brand voice rings true and consistently across all marketing avenues.

Stoops comes to Oboz from her own one-woman showFlying Bicycle Creativewhere, since 2008, she has focused on copywriting, brand and content strategy, and creative concepts for clients in travel and tourism, eco-friendly products and outdoor recreation. During this time, she also was Art Director for Zone 4 Magazine, a journal dedicated to gardening and local foods in the Rocky Mountains.

Prior to Flying Bicycle Creative, Stoops was an in-house designer and copywriter at the creative agency MercuryCSC in Bozeman, which subsequently became one of her valued clients. She also has worked in journalism for both magazine and newspapers.

Stoops is an avid hiker and likes to hit Bozemans many trails on a daily basis. Last year, she took a two-month break to hike around New Zealands South Island in 2012. Stoops also served as a Senior Ski Patroller in Idaho.

"We are happy to welcome Kira to the world of Oboz, said John Connelly, President and co-founder of Oboz. Kira brings a fresh set of eyes to Oboz as well as broad and pragmatic experience that will help craft and communicate the Oboz story as we expand our marketing programs."

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Rovio Opens Angry Birds Space Encounter Exhibit After Announcing Global Theme Park Plans

entrance1Rovio is yet again breaking into new businesses with the introduction of the first Angry Birds interactive attraction, as the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is opening an Angry Birds Space Encounter Exhibit. The whole thing measures up to 4,500 square feet of pure Angry Birds wonder. Six stations are set up to let visitors interact with Angry Birds space-related activities and games. This is part of a slow build into Angry Birds-themed consumer attractions for Rovio, who has gone from a mobile game maker to merchandise phenom, with a newly released animated cartoon series being distributed through the games themselves.


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Reconnecting the Church: Networking - Field Project

The principle of ?Six Degrees of Separation? helps us to see how reachable the community in which we minister can be. It works equally well with family, colleagues and friends.


Ask to interview three married couples in your church who have family in the community. Work with them in designing a map of their respective family networks (those who live in your city or town). Also, map any other networks (friends and colleagues) that illustrate additional primary or secondary relationships in their lives. This process can be repeated over and over again with other people.

a.????? Include both the husband and wife in your study.

b.????? Before the interview, draw up a chart and include for both husband and wife:

?????????????????????? i.???????? Each of their parents, if alive,

??????????????????? ii.???????? Each of their children,

????????????????? iii.???????? Each of their children?s friends and their parents

????????????????? iv.???????? Each or their siblings, their children and in-laws,

???????????????????? v.???????? Each of the work colleagues with whom they are comfortable conversing,

????????????????? vi.???????? Each of their friends and neighbors with whom they have cordial contact
This exercise can also be used to help single congregants to discover how much potential influence they have through their friendships, their relationships at work, and their neighbors.


Based on your findings, what might be the potential for outreach in your congregation? You might do this networking exercise with all the adults in your church. More importantly, do some brainstorming about what you might do to reach these people with the gospel. For example:

  • Have parties in the homes of the respective members and have them invite their networks and their friends at church. This idea is not intended as an evangelistic, but as an introduction to relationships with church friends.
  • Plan events in neutral venues, like banquets, and invite to them.
  • Have an open house for the community.
  • Plan a picnic in the park where all the people in the networks of your church are invited.
  • Plan interest groups to which people from the networks can be invited.
  • Put a softball team, soccer team, or a basketball team together and enter a league. Invite those in the collective networks who play that particular sport to participate.


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Parents, union to fight Chicago school closings

CHICAGO (AP) ? Chicago Public Schools officials ended months of speculation when they released the list of 54 schools the city plans to close, but the pushback against Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his schools chief is likely just starting to ramp up.

As word of the schools on the long-awaited closings list trickled out Thursday, parents, teachers and community members ? some furious, some in tears ? vowed to fight the closings. One group took a bus of people to protest in front of the homes of school board members, and some parents spoke of a lawsuit. The Chicago Teachers Union already had scheduled a mass protest march through downtown for next week.

"We are the City of Big Shoulders and so we intend to put up a fight," union President Karen Lewis said. "We don't know if we can win, but if you don't fight, you will never win at all."

Emanuel and schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett say the closures are necessary because too many Chicago Public School buildings are half-empty, with 403,000 students in a system that has seats for more than 500,000. But opponents say the closures will further erode troubled neighborhoods and endanger students who may have to cross gang boundaries to attend school. The schools slated for closure are all elementary schools and are overwhelmingly black and in low-income neighborhoods.

About 30,000 students will be affected by the plan, with about half that number moving into new schools.

CPS officials say money being spent to keep underused schools open could be better used to educate students elsewhere as the district deals with a $1 billion budget deficit. The district says it will invest money to improve schools that are welcoming new students. The funds will be used to add better technology, air conditioning, tutoring services, increased security and other services. CPS says it also will ensure every school has a library and that students no longer are learning in dilapidated buildings.

"We know this is going to be difficult, but we believe it's the right thing to do," said CPS spokeswoman Becky Carroll. "I'm sure any parent would stand up and say they want a better education for their child. And in order for that to happen, we have to do this and move on."

Carroll said public hearings will be scheduled over the next two months, and CPS officials will meet one-on-one and in small groups with parents to make sure they understand what's happening.

Chicago officials have moved to close schools in the past, but never anywhere near the number designated at one time by the Emanuel administration. Former Mayor Richard M. Daley's administration spread school closings over a number of years. CPS, the nation's third-largest school district, now has 681 schools.

Chicago is among several major U.S. cities, including Philadelphia, Washington and Detroit, to use mass school closures to reduce costs and offset declining enrollment. Detroit has closed more than 130 schools since 2005, including more than 40 in 2010 alone.

The issue has again pitted Emanuel against the Chicago Teachers Union, whose 26,000 members went on strike early in the school year, idling students for seven days. Chicago aldermen and other lawmakers also have blasted the plan.

Among the critics is Eular Hatchett, who lives in the violence-plagued neighborhood of North Lawndale and walks her 13-year-old nephew DaVontay Horace to school.

"Our parents know about this area," she said. "They don't know about those other areas. If they send him way north or way south, I'm not going to do that. It's too dangerous."

Because some schools have more than one building, a total of 61 structures will be closed. In addition to the closures, students at 11 other schools will be "co-located" with existing schools. Six schools have been targeted for academic interventions known as "turnaround."

The vast majority of the 54 schools are in overwhelmingly black neighborhoods that have lost residents in recent years. The city's black population dropped 17 percent in the last census as African-Americans moved out to the suburbs and elsewhere. The other few schools are majority Hispanic or mixed black and Hispanic. Overall, 91 percent of Chicago public school students are minorities.

CPS says the plan will save the district $560 million over 10 years in capital costs and an additional $43 million per year in operating costs.

District officials said they couldn't calculate how many teachers will be laid off as a result of the cuts because school leaders will make decisions about their own budgets.

Rosemary Maurello, a teacher at Lafayette Elementary, said she's worried about where her students will end up after that school closes. As a tenured teacher, the contract allows her to follow her students to their new school, but she wonders whether some of them will opt to go to other schools instead.

The district has plans for community organizations to help students get to their new locations safely, but Maurello wonders how long that will last.

"I truly believe that it's going to be chaos," she said.


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Friday, March 22, 2013

Is SmackDown?s unlikely team traveling The Road to WrestleMania?

This Friday night on SmackDown, Randy Orton and Sheamus are placed together with a dominant tag team partner, but is their massive alliance just for one night only, or perhaps the final piece of their WrestleMania puzzle?

The trio of The Viper, The Celtic Warrior and, yes, Big Show come together on Syfy to combat a rival Superstar threesome ? maybe not the one you?d think.

But could this shaky partnership between three of the biggest hotheads in WWE possibly work? Moreover, will this be a SmackDown-only alliance? Or could it lead to a much larger WrestleMania partnership against The Shield?

Last Friday on the blue brand, after The Shield challenged Orton and Sheamus to a Six-Man Tag Team Match at The Showcase of the Immortals ? informing them that they could pick anyone they wanted to be their partner ? The Viper and The Celtic Warrior flat out rejected Big Show?s offer to team up in favor of Ryback.

When Ryback would be taken out of that match on Raw to compete against Mark Henry on The Grandest Stage of Them All, however, a giant hole remained behind. Later that night, Big Show emerged to help Sheamus and Orton, but the matter appeared to be far from settled ? thanks to a tremendous lack of trust ingrained between the two would-be partners. (WATCH AS BIG SHOW EVENS THE ODDS)

Tune in Friday night at 8/7 CT to find out if Sheamus and Orton have finally perfected the formula necessary to take down The Shield at WrestleMania in less than three weeks.

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Net Entertainment launches Muse: Wild ... - Innovate Gaming

  • Online | 21st March, 2013 | Ta?Xbiex, MT | Muse: Wild Inspiration? ? Demo
  • Net EntertainmentNet Entertainment, leading provider of high-quality online casino games, announces the launch of its latest video slot, Muse: Wild Inspiration?.

    Inspired by Ancient Greece, this new offering sees three muses lead players from a seaside village in the main game all the way up to the giant Mount Olympus in Free Spins. The three goddess characters represent art, music and literature and each has its own Wild feature.

    Muse: Wild Inspiration?It is a 5-reel, 3-row game with 25 fixed bet lines, which features one Wild Inspiration symbol that includes three different Wild features; an Expanding Wild, Sticky Wild and x2 Wild. Players are able to experience rich and colourful animations with Wilds to boost excitement on the reels that are substituted for the highest win combination possible on a select bet line.

    Simon Hammon, Net Entertainment Chief Product Officer, said, ?Muse: Wild Inspiration is a really fresh offering from Net Entertainment and a fine example of how we are really driving the online casino market forward. There are a number of innovative features and we?re sure our players will love being transported back to Ancient Greece.?

    NetEnt Muse: Wild Inspiration?:

    About Net Entertainment
    Founded in 1996 by one of Scandinavia?s leading off-line casino operators, Net Entertainment was one of the pioneers in online gaming.

    The company does not have any casino operation of its own, nor any interests in such operations. This means that there are no conflicts of interest between Net Entertainment and its customers. Net Entertainment is a publicly traded company listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap.

    More Information
    Twitter: @NetEntOfficial


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    Thursday, March 21, 2013

    Stocks rise as Federal Reserve stands by stimulus

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? After two days of worrying about Europe, the stock market got a boost from the Federal Reserve Wednesday.

    The Fed said the U.S. economy has strengthened but still needs support from the central bank.

    The Dow Jones industrial average touched an all-time high after the Fed said it plans to continue buying bonds and keep interest rates low, at least until unemployment eases. The blue-chip index eased off its peak but still ended 55 points higher for the day.

    Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke also said that the financial crisis in the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus posed no major risk to the U.S.

    The Dow was up 44 points shortly before the Fed announcement at 2 p.m. It rose as much as 91 points shortly after the Fed released its policy statement, touching an all-time high of 14,546 at 2:25 p.m.

    "We are seeing improvement," Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said at a news conference. "One thing we would need is to see this is not temporary improvement."

    The Fed plans to keep buying $85 billion in bonds a month indefinitely to keep long-term borrowing costs down and spur investment. It also said it would keep short-term interest rates low, at least until unemployment falls to 6.5 percent.

    Unemployment fell last month to 7.7 percent, the lowest in four years. The Fed doesn't expect the rate to reach its target until 2015.

    Investor attention returned to Europe earlier this week after several months' respite.

    The reason is Cyprus. The nation is negotiating with international lenders, seeking support for its ailing financial system. Without a bailout deal, Cyprus' banks could collapse, devastating the country's economy and potentially forcing it to exit the euro currency group. That could roil global financial markets.

    Stocks fell Monday on concerns about Cyprus. Stock markets were little changed Tuesday.

    On Wednesday, the Dow closed up 55.91 points, or 0.4 percent, to 14,511.73. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 10.37 points, or 0.7 percent, to 1,558.71. The Nasdaq composite index rose 25.09, or 0.8 percent, to 3,254.19.

    The Dow is up 10.7 percent for the year. From March 1 through March 14, the index had a 10-day winning streak ? its longest since 1996. The streak boosted the Dow by 484 points, to 14,539.

    The S&P 500, meanwhile, is just six points below its all-time high of 1,565, reached in October 2007. It is up 9.3 percent so far this year.

    Nine of the 10 industries in the S&P index rose Wednesday, led by consumer discretionary and consumer staple companies.

    General Mills rose $1.19, or 2.6 percent, to $47.61 after its fiscal third-quarter profit rose 2 percent. The food company, whose brands include Cheerios and Betty Crocker, is benefiting from recent acquisitions.

    Williams-Sonoma's stock soared after the home goods retailer said its fourth-quarter net income jumped 9 percent and beat expectations. The stock was up $4.64, or 10.3 percent, to $49.85.


    Daniel Wagner can be reached at .


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    Wednesday, March 20, 2013

    5 Common Real Estate Marketing Mistakes | Realty Rankings

    In the real estate game, word of mouth and local marketing efforts are your bread and butter. But that doesn?t mean they?re your only option when it comes to making yourself known to prospective homebuyers or sellers seeking representation. And if you?re not aware of all of your options you can?t hope to make the best choice. Even if you know what?s out there in terms of modern marketing platforms you might still make some mistakes when it comes to using them to your best advantage. So here are just a few common blunders you should definitely try to avoid.

    1. Failure to see potential in new technology. While there are still plenty of real estate agents and agencies that advertise in print, radio, television, and on bus benches, you are no doubt aware that there are other options these days thanks to the online and mobile arenas. And failing to see the advertising potential in these new mediums can only hurt your business (and likely help your competitors). Whether you?re using an online MLS or downloading apps like Open Home Pro for your iPad, you?ll find that the benefits offered by new technology can make your job easier and help you to reach a wider demographic via your marketing efforts.
    2. Foregoing social networking. There are few marketing tools more powerful than social networking in this day and age. So failing to create a profile on Facebook, for example, could exclude you from reaching over a billion users. And platforms like Google+, Twitter, Foursquare, and Pinterest (just to name a few) are gaining popularity every day. Of course, posting a profile isn?t enough. You also have to interact and monitor these accounts, as well as come up with creative ways to gain followers and keep them interested. But there are marketing firms out there designed to help you with these issues so that you don?t have to spend all your time posting to Facebook and Twitter.
    3. Using text instead of video. If you have a business website (and you should), consider that the internet is primarily a visual medium, and that users tend to be of the short-attention-span variety. For these reasons it is important to catch their attention immediately, and text or even stationary graphics may not do the trick. Instead, try posting a promotional video on your home page. Many realtors have started to create fun and entertaining clips in the style of movie trailers or music videos as an engaging way to deliver their marketing bullet points. You can even create a YouTube page to help your videos go viral.
    4. Missing your target. Just because the internet has granted you the ability to market far beyond your local geographic area for little or no cost doesn?t mean you should. What good does it do you to waste your efforts on saturating markets where consumers can?t obtain your services? You might reason that it will give you a leg up on the competition should people move to your area, but the truth is that most people won?t be looking for an RE agent until they visit your area anyway. So you?re better off spending your time and money on marketing efforts that target consumers who are the most likely to want your services.
    5. Ignoring analytics. If ERH power inc (or your local energy provider) suddenly started sending you higher monthly bills, you wouldn?t just ignore them; you?d call to find out what was going on. So when it comes to determining why your traffic and sales are up or down, why wouldn?t you look to analytics in order to pinpoint exactly which marketing efforts are paying off, or alternately, falling flat? There are more tools than ever before to help real estate agents track their marketing campaigns. Ignore them at the peril of your business.

    Tags: analytics, marketing mistakes, new technology, Social Networking, video tour


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    Bill to avert government shutdown inches to Senate passage

    By Richard Cowan

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Monday inched closer to passage of a bill to fund federal agencies through September 30 and avoid a government shutdown at the end of this month when existing money runs out.

    Racing against a March 27 deadline, senators voted 63-35 to limit debate on the legislation so that it can be approved and sent to the House of Representatives for final approval this week.

    A Senate vote on passage could come as early as Tuesday.

    Just before the procedural vote, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, frustrated by the slow pace, urged his colleagues to let the legislation move ahead.

    "There is a big spotlight on the United States Senate to see if we can do something," Reid said, adding, "I'm asking senators here to give up a few things for the greater good." He was referring to the 125 or so time-consuming amendments that senators had circulated, which were slowing passage of the legislation.

    Notably, the bill retains $85 billion in controversial spending cuts that began on March 1. This is the first big installment on a 10-year, $1.2 trillion deficit-reduction plan that has virtually every U.S. agency worried, from the Defense Department to the Education Department and NASA.

    As originally passed by the House, this short-term spending bill would give the Pentagon some flexibility in how it carries out its half of the $85 billion in spending cuts.

    Senate Democrats are trying to expand that flexibility to some non-defense government agencies.

    With the Senate and House scheduled to begin a two-week spring break on Friday, the March 27 deadline effectively was moved up to the end of this week.

    The $85 billion in spending cuts were supposed to be applied evenly throughout the government and were intended to be so universally painful to Republicans and Democrats that they would find an alternative.

    That has not yet happened and so lawmakers were resigned to the $85 billion in cuts staying in place, but at the same time were using the short-term funding bill to try to protect programs particularly important to their home states.


    Even fiscal conservatives who have made deep government spending cuts their top priority, had been looking for ways to negate some of the spending cuts.

    For example, Republican Senator Pat Toomey tried to shield from layoffs hundreds of civilian contractors working at a huge Defense Department maintenance facility in his home state of Pennsylvania.

    Meanwhile, Senator John Boozman joined up with Senator Mark Pryor, both of Arkansas, and other senators to stop the Federal Aviation Administration from closing air traffic control towers in rural states. Four such towers in Arkansas could be shuttered by the spending cuts known as "sequestration."

    Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, home to a large poultry industry, was part of an effort to stop the spending cuts from furloughing government food inspectors who are needed to keep slaughterhouses and other food facilities operating.

    It was not clear which, if any, of these amendments ultimately could be incorporated into the bill.

    As Congress attempted to work cooperatively to pass the short-term spending bill and avert a government shutdown, there was no such bipartisanship on U.S. budget priorities for fiscal 2014, starting on October 1, and beyond.

    Republicans were stressing the need to balance the U.S. budget in 10 years, while Democrats were calling for less ambitious deficit-reduction and more emphasis on creating jobs in a slow-growing economy.

    The Republican-controlled House this week was set to pass a budget aimed at erasing deficits by 2023 through deep cuts to social programs such as Medicaid healthcare for the poor. The fiscal blueprint, crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, also would restructure Medicare healthcare for the elderly and disabled.

    A large group of conservative Republicans on Monday unveiled their budget vision: growth in defense spending at the same pace as the Ryan budget, but deeper cuts to other domestic programs by freezing them at levels spent in 2008 for the next four years.

    This alternative is not expected to pass the House. Neither is a House Democratic alternative, which aims to cancel the $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts and replace them with more targeted savings, while also spending $200 billion for job creation.

    Also this week, the Democratic-controlled Senate is expected to debate and pass its fiscal 2014 budget blueprint, claiming $1.85 trillion in deficit-reduction over a decade through an equal mix of spending cuts and tax increases.

    A compromise budget plan, if one is possible this year, might be a few months away as President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress could joust through July over spending cuts and tax increases. By late July or early August, Congress must confront the need to raise U.S. borrowing authority or risk a first-ever government default. The budget talks are likely to become intertwined with the debt limit debate.


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