Wednesday, March 20, 2013

5 Common Real Estate Marketing Mistakes | Realty Rankings

In the real estate game, word of mouth and local marketing efforts are your bread and butter. But that doesn?t mean they?re your only option when it comes to making yourself known to prospective homebuyers or sellers seeking representation. And if you?re not aware of all of your options you can?t hope to make the best choice. Even if you know what?s out there in terms of modern marketing platforms you might still make some mistakes when it comes to using them to your best advantage. So here are just a few common blunders you should definitely try to avoid.

  1. Failure to see potential in new technology. While there are still plenty of real estate agents and agencies that advertise in print, radio, television, and on bus benches, you are no doubt aware that there are other options these days thanks to the online and mobile arenas. And failing to see the advertising potential in these new mediums can only hurt your business (and likely help your competitors). Whether you?re using an online MLS or downloading apps like Open Home Pro for your iPad, you?ll find that the benefits offered by new technology can make your job easier and help you to reach a wider demographic via your marketing efforts.
  2. Foregoing social networking. There are few marketing tools more powerful than social networking in this day and age. So failing to create a profile on Facebook, for example, could exclude you from reaching over a billion users. And platforms like Google+, Twitter, Foursquare, and Pinterest (just to name a few) are gaining popularity every day. Of course, posting a profile isn?t enough. You also have to interact and monitor these accounts, as well as come up with creative ways to gain followers and keep them interested. But there are marketing firms out there designed to help you with these issues so that you don?t have to spend all your time posting to Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Using text instead of video. If you have a business website (and you should), consider that the internet is primarily a visual medium, and that users tend to be of the short-attention-span variety. For these reasons it is important to catch their attention immediately, and text or even stationary graphics may not do the trick. Instead, try posting a promotional video on your home page. Many realtors have started to create fun and entertaining clips in the style of movie trailers or music videos as an engaging way to deliver their marketing bullet points. You can even create a YouTube page to help your videos go viral.
  4. Missing your target. Just because the internet has granted you the ability to market far beyond your local geographic area for little or no cost doesn?t mean you should. What good does it do you to waste your efforts on saturating markets where consumers can?t obtain your services? You might reason that it will give you a leg up on the competition should people move to your area, but the truth is that most people won?t be looking for an RE agent until they visit your area anyway. So you?re better off spending your time and money on marketing efforts that target consumers who are the most likely to want your services.
  5. Ignoring analytics. If ERH power inc (or your local energy provider) suddenly started sending you higher monthly bills, you wouldn?t just ignore them; you?d call to find out what was going on. So when it comes to determining why your traffic and sales are up or down, why wouldn?t you look to analytics in order to pinpoint exactly which marketing efforts are paying off, or alternately, falling flat? There are more tools than ever before to help real estate agents track their marketing campaigns. Ignore them at the peril of your business.

Tags: analytics, marketing mistakes, new technology, Social Networking, video tour


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