Friday, December 14, 2012

Credit Damage Expert: Georg Finder brings his craft to the Chicago ...

Did you know that your credit score and reputation is an asset? When another person, entity, or occurrence causes damage to your credit reputation, you can receive monetary compensation for your loss. Divorce, personal injury, foreclosure, and several other legal practice areas involve parties who lose the value of their credit reputation.

Our credit scores are assets and we use those assets to make purchases, refinance homes, borrow money for business ventures, and pay for our family expenses. How dare another wrongfully damage our credit reputation and diminish its value as an asset!

Georg Finder is well known in California and nationwide. He is ABA published and is widely recognized. The Chicago area better get ready to evaluate credit scores and damage claims!

Georg Finder[i] is one of a handful of experts who can help injured parties who lost their freedom to borrow and leverage their credit reputation due to the wrongs of others. Make them pay.

I first met Georg Finder[ii] in 2006 when I considered suing a private student loan provider for wrongful conduct. I had no idea that the damage to my credit score due to the student loan company?s malfeasance was actionable and compensable! Six years later, I am more interested in helping attorneys and their clients fight back against the nameless and faceless companies who prey on consumers and threaten damage to our credit reputation and scores.

What should floor you: no overseeing state or federal body (to the best of my knowledge and research) governs Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax!

Here is a Hypo: Husband and Wife divorce. Husband is ordered by the court to pay the credit card (the one with the large balance) in both husband and wife?s names. Husband elects not to pay the credit card balance to spite wife because both of their credit scores are tied to the account. Wife then suffers damage to her credit score because (ex) husband wants to punish her.

Do you think the credit agencies care about the court order that husband was ordered to pay? No.

Georg Finder can help.[iii] He is one of the few experts in the U.S. who has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to prepare a report that a court can use to attribute a value to the damage to your credit reputation. If I were an attorney, I would not want to be on the other side of the table from the lawyer whose client hired credit damage expert, Georg Finder, to help compensate them for the damage to their credit reputation.

Georg Finder is a credit damage expert with a broad range of credit related expertise that include analyzing, measuring, and identifying compensable credit damage for individuals, attorneys, and in the courtroom for the last 15 years. For more information, visit:



[i] Press releases regarding Georg Finder and credit damage

[ii] Article regarding Georg Finder?s track record in helping attorneys and their clients win in court

[iii] Qualify for assistance by taking the Credit Damage Score Test


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