Thursday, December 13, 2012

?In the Studio,? Tintri?s Kieran Harty Brings Virtualized Storage To The Enterprise

Screen Shot 2012-12-11 at 12.08.29 AM 1"In the Studio" approaches the end of 2012 by welcoming the type of entrepreneur that doesn't end up in the tech blogs very often, if ever, as they're generally working on technologies that most of us would never fully understand and, given the stakes, spend the first few years of initial development in stealth mode for fear of being scooped by the competition. Kieran Harty, CEO and co-founder of Tintri, is one of the most quiet, unassuming folks I've met in my short time in the Valley. Someone reached out to me about Harty's background, and while I'm usually uninterested in getting pitched to be on this show, I found his story, his company, and his technology to be fascinating. Harty left Ireland for Stanford, studied under legendary professor and Google angel investor David Cheriton, earned a PhD in distributed systems, started out at TIBCO, then took a job as VP of Engineering at an early-stage company that happened to be VMware, helped build the team from 25 people, and left after many years, finally ready to embark on his own and participate in the culture of the Valley he had sought after many years ago.


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