Saturday, February 9, 2013

Buying a Domain Name Can Be a Bit Tricky | Softize

It was a time when domain registration was the most difficult thing. Nowadays, it is as easy as to create your email address. You have to search for a credible domain hosting service, read their terms and conditions, go through their plans and if you are ok with their terms then sign up for the account. Definitely, this entire procedure has become very easy as compared to the past but still it includes so many complex procedures you have to go through before you could finally buy a domain name. Getting domain name indicates that you are in some kind of business and now trying to reach the global business market.

how-to-choose-a-domain-nameThe demand of internet domain has been increased much because of the rapid growth of online advertising, sales and marketing. This is the basic reason, many people want to know how to buy domain name. When you purchase it, actually you purchase an IP address. In other words, your new name will be assigned an IP address. This is of combination digits, which look like this: This is a logical combination of numbers and digits. So you actually have rights to use this IP address to broadcast your website. Your name is an alternate to this IP address. Remember that an IP address is a unique address and one IP address can be assigned only for a single website.

You can follow the given simple steps to buy domain name.

Prepare the Website Design
First of all, you should prepare the design of your website. The design of your website will depend on the nature of your business. Get ready the contents, you are supposed to post on your website.

Think of an Exclusive Name
You must have planned to have some unique name for your website already. You are suggested to have multiple options for the web domain name because you must expect some other company having the same name already. It will save your time if you have multiple options. Try to come up with a name which should neither be too general and nor be too difficult to remember.

Search for the Right Domain Hosting Service
Now go to Google and conduct a detailed search for the right domain hosting service. GoDaddy, and Yahoo are the most famous options but you have several other options available online such as iPage,, fastcow, bluehost, inmotion, greengeeks and so on. If you want to get the other services apart from the name then you may have to bear some extra expense. The additional services will include the storage space, bandwidth, pricing, etc.

Signup for the Domain Name
Once you have decided from which domain hosting service you are going to buy the name, you should go ahead and register for it. You need to remember one thing ? buying a domain name (in Danish the term is dom?ne) does not include buying the storage space. You can buy the storage space from same or different service provider as well.



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