Friday, May 18, 2012

Family Home and Life: Is It Nap Time Yet?

Lunch is just over and I am watching the clock. Minutes seem to be taking hours. I am very anxious for 1pm to arrive; nap time! Usually I?m pretty good at getting several children to sleep at the same time. Today I have two 3 yr olds and two?1 yr olds. I?ll walk you through how I accomplish the amazing, yes I did mean amazing, task of getting all four of these kids to sleep in the same room at the same time. First, at the appropriate time, I mumble something about using the bathroom and head to my bedroom. There I quickly put together two pac n plays, one on each side of the room. Then sneakily I assemble blankie?s, binky's, loveys, favorite toys and any other necessary items needed for today?s modern child to fall asleep. Said items are placed in?the assigned sleeping spot of each child. Then, back with the kids I check each baby?s diaper and change if needed. Notice I have not said one thing about announcing that it is nap time yet. The element of surprise is in play for this maneuver to work. I ask three year olds if they would like a drink, handing said drink to each. They drink. I ask if a bathroom break would be desired, if the answer is no, I take them by the hands and walk to the bathroom anyway just in case. Once back in the kitchen I look around to see if I am being watched. I think I have maintained the secrecy of my?mission. I must move forward carefully. I once again use all my powers of sneakiness and warm two bottles of milk keeping them out of sight. Once warmed they are placed in each of the pac n plays. Now I am ready for the attack; I scoop up a baby in each arm and announce "it's nap time!" sounding way too happy so it comes out like a sing song.?I take the babies and deposit them into the pack n plays. I return in mere seconds with the three yr olds, one by each hand, and help them up onto the bed. I lay down on one side. I tell them they must be very quiet and very still; don?t move a muscle. Any noise or movement could?disturb the babies who are busy drinking their bottles and watching us with big eyes.

There is a cartoon playing on the TV with the sound off to draw their attention. I have also turned on my secret weapon against outside noises, a white noise machine. I lie still encouraging the kids to do the same. Once they are beginning to relax I turn off the TV. Now and then I need to touch one of them to remind them to be quiet and still too. It may seem that I have accomplished my goal, but not so. Right now is a very crucial time; one wrong move and I will be right back at the beginning with crying babies to boot. I must with all diligence summon the speck of energy I have left and?.. not fall asleep. One snore and all could be lost??

I have done it again! I leave the room on tip toes and make my way to my recliner. Ahhh sweet victory is mine, and the peace and quiet that goes with it. I lean back and close my eyes??yup, you can call me Super Granny!

Copyright? Family Home and Life 2012 All Rights Reserved

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