Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Off-duty cop surrenders after firing at SWAT team

By Danielle Johnson and Cydney Long, NBCPhiladelphia.com

An armed off-duty police officer who fired shots at officers and a SWAT team after barricading himself inside his estranged wife's home in?Pennsylvania?surrendered to police late Sunday, according to a report by NBCPhiladelphia.com.

Richard Klementovich, 42, a?Clifton Township, N.J., officer, gave himself up shortly before midnight at the house in Bittersweet Drive,?Doylestown Township.

Police said the suspect was holed up in the house for nearly ten hours.

Klementovich was the only person inside the home during the standoff, authorities said.

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Police were called to the residence around 1:44 p.m. Sunday to break up an alleged dispute between neighbors.

It escalated into a standoff and a SWAT team moved armored tanks into the backyard.

Investigators said the off-duty cop began shooting from the windows at police officers.

?It was just like?pow, pow, pow?it was like a rifle. I must have heard 50 shots,? said Dawn Keely, who is a neighbor.

One officer was injured by metal shrapnel. The shots struck two patrol cars and an armored car.

Officers warned other residents to lock themselves in the basement or leave immediately. About a dozen residents were displaced.

Klementovich and his estranged wife are involved in a bitter divorce, according to friends.

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