Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reshuffling and a pay raise in Mayor Sam Adams' office: Portland City Hall roundup

Mayor Sam Adams' last year in office brings another round of changes among his staff.

Following the sudden death in November of Rob Ingram, director of Portland's Office of Youth Violence Prevention, Adams appointed Antoinette Edwards to replace Ingram.

Edwards had been the mayor's liaison to the Police Bureau as director of public safety, earning $75,000 -- or about the same salary as Ingram, who made $77,000.

Adams named 26-year-old Clay Neal, an executive assistant in the mayor's office, to replace Edwards, bumping up his salary from $50,000 to $65,000. "[A]s a member of my management team for the past year, he has worked on public safety issues related to Occupy Portland and the recent changes to our system of accountability for the police bureau," Adams wrote in a press release announcing the change. "Clay brings an unparalleled work ethic and creative problem solving skills to this role, where he will serve as my liaison to the Portland Police Bureau and lead the city's efforts related to public safety and peacekeeping."

Also in December, one of three employees in the mayor's office working on education issues announced his departure. Todd Diskin, youth strategies coordinator, took a job with SUN Community Schools. Reese Lord, a second education staffer, left the mayor's office last week for a job with Work Systems Inc.



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-- Beth Slovic


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