Sunday, January 15, 2012

Video: Jobs focus of South Carolina campaigns

>>> to go before the south carolina pry mairks mitt yomny is firing back against attacks from his gop rivals, accused of being a corporate raider who cost people their jobs. peter alexander is in south carolina . good morning.

>> reporter: good morning to you from the city of charleston. there's going be a forum for a lot of people to make up their minds in the state of south carolina . mike huckabee , the former candidate in this state is going to be hosting this event. they're going to try to whoo christians here o who represent nearly 60% of the state's voters. campaigning across south carolina friday, mitt romney tried to present himself as a sympathetic conservatives.

>> i want to get jobs for america. and by the way, i'm concerned about our poor in this country.

>> reporter: at the same time romney launched a new ad responding to his opponents' accusations that he callously killed jobs while running the private equity firm bain capital .

>> this is the business mitt romney helped start and this one and this one.

>> reporter: he's accused of mischaracterizing the claim.

>> he claims. "the washington post " two days ago reported in their fact check column that he gets three pinocchios. now, pinocchios, when you get to the post if you're not telling the truth.

>> reporter: but that same fact check analysis by "the washington post " found gingrich's own supporters guilty too. rewarding them four pinocchios for their facts.

>> i'm calling on them to either edit out every single mistake or to pull the entire one.

>> reporter: he wrote, romney and his partners made hundreds of millions of dollars while taking companies to bankruptcy. romney 's supporters are also targeting rick santorum whose message could target the evangelical christians .

>> voting for the bridge to no wrr, a teapot museum, even an indoor rain forest .

>> reporter: and rick perry friday took his struggling campaign to target practice , but he was off the mark again during an interview, concerning which three agencies he vows to shut down. mitt romney very nearly missed his campaign last night in hilton head . he was stuck in paralyzing traffic so bad he needed a police escort. he called in with an event filled with veterans. that was met by a groan when he said he was running late and ultimately cheers when he arrived.

>> peter alexander , in charleston, south


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