Thursday, January 26, 2012

Video: Bodies of more cruise wreck victims ID?d

>> authorities have now identified the bodies of three german passengers recovered from the ill-fated cruise ship off the coast of italy. this as the children of a missing american couple release a new statement online. nbc's michelle kosinski has the latest on the story. michelle, good morning.

>> good morning, ann, searchers are now saying they may not be able to recover everyone trapped inside. and they may be underneath. and all the debris in there has been slowing them down. but the investigation continues with more allegations coming out. and just think, this island with a winter population of around 300 people, will now forever be linked to what they're calling this modern "titanic." he's been vilified by his country, essentially abandoned by his company. but the veteran captain, shettino said his higher-ups had pressured him to buzz the island. we need to be visible, do some publicity. so let's wave at the island. i said, okay. costo cruises insists that his course so close to the rocks was unauthorized. prosecutors say he could have been going too fast. his response, there isn't a speed limit . as for accusations he abandoned the ship, shettino claimed it was an accident while he was helping lower a lifeboat. it isn't as if i had boarded it he said, look, i fell on its roof. a newspaper reports prosecutors are also looking into whether wealthy russians may have tried to pay crew for first access to lifeboats that night. reminiscent of some ungentlemenly behavior by gentlemen aboard the "titanic."

>> your money can't save you.

>> some rescuers said they were surprised by the first people they saw arrive were crew. this person now feeding searchers was one of the first to help survivors. i didn't see any children in the first few boats. the ones i saw were well-dressed. evening wear, high heels , ball gowns. there was a chef in uniform.

>> for divers, the focus is still to navigate the mess inside the ship. family of missing americans, barbara and jerry heil, write on their website, patience.

>> i speak for the united states , we're very grateful for the, all the effort that's being made to try to recover or find our lost ones.

>> difficult here to make sense of it all, nino tarravella made a painting for his church. not the waterfront view anyone could get used to. there is now a transcript of a phone conversation reportedly that shettino had after his arrest in which he allegedly said he left the ship willingly when it started tilting and today, costa cruises is talking to a consumer group about how exactly to compensate all of the people on board. ann?

>> the story to be continued, michelle kosinski , thank you.


mario manningham mario manningham holes courageous courageous red tide red tide

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