Sunday, February 5, 2012


tubThe Artist parades its conceit at every turn of its familiar romance. We're doing this no sound thing for you because it's good for you. Things will work out fine. The dog needs no dialogue. The music tells you what to feel. It's already half over, and besides, it's already better than the last five movies you've seen. Google Search + parades its conceit at every turn. It's free, so we can improve it any way we want. We're already reading everything you write in Gmail, so now we're blurring the metadata into one big data pool so we can better read your mind and sell the results back to marketers. It's OK because Facebook already does this. We'd add all the other networks if they would just let us have their data too. And besides, we're doing this.


bonjovi bonjovi kim jong un antonio brown lil kim martial law mike wallace

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