Saturday, February 11, 2012

Retail Business Vs Premium Beautiful Business

In our current economic depression-extremely sad to say-many individuals previously or currently employed in a professional position in corporate are looking to become self employed.

Their main reason is that they want the ability to:

1)Make their own decision

2)To have more quality time

3)To have financial freedom

Some individuals who have the capital to invest decides to purchase a franchise or start up their own business , hoping to achieve something out of it but without realizing they go into major debt. After purchasing the franchise, they have this tremendous debt hanging over them and then they have the additional headaches of hiring employees, dealing with government agencies such as the department of revenue and the department of labor just to name a few.

The biggest example that I may lay here is me myself.

My blog followers would already know by now that I am an owner of an independant brand name, GIRLIES BARN,a small retail business with outlets around klang valley.

During my initial setup days,I had to work 60 hours a week for the first few months or shall I say a year of setup and can rarely go on vacation because the business rises and falls on my ability to be present.

I missed many things along the way.

Sacrificed gatherings, weddings, festival celebrations as I can generally only go away once the business is stable and with dependable employees who will take care of the business while I am gone.Everybody went back to their hometowns during Eid celebration, but I had to stay back in town to monitor the outlets which were opened. It was sad having to celebrate Eid in such a way, a celebration which only comes once a year, but then again like I've mentioned before, having to start or own your own business requires full dedication and plenty of sacrifices.

Regardless of the products offered, being in retail,to succeed is not as easy as it seems. Yes, we get excited and happy walking in a nice shop and getting to know the successful owner ,But has it ever come across your mind what did the owner had to go through at the early stage of the business itself?

Nothing comes easy.

There are many sacrifices needs to be done,risk and challenges to be faced and overcome.

Anyways, the reason for the post for today is for me to share with everybody my
7 years of experience owning a retail business
versus my 4 months Premium Beautiful Business.

Pros and Cons owning a retail business :


1.Having the satisfaction of having your own brand name or your own business
2.Selling merchandise you love and have an interest in
3.Creating a pleasant atmosphere and receiving compliments about your shop

4.Unbelievable festivals and holiday sales figures


1.Huge overhead- shop rental, wages, utility bills, license, lawyer's fees, constructions fees.

2.Having to deal with low season sales figures

3.Large cash investment at start up

4.Long working hours during initial business set up

5.Having to do it all (marketing, buying, bookkeeping) yourself

6.Too little profit on the merchandise you love to sell

7.Finding damaged and missing merchandize 8.Firing and disciplining lazy or rude employees

Pros and Cons owning Premium Beautiful business :


1.Unlimited income

2.Selling a product which is already established and labeled SUPERBRAND 3.Flexible working hours


5.Free 5 star overseas trips every quarterly.

6.Car Fund bonuses. 7.Low initial capital.



Through experience,I found that rejections are good as it makes you a stronger person and to be able to tackle problems in future.Surrounding yourself with positive people is very important in order to succeed.always remember that true friends will always support whatever you do.stay away from those that pulls you down as negative vibes would not bring you anywhere.

I've met many out there who tends to complain about their financial situation but does'nt seem to be doing anything about it.These group of people are the ones that gives plenty of excuses.

Again i remind, NOTHING COMES EASY.

You need extra, you gotta get up and WORK for it!

Money don't grow on trees and it will never ever fall from the sky just for you!

Millionaires did not become millionaire overnight or by just lazing around complaining about things and hoping to be rich. They went through hardwork and never knew the meaning of giving up!

I am thankful, after 7 years of experience,I have passed the struggling stage of owning my own business but this is not the end of it. I plan to open up more retail shops and that obviously requires hardwork and money. Thus having to be involved in Premium Beautiful Business, helps me to achieve my dreams faster.

Here I remind you again why I got myself involve in Premium Beautiful Business despite being a business owner.

1) Its a risk free business without any OVERHEAD.I need not worry on EXPENSIVE RENTALS charged by shopping malls, WAGES,money for Lawyer's fee, Licences from the authorities and huge setup cost for constructions fees for designing, interior and exterior.

2) Low Capital. As low as RM50 OR a maximum of RM20,000. You decide what you afford.

3) Do it Full Time or Part Time.

4) Selling a product which is labeled SUPERBRAND and LIFETIME WARRANTY.

5) Selling a health and beauty product that is proven to be the best in the market.


7) A business with the fastest Return of Investment. I invested RM20,000 and got back my money with 21% profit after 1 month!

8)Fully trained by mentors that drives you to success

So people, Need I say more? I have laid out the pros and cons for you to evaluate.

The choice is yours.


To succeed in business,

1) Always have an open mind.

2) Positive thinking

3) Risk Taker

4) Never give up

5) Willing to Learn

With the criteria above, I can assure that you'll be successful.

To know more about Premium Beautiful Business and be part of our team,

Call , text or mail me at

019 383 4604


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