Sunday, February 26, 2012

Legal experts: Apple purchased iPad trademark is abnormal | IC ...

> Industry News > Legal experts: Apple purchased iPad trademark is abnormal

Many legal experts think,AD594CD Suppliers, apple from the Proview purchased iPad registered trademarks in the process, there are some abnormal behavior.
Proview said, in order to obtain the iPad trademark, apple rare to conceal their identity. Although law experts believe this accusation makes sense, but in the Proview last week to the California high court, apple can still take some defense measures. For example, Proview prosecution objects should not be the apple, and should be the purchase of trademarks of the company.
In 2010 January Apple launched the iPad, then in the global sales. In the last 14 weeks of 2011, apple iPad sales reached 15430000 units, China may contribute a considerable share.
Proview has because of a trademark dispute in China sued apple, the sale of iPad. Shijiazhuang and Huizhou and other city regulators have been asked to stop selling iPad.
Proview last week will also war broke out in the United States, submitted to the California High Court lawsuit alleging apple fraud. According to the indictment, Apple?s lawyers set up a fuzzy ?special purpose entity?, to buy iPad trademark. They also send mail promise, will not compete with proview.
Apple spokesman had no comment, but the company had previously said, has purchased the Proview global iPad trademark.
Apple lawyers will be the special purpose entity named IP Application Development Limited, and the Proview said, because iPad is just the name of the company ?s initials, so hope that the purchase of the trademark.
Due to concerns about exposure can lead to soaring prices, so the larger companies often in trademark negotiations with special purpose entities to hide their identity. But the New York trademark attorney Martin applied for Mo ( Martin Schwimmer ), to the product name of the special purpose entity practices are very rare. ? I have never seen such a strategy.? He said.
However, as what is said, despite the Proview fraudulent statement makes sense, but apples and some key measures of defence. Proview and apple transfer a copy of the agreement, the agreement itself will replace all prior representations and warranties. Because the Proview has not in the contract competition protection requirements, so whether Apple lawyer earlier in the e-mail said something, in this case may have no effect.
Santa Clara University Law School professor Anna Han Technology Licensing ( Anna Han ), Apple also can claim no responding. This is because the Proview was the trademark was sold to the special purpose entity, rather than an apple.
Proview spokesman had no comment on the lawsuit.
Proview International Holdings is the parent company of the first listed in Hongkong Taiwan company. In the late 90?s, the company also has one of the world?s top five companies list display.
In 1999, the United States of America Proview and chip manufacturers National Semiconductor cooperation launched I-PAD, this is a streamlined version of the desktop, the main selling point is the Internet and ease of use. But the Proview has been hit because of the financial crisis, the stock has also in 2010 in suspension hkex.
Often in the United States and China agent lawsuit trademark lawyers Laura Yang ( Laura Young ), California ?s lawsuit can also bring benefits Proview pr. China ?s lawsuit is not heard in public, the United States is different. Laura Yang said: ?this will release a lot of bad things, bad for apple.?
Once the Proview win, for all enterprises in the trademark of the negotiation process and will be a stern warning. ? They should be very careful.? She said.


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