Wednesday, May 2, 2012

RIM Officially Opens BlackBerry 10 To Developers, Greets Them With Dev Alpha Devices

devalphaRIM has caught plenty of flack these past few months, thanks to (among other things) a multi-day global outage, disappointing PlayBook sales, and a dramatic management shake-up. Beyond all of this, the news that their next-generation BlackBerry 10 operating system wouldn't see the light of day until the latter parts of 2012 seemed like yet another nail in RIM's coffin. But the beleaguered company is trying to move past all of that at BlackBerry World. While we regular folk still have months to wait until the first BB10 products make it to store shelves, RIM has just officially opened up the BlackBerry 10 platform to developers at BlackBerry World, starting with the release of their BB10 beta development toolkits and the BlackBerry 10 Developer Alpha device.

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