Friday, August 31, 2012

Texas mayor killed by huge pet donkey ? RT

A donkey is seen on Texas ranch (AFP Photo / Mira Oberman)

A Texas mayor was killed by his 500-pound pet donkey after being kicked and trampled by the animal while he was taking care of his herd.

Hollywood Park Mayor Bill Bohlke, 65, was found dead on his farm on Monday evening, at least 10 hours after his donkey attacked him. The mayor has several donkeys, but the attacker is thought to have been an aggressive male that he kept on the ranch.

?They can become very aggressive, very mean, sometimes triggered by a female in heat,? said Atoscosa County Chief Deputy David Soward. ?We?ll probably never know what triggered it, but it was evident that this particular donkey was involved, based on the evidence at the scene and what we saw on this donkey.?

Bohlke?s wife initially expressed concern about her husband?s disappearance when he didn?t return to Hollywood Park after checking up on his beloved animals.

?He loved his animals. He loved ranching,? neighbor Sandra Wilson told WOAI News 4.

After several neighbors began a search for the missing mayor, they found his truck with its door open and its engine still running, hours after the attack. Beside the truck was the body of the Bohlke.

The family will decide what to do with the aggressive donkey. Meanwhile, the Hollywood Park City Council is deciding who to appoint as its new mayor.? Bohlke had only been in office since May.

?Bill, your mayor, dearly loved serving you, our community, and we only wish he was here to continue doing so,? his family wrote on a statement on the city?s website.

Mayor Pro Tem Steve Phillips is acting as a temporarily as mayor of Hollywood Park, until a replacement is found.

While donkey attacks are common, the American Donkey and Mule Society has never heard of a case where someone was killed by the animal.

?We often hear of people being injured by their donkeys, but can?t yet name one case where someone in the USA was killed by a donkey,? the society writes on its website.


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Opinion: What was GOP thinking? (CNN)

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Israel's Ampal seeks Chapter 11 over Egypt gas loss: media ...

JERUSALEM, Aug 30, 2012 (AFP) -

Energy company Ampal-American Israel Corp has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, citing losses caused by a halt in Egyptian gas supplies to the Jewish state, business daily Globes said Thursday.

Ampal, controlled by Israeli businessman Yosef Maiman and which owns 12.5 percent of Israeli-Egyptian consortium East Mediterranean Gas (EMG), filed its application on Wednesday with the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, the Israeli newspaper said.

In April, Egypt scrapped its gas supply deal with EMG, signed under the rule of ousted President Hosni Mubarak, citing what an official called the consortium?s failure ?to respect conditions stipulated in the contract.?

The sale of gas to Israel, which signed a 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, has always been controversial in the Arab world?s most populous country. It was the largest trade deal between the two former foes.

The pipeline supplying Israel and Jordan, which crosses the troubled Sinai peninsula, has been hit by bomb attacks 15 times since the uprising which toppled Mubarak in February 2011.

?In December 2011, Ampal announced that it could not meet its debt payments,? Globes said.

Exports to Israel began in the spring of 2008, in accordance with a deal signed three years earlier which came in for heavy criticism from Egypt?s Muslim Brotherhood, which subsequently won elections after the fall of Mubarak.

Under the 15-year deal worth $2.5 billion, EMG was to sell 1.7 billion cubic metres a year.

Globes said that Ampal?s share price on the Nasdaq in New York fell 78.5 percent on Wednesday to $0.60. According to the website of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, as of 2:05 pm (1105 GMT) it had fallen 35 percent to 7.20 shekels ($1.79).

According to Globes, Ampal said it had been trying to negotiate agreement with its bondholders for eight months, and had submitted several proposals, the latest of which was published on July 17 and amended on July 30.

Israel generates 40 percent of its electricity from natural gas and until last year, Egypt provided 43 percent of its gas supplies.

In the absence of Egyptian gas, Israel has been pushing for the speedy exploitation of several recently-discovered gas fields off its northern coast.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Passes for Idealism (Theagitator)

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Factors Which Affect Health And Safety In The Workplace ...


By Nigel J Welford

As a business owner you have responsibility to ensure your workplace meets the minimum standards as laid out in The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. The Regulations also overlap with specific regulations that deal with Workplace Equipment, Working at Height, Manual Handling, Fire Safety Order and many others. This article discusses the factors which affect health and safety in the workplace.

Temperature and Ventilation

Workspaces that are enclosed need to be sufficiently ventilated. Most shops and offices have air conditioning so ventilation is not usually a problem ? although air conditioning introduces other issues. Everyone is different and, as such, some people are warm whilst others are cold. Specifying a standard temperature where everyone would be comfortable is impractical although it is expected that office environments should be at least 16 degrees centigrade and warehouses, or areas requiring physical activity, are 13 degrees or more. Although not often a problem in the UK, there are no maximum temperatures that need to be adhered to although most business owners will want their staff to be as comfortable as possible and productive so will take measures to reduce any high temperatures.


Lighting levels must be suitable for the work activity taking place. Where general lighting can fail, backup /emergency lighting must be provided. Overall lighting levels, known as Lux Levels, vary from activity to activity and can range from 50 lux to 800+ for close detailed precision work. The HSE advise that local controllable lighting can lead to a reduction in stress levels and an increase in job satisfaction.


All staff need their own personal space with sufficient area to work effectively and have freedom of movement. The HSE advise that sufficient space is 11 cubic metres when the floor, area behind and area above the worker is taken into consideration.

Workstation Design and Arrangements

If work is completed whilst sitting down, seating needs to be provided that is suitable and gives support to the lower back and legs. Reasonable adjustments should be made if the user is too short or too tall eg providing footrests or raising desks.

Floors and Staircases

Floors should be in good order with even, non-slippery surfaces. Staircases should be fitted with handrails and in many offices using handrails is now mandatory due to the number of slips, trips and falls that occur.

Cleanliness and Housekeeping

Workplaces should be kept clean and tidy with waste materials not allowed to build up and regularly removed. It should be possible to clean workplace environments including walls and ceilings and this takes place on a regular basis.

Doors and Gates

Doors and gates must be suitably constructed with appropriate safety devices and any glass meets the required BSI standards. Fire doors are to be kept closed when not in use and not propped open.

As a Business Owner you need to consider all the factors which affect health and safety in the workplace so can you confirm that all areas in your workplace are safe to use and in good working order?

Nigel J Welford is a qualified Health & Safety professional and believes in making health and safety as simple as possible whilst still being effective and meeting all the regulations. For his free report ?The Secret To How Health & Safety Can Improve Your Business And Profits: 7 Everyday Pitfalls To Avoid? from healthandsafetyintheworkplace


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ukraine's highest court upholds Tymoshenko verdict

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) ? Ukraine's highest court on Wednesday upheld the guilty verdict against former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who is in jail on abuse of office charges.

Tymoshenko was an architect of Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution that promoted democracy and a runner-up in the 2010 presidential election. She was sentenced to seven years in prison in October 2011, when she was found guilty of exceeding her powers while negotiating a gas contract with Russia while she was prime minister.

Her supporters say the trial is politically motivated, initiated by her opponent, President Viktor Yanukovich, to keep her out of October elections. The government denies the accusations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Tymoshenko's counterpart in signing the gas deal, has said there was nothing illegal in her actions.

Judge Alexander Elfimov said as he was reading the ruling that the court had "found no grounds to uphold (Tymoshenko's) appeal" of the verdict, and that the prison term is "adequate to the gravity of the crime."

Several members of the audience yelled "Shame!" upon hearing the verdict.

"This and past court rulings have nothing to do with justice," said Tymoshenko aide Alexander Turchinov.

Lawyers for Tymoshenko are appealing the conviction in the European Court for Human Rights.

Tymoshenko's following remains strong in Ukraine, where demonstrations at the prison in support of her are frequent.

At least 500 hundred supporters gathered Wednesday outside the courthouse in Kiev, chanting "Freedom to Yulia!"


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Ellen Barkin, certified member of the loony left:

In the aftermath of the Family Research Council shooting, prominent voices on the Left have not tapped down their violent rhetoric against their opponents. Two Baby Boomer celebrities have taken to Twitter to hope pro-life, pro-family individuals and U.S. Congressman Todd Akin suffer a drowning or a same-sex rape, respectively.

On Sunday, Ellen Barkin expressed her hope that Tropical Storm Isaac would smash up the Republican National Convention in Tampa and drown all its delegates.

She?retweeted the?message of one of her followers that read: ?C?mon #Isaac! Wash every pro-life, anti-education, anti-woman, xenophobic, gay-bashing, racist SOB right into the ocean! #RNC ? Barkin did not express any disagreement in her retweet.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NA adviser who's facing charges runs vets site - My Network ...

NORTH ATTLEBORO ? a financial adviser fighting charges of defrauding seniors is running a website aimed at putting returning veterans into their own businesses.

Foxboro resident John Picini, who operates the Center for Senior Financial planning in North Attleboro, said the unrelated site is a legitimate attempt to connect veterans with careers and that no complaints have been lodged against his Internet businesses.

The website,, displays pictures of Picini, 42, and says it is intended to help returning service people. a ?career opportunities? portion of the website links visitors to online video seminars promoting home-based businesses offering prospects of fast cash.

Picini strongly denies administrative charges brought last month by Secretary of State William Galvin?s office that he defrauded seniors of up to $2 million by offering them non-existent investments. the state has yet to hold a hearing on the charges.

The Association for Returning Soldiers is a for-profit business that offers veterans the chance to explore home-based business opportunities, Picini said. he said he culled the businesses represented on his site from a large number of such products because of their quality.

Picini, who also operates other Internet-based ventures, said he has yet to sell any packages through the Association for Returning Soldiers site.

The Foxboro resident says his motivation in setting up the site was based on his respect for the contributions of veterans, many of whom are returning home without jobs.

?I?m very proud of these guys who have served our country,? Picini said. ?There?s no way I would try to hurt or disrespect them.?

Picini says he also offers six free hours of consulting to veterans who join his program.

Links on the website invite visitors to view any one of three Internet ?webinars? focusing on businesses ranging from a web-based ?Automatic Money Machine? to a site promoting energy-saving devices and services.

Picini said he receives a payment when someone makes a purchase from one of the offers.

A portion of the site devoted to the Automatic Money Machine advertises an ?underground secret formula? seminar and claims that ?with my system you could make $500 to $3,500 per order? marketing specialized business and marketing DVDs and business concepts.

Picini said most of the promotional material on the site is boilerplate provided by the national association that markets it.

Packages are advertised on the website beginning at $695 for the ?bronze level? all the way up to $20,000 for the ?elite? package.

The website, which contains a number of testimonials, says it is not affiliated with the U.S. government or the military. It also bears a standard disclaimer saying there is no guarantee of making money.

Following an interview with the Sun Chronicle last week, a link to the material dealing with the Automatic Money Machine was removed from the careers portion of the website.

Neither the Boston office of the Better Business Bureau, nor the state Attorney General?s Office report receiving any complaints about the Association for Returning Soldiers, according to spokesmen.

Picini?s lawyer, Kevin J. O?Connor, said his client has not been the subject of any complaints related to his Internet businesses and that the charges connected to his other venture, the Center for Senior Financial planning, are unfounded.

?We think they?ve gotten it completely wrong,? said O?Connor, who noted his client has cooperated fully with authorities. ?We don?t agree that there was any intent to do wrong by anyone.?

Picini said his customers have been ?very supportive? and continue to have confidence in him.

Galvin?s office alleged that as owner of the Center for Senior Financial planning, Picini obtained millions of dollars from about 35 clients over a two-year period, and used proceeds for personal expenses.

Picini and his attorney declined to respond to specific allegations in the complaint, citing the ongoing legal process.

?All of this will be addressed when we have our day in court,? O?Connor said.

NA adviser who?s facing charges runs vets site ? The Sun Chronicle : Local News: sun chronicle ma, attleboro sun, sun chronicle local news, the sun chronicle, thesunchronicle


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How To Get Through A Long Run - FRUGAL FITNESS

The tweets, facebook updates, and blog posts have begun ? all discussing fall marathons and the initial couple of weeks of training for these races. That means weekly long runs are starting ? by mid-summer, there?ll be plenty of 20+ mile runs being completed in preparation for the upcoming races.

One question I?ve been asked repeatedly is?how I get through long runs?? week in and week out ? without getting burned out. ?When I was training for the NYC Marathon and the Knickerbocker 60k (concurrently), I had successful training runs up to 30 miles.

Long runs during marathon training are just as much based on mental strength as they are on physical strength (if not more).??So how do you mentally survive running 14+ miles every weekend for a few months?? ?Here are some things I do to get me through my long runs:

  • Break up the run.??Once the run begins, I try not to think about the total distance I have left to run until it?s well under half. ?Being at mile 2 of a 22 mile run is a bit intimidating and can easily throw off your concentration. ?When I ran?30 miles on my 30th birthday, I broke the run up into 6 ? 5 mile increments. ?I focused on 5 miles at a time (which coincided with a 5 mile loop that I was running on). Each time I finished five miles, I told myself that I only had to make it through the next 5 miles. ?5 miles is totally manageable.
  • Concentrate on one mile at a time.??Focusing on just one mile and the pace I want to hit makes my goal pace seem more manageable. I tell myself that I have to run the next mile at x:xx pace ? as soon as the mile clicks on my Garmin, I start working on the next mile.
  • DON?T be a slave to your Garmin.??Constantly looking at your pace and distance will make the miles?drag?on. One of my recent tricks is to keep my Garmin on the main display so all I see is the current time. ?I get a vibrating notification when I finish a mile ? that?s the only time I see my pace. ?This may not work if you are trying to hit very specific times during your long run, but since I am running based on how?I feel?rather than?pace, it doesn?t hinder my run.
  • Pick a new route. ?I always enjoy runs where I am exploring or covering new terrain, so I often try to leave certain routes or areas alone during the week and save them for the weekend long run. ?Just this past weekend, I ran a?point-to-point route?that I had yet to run ? the miles FLEW by because I was enjoying my new surroundings.
  • Let your mind wander.?Think about the rest of your day, ?what you are going to eat/drink when the run is over, maybe an upcoming vacation or trip ? whatever will keep your mind distracted. ? When I was training for my first ultra, I had about 5 miles left of a 28 mile trail run ? I was tired ? and starting to get hungry (for real food ? not just gels). ?My husband was my?roving support?on his bike and told me that he would get me one of my favorite indulgent foods when we got back ? KFC!! ?That was all I needed to hear. ?I spent the last few miles thinking about fried chicken, potato wedges, and biscuits.
  • Listen to Music.?As I?ve discussed previously, I am a?huge fan of having music?on my runs. ?It keeps my mind occupied and makes me happy. ?For me, there is nothing better than when one of my favorite songs come on my IPOD and I get pumped up and pick up the pace during mile 20 of that long run.
  • Envision success.??Picture yourself running the last few miles of the marathon you are training for. ?When I was training for the NYC Marathon, I did a few runs in Central Park to get used to the hills. ?I ran the same route that the last few miles of NYC Marathon follows. ?I envisioned myself coming into the park, ?I saw and heard the crowds, I actually could feel the adrenaline of race day! ?And would immediately get a boost of energy and excitement.
  • Allow time in your plan for rest/recovery/low mileage days.?I follow the hard, hard, hard, easy rule for long runs. ?For example, I?ll run 16, 18, 20 miles three weeks in a row followed by an easy or off week where I?ll run 10-12 miles. ?The following week I?ll run 20, 22, 24 miles. ?Knowing that I get that easy long run day helps me push myself through the current run. ?Going back to my previous high mileage also gives me a?buffer week?in case I am sick, scheduling conflicts arise, or just need a week off from the long run.

In the end, do the things that you enjoy ? if you prefer music over running ?naked?, bring your IPOD; if you enjoy running alone vs with a group, then make it a solo run. ?Make the run as enjoyable as possible for yourself !!

Do you do anything on long runs to help get you through the miles??

? Stay Frugal & Fit My Friends!

Michael J. Schiemer B.S. CPT

Owner of FRUGAL FITNESS Worldwide Wellness & Elite Cheapskate?

Owner & Personal Trainer of RESULTS Private Fitness Boston, MA
Author of The Frugal Diet, The Frugal Workout, & The Ultimate Fitness Guide Series? FRUGAL FITNESS TV?|?Twitter?|?Facebook?|?Fitness eBooks


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Ben Thomas: What Can an Angry Bull Teach You About Your Brain's Potential?

One warm August morning the neuroscientist Oliver Sacks set off to hike up a mountainside. He was a young man then, an adventurer in his prime, and he found that the foothills along the way were just rugged enough to get his blood pumping. Eager to test his prowess, he tackled the path's first few turns with ease, barely noticing the warning sign: "Beware of the Bull!"

A few path curves later he met the bull face to snout. The great white beast was napping in the center of the trail, but at first sight of Sacks, it leaped up, tossing its horns and snorting a warning. Its hoof stomped the dust. Sacks spun on his heel and ran -- or, rather, fell, because the next thing he knew, he was lying at the bottom of a rocky crevice, his left leg bent beneath him at an impossible angle, his knee throbbing with a pain that blotted out coherent thought.

At that moment, Sacks says, his mind suddenly entered a state he'd read about but never fully understood: a detachment from his own body, a clinical lack of emotion that gave him an observer's perspective on his injury. Lecturing quietly to himself, as if to a roomful of medical students, he examined the kneecap torn from his moorings, the ribbons of unresponsive muscle, the swollen blotches of burst arteries. With the smile of a true geek at work, he announced his diagnosis: "Muscle paralyzed and atonic -- probably nerve injury. Unstable knee joint -- seems to dislocate backward. Possible bone injury -- easily one or more fractures. Considerable swelling..."

And then reality finally set in: He was trapped halfway up a mountain in a lonely wilderness where, despite the summer season, temperatures routinely fell below freezing after dark. If he spent the night here, he'd be dead by morning.

That realization shifted his mind's gears yet again. Over the next several hours, Sacks recalls, he watched his mind and body cycle through a whole repertoire of "backup programs" he'd never known he had. Somehow he managed to fashion a splint out of an umbrella he'd been using as a walking stick, and he set off down the trail, hardly conscious of his situation, scarcely aware of more than the singsong rhymes that began echoing in his thoughts, setting the rhythm of his limping steps: One-and-two-and-one-and-two...

As he struggled across a frigid stream, he heard a voice in his mind shouting, "Hold on for dear life! I'll kill you if you let go!" And then it was he who shouted those words at himself. And then, again, he heard the shouting and obeyed its commands. He was nothing more than muscle and bone and pain and a will to keep moving forward, so that's what he did.

By the time he regained sight of civilization (in the form of a small hillside village), Sacks felt flooded with euphoria, exhilarated simply to breathe, to limp along, to feel the cool breeze on his face and watch the setting sun. He resisted a powerful urge to lie down and nap; instead, he kept hiking until he reached the foothills, where he called out to a distant huntsman who happened to be crossing the trail. The hunter shared a canteen of water and a flask of something stronger, then he left Sacks in the care of his teenage son while he ran to the village for help.

The stars were coming out now. The young adventurer huddled in a warm blanket and beamed with joy: He'd survived.

What can we learn from Sacks' experience (other than, you know, to pay attention to warnings about dangerous animals, and to avoid hiking up desolate mountains alone)? Three morals come to mind. First, we humans are built to survive trauma; our brains and muscles come pre-loaded with survival instincts honed by millions of years of natural selection. Second, we modern humans rarely experience those instincts in the personal, visceral way that they filled the daily lives of our early ancestors. And third (a point contingent on the first two), your mind and body are capable of much greater resourcefulness than you think.

As Bruce Lee famously said, "There are plateaus, but you must not stay there; you must go beyond them. A man must constantly exceed his level." What about you: Have you exceeded your level today?


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Meet Susan Hess, the Golf Entrepreneur |

Meet Susan Hess, the Golf Entrepreneur

Susan Hess is the maker-owner of the well known skorts brand, Golftini. In a chat about the brand, she revealed how she started the brand and what hurdles she faced in making the brand one of the best in the women golf wear.

What many fans of her skorts do not know is the fact that she has no background of the clothing industry. She originally started out in the sales department of MCI, the communication giant. She was very satisfied with her job and saw no reason to switch careers.

She was introduced to golf at an early age but remained more interested in other sports. She spent her time in track and field events and was a great swimmer. Golf was never her priority in her days at the Ohio State.

It was after she had her hands full with her three boys and a divorce that she started playing golf at a local club. It a just a nine-hole game but it was enough to get her hooked on the sport.

Golftini was born out of her personal need of comfortable and stylish skorts. She was not satisfied with the golf attire available in the market. She sought out a dressmaker and designed her own skorts that were functional, comfortable and stylish.

The brand, Golftini became popular and orders started to trickle in. At first, it was her friends who bought the skorts after seeing Hess play in them.

Soon, she started getting orders from golf shops and pro stores. Her designs became popular and her clothes started to sell in a reasonable volume.

To Hess, the defining moment of her business was the PGA Show in January. She put together her company and a website in a hurry and went to attend the show. She got the worst place imaginable, right beside the bathroom. However, this turned out to be a great opportunity for her.

From that show, she received an order of $70,000 from the PGA Tour Super Store. This order was the one that really built her business and made the brand a nationally recognized golf clothing giant.

Hess has built an empire through sheer will power and hard work. She is looking forward to expanding it into the top golf clothing business in the world.


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The effects of discrimination could last a lifetime

The effects of discrimination could last a lifetime [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Aug-2012
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Contact: Alexander Brown
Springer Science+Business Media

Increased levels of depression as a result of discrimination could contribute to low birth weight babies

Given the well-documented relationship between low birth weight and the increased risk of health problems throughout one's lifespan, it is vital to reduce any potential contributors to low birth weight. A new study by Valerie Earnshaw and her colleagues from Yale University sheds light on one possible causal factor. Their findings, published online in Springer's journal, the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, suggest that chronic, everyday instances of discrimination against pregnant, urban women of color may play a significant role in contributing to low birth weight babies.

Twice as many black women give birth to low birth weight babies than white or Latina women in the U.S. Reasons for this disparity are, as yet, unclear. But initial evidence suggests a link may exist between discrimination experienced while pregnant and the incidence of low birth weight. In addition, experiences of discrimination have also been linked to depression, which causes physiological changes that can have a negative effect on a pregnancy.

Earnshaw and her colleagues interviewed 420, 14- to 21-year-old black and Latina women at 14 community health centers and hospitals in New York, during the second and third trimesters of their pregnancies, and at six and 12 months after their babies had been born. They measured their reported experiences of discrimination. They also measured their depressive symptoms, pregnancy distress and pregnancy symptoms.

Levels of everyday discrimination reported were generally low. However, the impact of discrimination was the same in all the participants regardless of age, ethnicity or type of discrimination reported. Women reporting greater levels of discrimination were more prone to depressive symptoms, and ultimately went on to have babies with lower birth weights than those reporting lower levels of discrimination. This has implications for healthcare providers who work with pregnant teens and young women during the pre-natal period, while they have the opportunity to try and reduce the potential impacts discrimination on the pregnancy.

The authors conclude that "Given the associations between birth weight and health across the life span, it is critical to reduce discrimination directed at urban youth of color so that all children are able to begin life with greater promise for health. In doing so, we have the possibility to eliminate disparities not only in birth weight, but in health outcomes across the lifespan."


Data for this study came from the Centering Pregnancy Plus project, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, and conducted in collaboration with Clinical Directors' Network and the Centering Healthcare Institute.


1. Earnshaw VA, Rosenthal L, Lewis JB, Stasko EC, Tobin JN, Lewis TT, Reid AE and Ickovics JR (2012). Maternal experiences with everyday discrimination and infant birth weight: a test of the mediators and moderators among young, urban women of color. Annals of Behavioral Medicine; DOI 10.1007/s12160-012-9404-3

The full text article is available to journalists on request.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

The effects of discrimination could last a lifetime [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Aug-2012
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Contact: Alexander Brown
Springer Science+Business Media

Increased levels of depression as a result of discrimination could contribute to low birth weight babies

Given the well-documented relationship between low birth weight and the increased risk of health problems throughout one's lifespan, it is vital to reduce any potential contributors to low birth weight. A new study by Valerie Earnshaw and her colleagues from Yale University sheds light on one possible causal factor. Their findings, published online in Springer's journal, the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, suggest that chronic, everyday instances of discrimination against pregnant, urban women of color may play a significant role in contributing to low birth weight babies.

Twice as many black women give birth to low birth weight babies than white or Latina women in the U.S. Reasons for this disparity are, as yet, unclear. But initial evidence suggests a link may exist between discrimination experienced while pregnant and the incidence of low birth weight. In addition, experiences of discrimination have also been linked to depression, which causes physiological changes that can have a negative effect on a pregnancy.

Earnshaw and her colleagues interviewed 420, 14- to 21-year-old black and Latina women at 14 community health centers and hospitals in New York, during the second and third trimesters of their pregnancies, and at six and 12 months after their babies had been born. They measured their reported experiences of discrimination. They also measured their depressive symptoms, pregnancy distress and pregnancy symptoms.

Levels of everyday discrimination reported were generally low. However, the impact of discrimination was the same in all the participants regardless of age, ethnicity or type of discrimination reported. Women reporting greater levels of discrimination were more prone to depressive symptoms, and ultimately went on to have babies with lower birth weights than those reporting lower levels of discrimination. This has implications for healthcare providers who work with pregnant teens and young women during the pre-natal period, while they have the opportunity to try and reduce the potential impacts discrimination on the pregnancy.

The authors conclude that "Given the associations between birth weight and health across the life span, it is critical to reduce discrimination directed at urban youth of color so that all children are able to begin life with greater promise for health. In doing so, we have the possibility to eliminate disparities not only in birth weight, but in health outcomes across the lifespan."


Data for this study came from the Centering Pregnancy Plus project, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, and conducted in collaboration with Clinical Directors' Network and the Centering Healthcare Institute.


1. Earnshaw VA, Rosenthal L, Lewis JB, Stasko EC, Tobin JN, Lewis TT, Reid AE and Ickovics JR (2012). Maternal experiences with everyday discrimination and infant birth weight: a test of the mediators and moderators among young, urban women of color. Annals of Behavioral Medicine; DOI 10.1007/s12160-012-9404-3

The full text article is available to journalists on request.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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SEMxpert - Search Engine Marketing - Internet Marketing Next Stage

michael112 Posted by michael112 on 10 hours ago

It at all times helps to learn about search engine marketing earlier than you launch your web advertising campaign. Listed here are some should know details!What is the most important a part of advertising a internet site? I?ve always wondered what it is a few web site that can convey people to it. Seems that the largest issue is often search engine marketing.

It?s, truly, turning into more and more important within the marketing strategy of any online presence. Search engines can drive very qualified visitors to a net site as a consequence of the process of trying to find one thing in an inquiry is initiated by the user. If somebody is trying to find what your website has, then that makes all of them the extra vital to your site.

Search engine advertising and marketing ideas helps in bettering the visibility of your on-line business on the search engines. It?s a source of necessary information for experienced professionals, as effectively as beginners.What each CEO and entrepreneur wants is a blueprint to get their website on web page number considered one of Google search outcomes and that requires Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and just a little bit of excellent luck. This text describes SEM and SEO and defines their position in developing a winning blueprint for internet success. It discusses the professionals and cons of each.

Reasonably priced search engine advertising is the perfect advertising technique that one can adopt for operating a successful business. It?s the marketing strategy that in the end decides whether or not a business might be profitable on the net within the long run.Search engine advertising (SEM) has come an extended way. In 1997 when on-line advertising and marketing initially began and entrepreneurs and companies began to enter this area?advertising and marketing agencies offered SEM companies with much less complicated processes and had very slight competition. Simply add title, meta key phrase & description and be certain that website focused key phrases are covered in the copy and it often helped.

Everyone knows about search engines like google the broadly known Internet Marketing monster. What does it take to get listed in serps?In the event you?re in search of methods to extend each your sales and buyer base, you should take into account hiring a search engine advertising and marketing company. And if your UK enterprise doesn?t have a presence on the Internet, you must contract a search engine advertising firm to explore the various benefits of affordable search engine optimization. While there are so much of other components you?ll give you the option to take into account when contemplating a website, if the positioning doesn?t place excessive in the most well-liked serps, you will by no means understand the full energy of search engine marketing. In this article, we?ll focus on some of the encompasses a prime-shelf search engine advertising agency ought to have.

Search engine marketing search engine marketing is the actions you are taking to make your website visible to your goal prospect and niche. There are two branches of search engines.An enormous part of profitable search engine advertising and marketing is search engine placement (the place your web page fall in the search engine outcomes). Key phrase choice and placement is a vital component in on page.

Search engine advertising companies are an added benefit to every enterprise that plans to go in for internet advertising and utilizing the web to make individuals aware of their product and services.This text is a complete guide to go looking engine marketing. All the methods practiced in search engine marketing.

Assured search engine advertising and marketing primarily refers to attaining a first page placement on the search engine listings. However, no search engine marketing guide can assure a prime placement on a search engine listing. Nevertheless, with diligence, first-web page placements will be attained and maintained often and for a protracted time.This text describes the issues currently facing the Search Engine Marketing Industry.

Search engine advertising and marketing (SEM) has evolved to develop into the most reliable technique for reaching your target market and driving conversions. It boosts your organization?s publicity inside your space; it compels your market to visit your web site; it positions your product as the answer to their problems. As a result, your gross sales increase. Your revenue and revenue swell. Your ROI rises. And your small business enjoys stronger branding and buyer loyalty in the process.The search spider must crawl your site properly. Then you?ve got a chance of upper ranking in the SERP. The approaches needs to be professional and realistic to the varied search engines; and the success is sure shot.

Search engine marketing ideas have the power to market your on-line business and drive maximum quantity of traffic to the location, so as to get to popularize yourself.

Pay per click administration, content material writing, website designing, key phrase research and many other things have to be taken care of, as per the search engine marketing tips.Search engine advertising is an act of selling a internet site through search engines like google, whether or not this be bettering rank in natural listings, buying paid listings or a mixture of those and different search engine-related activities. The opposite definition is "Bettering an organization?s visibility within search outcomes when search phrases entered at search sites returns a listing of associated web sites.,


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

University of Virginia declines, Obama campaign forced to find new venue for visit

University of Virginia declines, Obama campaign forced to find new venue for visit

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. ? President Barack Obama was forced to find another venue for a Virginia campaign event next week after the University of Virginia declined a request to use the campus.

University officials had said Friday that they had met with the campaign about using one of its outdoor venues on Wednesday. But school officials determined that holding the event there would cancel or disrupt classes on the semester's second day and would shut down adjacent buildings for the entire day.

The Obama campaign subsequently announced that the president would be at the Charlottesville Pavilion on the city's downtown pedestrian mall. Gates open at 1 p.m.

Obama's Charlottesville stop is part of a swing of three college towns in toss-up battleground states.


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Scams involving currency conversion used by car rental companies ...

When you buy services using a credit card in your own country, there are transaction charges but, in most cases, they are only paid by the merchants who sell you the goods or services (although they will increase their retail prices to cover the charges, of course). But the moment you use the credit card to buy goods or services in a different currency, you will suddenly find extra charges appearing. The first is simply for handling a transaction in a foreign currency. The second is the currency exchange rate commission.

If the bank is being honest, it will charge the prevailing national exchange rate. This will mean the transaction has a neutral cost. But if the bank is less than honest, it will use a lower exchange rate. This means it costs you more to buy the goods and services than if you went to a money changer and used cash. Worse, you are being charged for being given the poor value in the transaction. For these purposes, it can be worth acquiring a ?foreign? credit card if you?re a regular traveler. You will avoid foreign currency charges this way, although you will need to avoid a further problem.

Some international car rental companies operate their own currency conversion. So let?s say you have a US$ credit card and you go to a branch of a US rental company in Paris. Some branches do their own currency conversions and bill your credit card in US dollars. That sounds good to you because there are no foreign currency conversion charges to pay. But suppose that conversion uses an exchange rate that?s significantly worse than international rate. You might be paying 10 or 15% more than locals would pay, i.e. rather more than your honest bank would charge you.

Some local car rental companies offer conversion through third party banks. This sounds good. You?re being billed in your own currency so no administrative fees. But what often happens is that the exchange rate is very poor and the difference between the rate you pay and the rate the converter uses is split with the rental company. To reduce the risk of being scammed you should refuse the option of local conversion if you speak the local language, or just prepay.

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Self Improvement: Enlightenment: Your 7 days program to Positive ...

I'm sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can't wait to test out. Of course you're not the only one with the bright idea. So what motivates you to churn those creative, or even inspiring juices to its utmost flavor?

It's always best to set up a personal goal where you can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.

Here are some tips to make it through the week even if you're just sitting in your favorite couch. An idea takes time to form in your head and is always at work while you are busy sitting.

Having a bit of positive thinking can help you realize things that are never thought possible. Thinking big is indeed the American Way and that what made our country prosperous.

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.

This is a perfect example where dreams are made of where you start by tinkering with your mind, then with your hands. And if the idea weakens, you can always go back to it later until you finish it.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The American Dream will always be there, but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme, why not give it a shot and see if it will work. You will be surprised to see of there are other ways to get the task done in time. If you are not pleased with the outcome, decide to use that moment to learn from and make the appropriate shift.

4. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the Himalayas, allow yourself to realize that the task is just as important as giving out orders to your subordinates. You would rather be richly passionate!

6. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself when possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I am yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his jokes are as 'old as great-grandma'. Life has so much to offer to allow you to mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.

7. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. No one can take your passionate future from you except for you! Create your life authentically. As long as there's still breath in your body, there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime. The concept of thinking big is all about enjoying your work, which would lead to celebrate a discovery that is born within your hands. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.

It's interesting how people get wallowed up by something trivial as learning to use a computer, when nowadays that top computer companies are manufacturing software that even the kids can do it. I don't mean to be condescending, but that's the idea of not having any positive thinking in your life-you'll just end up as a dim bulb in a dark corner. So instead of subjecting yourself to what you will be doomed for, make your path by taking the first step with a positive attitude.

If you are interested in learning more, probably the best self improvement and positive thinking and habits information resource online today can be found at


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Keanu Reeves heads new project ?Side by Side? |

The demise of film and the seeming triumph of digital has been a hot topic of discussion for insiders and hardcore enthusiasts for a number of years. But Keanu Reeves is taking the topic into the mainstream(ish) realm with his latest project, Side by Side, which bowed recently in Los Angeles and is set to hit cities around the U.S. in the coming weeks. Co-produced and narrated by Reeves, the 98-minute documentary landed the likes of James Cameron, David Fincher, David Lynch, George Lucas, Danny Boyle, Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan and Steven Soderbergh to weigh in on movie-making?s (d)evolution. Nolan, he noted, was the most difficult to reach among the people who appear in the doc, which features interviews with 70-plus filmmaking powerhouses. To lure The Dark Knight Rises filmmaker, Reeves went snail mail.

?I actually wrote to him on an old-fashioned typewriter,? Reeves told Reuters. ?I think he got a kick out of that and we finally shot him in his trailer on the Batman set in LA.? Reeves noted that Nolan?s schedule was ?so crazy? because he was in the midst of filming The Dark Knight Rises, but wanted the filmmaker because of his long-standing opinions about the film vs. digital debate, which caught Reeves? attention in earnest while finishing on a previous project a couple years back.

While working on Henry?s Crime, which he also produced a couple of years back, Reeves and the film?s production manager, Chris Kenneally, began talking about the rise of digital technology. ?We were sitting in the post-production suite trying to match the photochemical image with the digital image, side by side, and it just hit me ? film is going away, and we should document this whole evolution,? Reeves told Reuter. ?So Chris and I gradually put a team together to make the documentary.?

A champion of film himself, none other than Martin Scorsese said earlier this summer he?ll probably go digital with his upcoming projects including The Wolf of Wall Street. His previous effort, Hugo was a de facto call for film preservation, something near and dear to the filmmaker?s heart. His longtime editor Thelma Schoonmaker told Empire magazine at the time, ?I think Marty just feels it?s unfortunately over, and there?s been no bigger champion of film than him.?

And as Side by Side gets set to expand, Reeves appears to agree that film will continue to disintegrate into the annals of movie history. ?Even Chris Nolan admits that film, if not dead, is now on life support, and it?s just going to become more and more difficult to even get film. Personally I?m a big film fan and it?s sad to see it go but the future is digital.?

Reeves himself is directing a big screen feature about a a young martial artist set in Beijing titled Man of Tai Chi and he has apparently also accepted ? even if begrudgingly ? the comparatively cheaper technology.

?We did [go digital],? he said. ?I developed this project for five years and we?re shooting on location in Beijing and Hong Kong. I?m having a great time directing and I definitely plan to do it again.?

[Source: Reuters]


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Ingredients You Never Want to See on Your Nutrition Label ...

The year was 1950, and The Magic 8-Ball had just arrived in stores. It looked like a toy, but it wasn?t. It was a future-telling device, powered by the unknown superpowers that lived inside its cheap plastic shell. Despite a bit of an attitude??Don?t count on it,? ?My reply is no??it was a huge success. Americans, apparently, want to see their futures.

A few decades later, Congress passed the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act that, among other things, turned the 45,000 food products in the average supermarket into fortune-telling devices. Americans inexplicably yawned. I?m trying to change that. Why? The nutrition label can predict the future size of your pants and health care bills.

Unfortunately, these labels aren?t as clear and direct as the Magic 8-Ball. Consider the list of ingredients: The Food and Drug Administration has approved more than 3,000 additives, most of which you?ve never heard of. But the truth is, you don?t have to know them all. You just need to be able to parse out the bad stuff. Do that and you?ll have a pretty good idea how your future will shape up?whether you?ll end up overweight and unhealthy or turn out to be fit, happy, and energized.

While researching the new Eat This, Not That! 2013: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution, I identified 8 ingredients you never want to see on the nutrition label. Should you put down products that contain them? As the Magic 8-Ball would say: Signs point to yes.


This preservative is used to prevent rancidity in foods that contain oils. Unfortunately, BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) has been shown to cause cancer in rats, mice, and hamsters. The reason the FDA hasn?t banned it is largely technical?the cancers all occurred in the rodents? forestomachs, an organ that humans don?t have. Nevertheless, the study, published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, concluded that BHA was ?reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen,? and as far as I?m concerned, that?s reason enough to eliminate it from your diet.

You?ll find it in: Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles


These synthetic preservatives are used to inhibit mold and yeast in food. The problem is parabens may also disrupt your body?s hormonal balance. A study in Food Chemical Toxicology found that daily ingestion decreased sperm and testosterone production in rats, and parabens have been found present in breast cancer tissues.

You?ll find it in: Baskin-Robbins sundaes

Partially Hydrogenated Oil

?I?ve harped on this before, but it bears repeating: Don?t confuse ?0 g trans fat? with being trans fat-free. The FDA allows products to claim zero grams of trans fat as long as they have less than half a gram per serving. That means they can have 0.49 grams per serving and still be labeled a no-trans-fat food. Considering that two grams is the absolute most you ought to consume in a day, those fractions can quickly add up. The telltale sign that your snack is soiled with the stuff? Look for partially hydrogenated oil on the ingredient statement. If it?s anywhere on there, then you?re ingesting artery-clogging trans fat.

You?ll find it in: Long John Silver?s Popcorn Shrimp, Celeste frozen pizzas

FIGHT FAT WITH FAT! Some fats, like trans fat, will pad you with extra pounds, but other types can help you shed unwanted weight. See for yourself?pick up these 5 Fatty Foods that Make You Skinny today!

Sodium Nitrite

Nitrites and nitrates are used to inhibit botulism-causing bacteria and to maintain processed meats? pink hues, which is why the FDA allows their use. Unfortunately, once ingested, nitrite can fuse with amino acids (of which meat is a prime source) to form nitrosamines, powerful carcinogenic compounds. Ascorbic and erythorbic acids?essentially vitamin C?have been shown to decrease the risk, and most manufacturers now add one or both to their products, which has helped. Still, the best way to reduce risk is to limit your intake.

You?ll find it in: Oscar Mayer hot dogs, Hormel bacon

Caramel Coloring

This additive wouldn?t be dangerous if you made it the old-fashioned way?with water and sugar, on top of a stove. But the food industry follows a different recipe: They treat sugar with ammonia, which can produce some nasty carcinogens. How carcinogenic are these compounds? A Center for Science in the Public Interest report asserted that the high levels of caramel color found in soda account for roughly 15,000 cancers in the U.S. annually. Another good reason to scrap soft drinks? They?re among The 20 Worst Drinks in America.

You?ll find it in: Coke/Diet Coke, Pepsi/Diet Pepsi


Castoreum is one of the many nebulous ?natural ingredients? used to flavor food. Though it isn?t harmful, it is unsettling. Castoreum is a substance made from beavers? castor sacs, or anal scent glands. These glands produce potent secretions that help the animals mark their territory in the wild. In the food industry, however, 1,000 pounds of the unsavory ingredient are used annually to imbue foods?usually vanilla or raspberry flavored?with a distinctive, musky flavor.

You?ll find it in: Potentially any food containing ?natural ingredients?

Food Dyes

Plenty of fruit-flavored candies and sugary cereals don?t contain a single gram of produce, but instead rely on artificial dyes and flavorings to suggest a relationship with nature. Not only do these dyes allow manufacturers to mask the drab colors of heavily processed foods, but certain hues have been linked to more serious ailments. A Journal of Pediatrics study linked Yellow 5 to hyperactivity in children, Canadian researchers found Yellow 6 and Red 40 to be contaminated with known carcinogens, and Red 3 is known to cause tumors. The bottom line? Avoid artificial dyes as much as possible.

You?ll find it in: Lucky Charms, Skittles, Jell-O

THE DOMINO EFFECT: Sugar doesn?t just come in the form of cookies and candy. Discover the insidious ways it can creep into your diet with 9 Sneaky Sources of Sugar.

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, used as a flavor enhancer, is plant protein that has been chemically broken down into amino acids. One of these acids, glutamic acid, can release free glutamate. When this glutamate joins with free sodium in your body, they form monosodium glutamate (MSG), an additive known to cause adverse reactions?headaches, nausea, and weakness, among others?in sensitive individuals. When MSG is added to products directly, the FDA requires manufacturers to disclose its inclusion on the ingredient statement. But when it occurs as a byproduct of hydrolyzed protein, the FDA allows it to go unrecognized.

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Armstrong gets support from fellow riders

FILE - In this July 24, 2004, file photo, overall leader Lance Armstrong, right, of Austin, Texas, follows compatriot and teammate Floyd Landis, left, in the ascent of the La Croix Fry pass during the 17th stage of the Tour de France cycling race between Bourg-d'Oisans and Le Grand Bornand, French Alps. Armstrong, whose stirring victories after his comeback from cancer helped him transcend sports, chose not to pursue arbitration in the drug case brought against him by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. That was his last option in his bitter fight with USADA and his decision set the stage for the titles to be stripped and his name to be all but wiped from the record books of the sport he once ruled. (AP Photo/Bernard Papon, Pool, File)

FILE - In this July 24, 2004, file photo, overall leader Lance Armstrong, right, of Austin, Texas, follows compatriot and teammate Floyd Landis, left, in the ascent of the La Croix Fry pass during the 17th stage of the Tour de France cycling race between Bourg-d'Oisans and Le Grand Bornand, French Alps. Armstrong, whose stirring victories after his comeback from cancer helped him transcend sports, chose not to pursue arbitration in the drug case brought against him by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. That was his last option in his bitter fight with USADA and his decision set the stage for the titles to be stripped and his name to be all but wiped from the record books of the sport he once ruled. (AP Photo/Bernard Papon, Pool, File)

FILE - This July 28, 2002 file photo shows Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, center, flanked by best sprinter Robbie McEwen, of Australia, right, and best climber Laurent Jalabert, of France, after the 20th and final stage of the Tour de France cycling in Paris. The superstar cyclist, whose stirring victories after his comeback from cancer helped him transcend sports, chose not to pursue arbitration in the drug case brought against him by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. That was his last option in his bitter fight with USADA and his decision set the stage for the titles to be stripped and his name to be all but wiped from the record books of the sport he once ruled. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File)

FILE - This is a Wednesday, July 23, 2003 file photo of Jan Ullrich of Germany as he strains in the ascent of the Bagarguy pass during the 16th stage of the Tour de France cycling race between Pau and Bayonne, southwestern France. The cyclists Lance Armstrong beat to win his seven Tour de France victories may soon get a chance at his titles. But their ranks include men who have faced a tangle of doping bans and accusations, possibly presenting a headache for Tour leadership. Ullrich finished second to Armstrong in 2003. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File)

(AP) ? Lance Armstrong received plenty of support from fellow riders Friday.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency stripped Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles and banned him for life after the American decided not to fight charges that he used performance-enhancing drugs during his career.

One former rival, Filippo Simeoni, questioned why Armstrong didn't continue to contest the charges.

"It leaves me a bit perplexed, because someone like him, with all the fame and popularity and millions of dollars he has, should fight to the end if he's innocent," Simeoni told The Associated Press from his home in Sezze, Italy, during a lunch break from operating his coffee bar. "But I guess he realized it was a useless fight and the evidence USADA had was too great."

Simeoni welcomed the changes in cycling that have led to stricter doping rules since Armstrong won his seven titles from 1999-2005, but said more should have been done a long time ago.

"That entire decade was one big bluff," Simeoni said.

At the Spanish Vuelta, riders including former rival and teammate Alberto Contador joined ex-Armstrong coach Johan Bruyneel in offering support.

"I think he was a cyclist who always showed such strength, great intelligence and spectacular physical conditioning," said Contador, who edged Armstrong for his second Tour title in the first year of his comeback in 2009 and has battled his own doping charges. "We should wait and see what happens at the close before passing judgment."

Bruyneel called Armstrong a victim of an "unjust" legal case.

"I'm disappointed for Lance and for cycling in general that things have reached a stage where Lance feels that he has had enough and is no longer willing to participate in USADA's campaign against him," Bruyneel wrote on his personal website. "Lance has never withdrawn from a fair fight in his life, so his decision today underlines what an unjust process this has been."

The International Cycling Union said it was still awaiting USADA's explanation before deciding whether it would take any action against Armstrong. The organizers of the Tour de France said they would wait to see what both USADA and the UCI did before commenting.

"It's bad news for cycling. Again, it's back to the famous problem of the end of the 1990s and early 2000s. If Armstrong cheated, it's normal he should be sanctioned," two-time Tour champion Bernard Thevenet told French radio. "It's a very strong message to send cyclists and those around them who think about cheating."

If Armstrong is officially stripped of his titles, Jan Ullrich could be promoted to champion in three of those years. Ullrich was stripped of his third-place finish in the 2005 Tour and retired from racing two years later after being implicated in another doping scandal.

"If that actually becomes the case, I'll comment on that then," Ullrich said. "Until then, it's speculation."


AP Sports Writer Andrew Dampf in Ponza, Italy, contributed to this report.


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