Sunday, August 26, 2012

University of Virginia declines, Obama campaign forced to find new venue for visit

University of Virginia declines, Obama campaign forced to find new venue for visit

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. ? President Barack Obama was forced to find another venue for a Virginia campaign event next week after the University of Virginia declined a request to use the campus.

University officials had said Friday that they had met with the campaign about using one of its outdoor venues on Wednesday. But school officials determined that holding the event there would cancel or disrupt classes on the semester's second day and would shut down adjacent buildings for the entire day.

The Obama campaign subsequently announced that the president would be at the Charlottesville Pavilion on the city's downtown pedestrian mall. Gates open at 1 p.m.

Obama's Charlottesville stop is part of a swing of three college towns in toss-up battleground states.


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