Friday, May 27, 2011

It's All Over For Emma Watson!


And doesn't she look just oh so sad about it?

Check out the latest poster to be revealed for the final HP flick, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2. (above)

For the last time, Emma Watson has been immortalized as her character, Hermione Granger, for the film's promotional poster, looking worn and tired, beaten down by a battle, both physically and emotionally. It's been rough being the Granger girl! How will it all end?!

Well, if you read the books you already know that, dontcha? You don't need us to tell you!

P.S. - If you look real hard, we're pretty sure you can make out Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas in that gaggle of students in the right hand corner? Do U seem them???

P.P.S - We almost forgotten what she looked like with long hair. We like it so much better than the pixie cut now.

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