Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Study of Religion Psychology : Reference and Education

The Study of Religion Psychology

Religion psychology is the psychological study of religious experiences defined scientifically. Historically, religion psychology focused on a belief system that drove a way of life, usually of entire societies. But in the last couple of decades, religion is becoming less a way of believing and more a way of living. Simply put, it is impossible to understand how people think without also understanding their religious beliefs.

The fields of religion and psychology both enter realms of the unseen and until now, have done so in entirely different scopes of academia. Psychology began as a formal, scientific field of study approximately 100 years ago with Sigmund Freud, who realized that behavior is primarily driven by the subconscious. Religion psychology has been in existence in one form or another for a long time and has been studied as theology.

The psychological study of religion, or religion psychology, is a significant area of psychology and relevant to the understanding of people as a whole and as individuals.? Religion psychology offers material for the array of attitudes, coping mechanisms and other phenomena of interest to the field of psychology. It also challenges the field to find ways to conduct research that is scientific and meaningful. Thinking more abstractly, the undeniable link between psychology and religion continues to more strongly define psychology with philosophy through history.

There are several degree programs that are available that will prepare psychologists to specialize in this field. Because it is a rare specialty, degree programs are more broad. The most important focus when choosing a degree program is the accreditation of the program, whether or not the program meets your career goals and the long-term value of the program. You can tailor your degree plan to include religion psychology, even if you are pursuing a basic psychology degree.

Religion psychology is very new as a field of study in mental health and will inevitably find its place in the field of psychology, along with the rest of the social sciences. Defining religion in a way that is scientifically measurable, either quantifiably or qualitatively, is the purpose of this field. Also, studying how religion influences behavior in groups and individuals is an important aspect.

Helping Psychology is your guide to learning more about the Psychology profession and the opportunities that are available in this dynamic discipline including Clinical psychology degree,Forensic psychology degree and PsyD Education sponsored by Argosy University.

Argosy University offers a degree program in Pastoral Community Counseling that discusses religion in psychology and place emphasis on the religious/spiritual community. For more information, click here.

Written by: Dan on May 17, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 1:43 am?
Filed under Psychology ? Tagged with 100 Years, Accreditation, Basic Psychology, Belief System, Career Goals, Coping Mechanisms, Degree Plan, Degree Program, Degree Programs, Field Of Psychology, Psychological Study, Psychologists, Psychology, Psychology And Religion, Psychology Degree, religion, Religious Beliefs, Religious Experiences, Scopes, Sigmund Freud, study, Subconscious Religion, Way Of Life

Source: http://www.theyellowads.com/reference_education/the-study-of-religion-psychology

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