Thursday, May 19, 2011

What You Should Know About Safe Oral Sex | Pray Over Dating for ...

There are some people who imagine that performing oral sex is much safer than anal or vaginal sex. They think that the chances of them being infected with HIV or STD are nonexistent. This article will help you to learn about safe oral sex.

What are the risks of engaging in oral sex?

You can easily communicate HIV, particularly if you have cuts in your mouth, e.g. from piercings, dental operations, or accidental cuts or punctures. HIV can be found in body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, semen, and breast milk. But wounds are not necessary to transmit HIV, since it can be propagated through the mucous membranes. Mucous membranes are found in your mouth, nose, anus, and vagina.

There is still some disputation concerning HIV being passed on orally, but it is better not to risk it, above all if you know that your partner is diagnosed with this disease.

What STDs can be transmitted?

* Herpes can be transferred from the infected party to their partners through skin contact. Even if you use a condom, it does not lower the risk of contamination.

* Chlamydia poses a greater hazard of infection if you perform fellatio compared to cunnilingus.

* Syphilis is one sexually transmitted disease that is easily transmitted thru oral sex. During the first few stages, you might not experience any symptoms, but as time progresses it is hard to disregard the sores.

* You can also get infected with Hepatitis A and B through oral sex. Having vaccinations might forestall infection.

What protections or special measures ought you take if you want to perform oral sex with your partner?

* Do not engage in oral (or any) sex if you know that your partner is diagnosed with any STD.

* Do not engage in any sexual relations with those you do not know ? no one night stands. There is a great risk that you will be infected with any diseases he or she might have.

* Do not let any semen or vaginal fluids into your mouth as they might carry an infectious disease.

* Put on a condom, adding some lubricants so that it will not break. Just make sure that the lubricant you are using is water-based. The risk of condom breakage is high with the oil-based.

* Use polyurethane condoms if you are hypersensitive to latex condoms, or your partner is.

* Avoid using condoms that might cause your mouth and tongue to numb. Some condoms with spermicides do.

* Abstinence is the best preventive measure if you want to be protected from contamination. Your health is much more valuable than anything else. Once your health is being compromised you will suffer from it for the rest of your life.

Except for the risks of unintended pregnancy, oral sex has all the risks of intercourse. There is no problem if everybody practiced everlasting monogamy, but because people are not perfect, there is no such thing as perfectly safe oral sex. Nevertheless, you can surely make it safer if you follow the suggestions here.


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