Sunday, May 15, 2011

Off Road Boarding Duo Undoubtedly Powered by Broken Bones and Adrenaline [Deathwish]

Jack Loftus ?Off Road Boarding Duo Undoubtedly Powered by Broken Bones and AdrenalineScarpar is an off-road skateboard we've seen before as a concept and is now available for pre-order. The DTV Shredder, which is being eyed by the military, is a new one for me. Both would be the end of me.

The Scarpar ranges from $2,800 to $3,800 depending on battery pack size and can shoot you forward across rough terrain at speeds up to 28 m.p.h. Preorders begin at $500.

The handlebar-equipped DTV, on the other hand, is $2,500, can speed along at 30 m.p.h. and is capable of hauling a trailer with 1,200 lbs. (!) of cargo.

That's about four or five buddies' worth of weight, so if you're planning on playing medic with your Scarpar-riding friends out in the bush, the DTV is the way to go.

Both models will be available later this year. [Technabob and Technabob]


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