Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wanted: Criminals

Hello all,

I am looking to find active and motivated players to take part in my new RP. It's going to be a rip roaring ride through the streets of the greater London metropolitan area. The RP will be entirely character driven with important goals that can be achieves while battling to expand the territory of your gang throughout the area.

I'm looking for people to take control of the gangs or evil corporate entities or mobs or roving bands of thugs that are working to try and get a bigger peice of the pie. I'm also looking for gang members, people who work within the gang. Every general need soldiers, and these leaders will need theirs, too. This RP will be rich with violence and other mature content (no visual or text based pornography, though.)

So, if your interested, pop on in and take a look. I promise that things will be exciting, creative in this role play world with danger lurking down every street and death peeking around every corner. And it's in London, so drinking will be involved, too!


Did I mention Soccer Hooligans?


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