Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 31 July 2012

Indian power cuts reflect ongoing grid problems

India has been struck by massive power cuts on two successive days because it simply does not generate enough electricity

Ex-sceptic says humans to blame for global warming

Physicist Richard Muller now says he is convinced that humans are causing climate change, but nobody is convinced by his analysis

Tiny carbon-stealing organisms bloom in the Black Sea

Microscopic plankton in the Black Sea move carbon from the air into the sediment, speeding up the carbon cycle

The emotions of the Olympics, in real time

A new data visualisation reveals trends in the way people are responding to the world's biggest sporting event

Ye Shiwen's Olympic swim gold 'not impossible'

The Chinese swimming prodigy's world record in the women's 400 metres Olympic individual medley may merely be exceptional

Prostate cancer blood test causes controversy

A US health agency advises against routine prostate cancer screening while a new study claims it has made aggressive forms of the disease less common

'We need to maintain a human presence under the sea'

Aquanaut Sylvia Earle, co-leader of the final mission to the world's only undersea lab, says the oceans need protecting more than ever - don't pull funding

Modern culture began in South Africa 44,000 years ago

The Later Stone Age technology in South Africa appeared 20,000 years earlier than thought, bringing it into line with a similar transition in Europe

Sinking the Titanic 'women and children first' myth

Forget "women and children first" - it might have worked on the Titanic, but it's usually every man for himself, says Mikael Elinder

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Shell scales back Arctic drilling this summer

Capt. Kristjan B. Laxfoss via AP

A Shell drilling ship drifts near shore on Unalaska Island, Alaska, on July 14. ship lost its mooring but did not ground and was not damaged, the Coast Guard said.

By Miguel Llanos, NBC News

The first drilling in Arctic waters off Alaska later this summer is being curtailed, Shell said Tuesday. The company focused on the ongoing presence of sea ice, while environmentalists pointed to the fact that Shell has yet to get certification for its spill containment system.?

Shell had planned to drill five exploration wells this summer but now will aim for two as well as additional "top hole" locations, "meaning we will begin new wells which can be completed in 2013," Shell spokeswoman Kelly op de Weegh told NBC News.

"We have continued to be delayed by the sea ice in place, and while the ice is just now beginning to clear near one of our locations, we are still monitoring for ice to clear elsewhere," she added.

"If the ice had been cleared, we would be awaiting final testing and certification of the containment barge,' she said.

The?containment system?was being tested Tuesday and later in the week, she said, adding that "we feel very good about the progress we?ve made."

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The drilling will be in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Thick Chukchi sea ice stands in contrast to thin ice or wide-open seas in other parts of the Arctic.

Shell hopes drilling the "top holes" will allow it to get back on track and still have 10 wells drilled by the end of summer in 2013.

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Shell suffered another setback in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, earlier this month when one of its exploration ships, the Discoverer, drifted toward shore and nearly grounded.

Drilling opponents say the recent problems show why Shell's plans are too risky.

"As Shell Oil continues to push to drill exploratory wells in our Arctic Ocean this summer, the oil giant is giving us a preview of how disastrous a situation this could be," Kristen Miller of the Alaska Wilderness League said in a statement.?

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/31/13055017-shell-scales-back-arctic-drilling-this-summer?lite

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Twitter feeds fuel Jackson family feud

LOS ANGELES -- From behind the highly secretive Jackson dynasty's once-impenetrable wall, Prince and Paris Jackson appeared to be airing their family's dirty laundry this week in a typical way for a teen -- on their Twitter feeds.

Their tweets about the alleged disappearance of their grandmother, matriarch Katherine Jackson, were emotionally charged and prolific. One of Prince's posts thanking fans for their support ran far past 120 characters on TwitLonger. It's an unprecedented celebrity family squabble playing out in the digital town square.

This comes in the same week that Greek triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou was banned from competing in the Olympics after she sent out a Tweet perceived to be racist. On Thursday, Florida State football coach Jimbo Fisher banned his players from using Twitter for the rest of the year after one of his players posted rap lyrics about killing police officers. And in the wake of Kristen Stewart's apology for her "momentary indiscretion" with married "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders, "Twilight" fans have taken to Twitter to express their anger toward Stewart and their support for her longtime boyfriend and co-star, Robert Pattinson.

Twitter has ingratiated itself as a daily media fixture delivering cultural and news tidbits to an information-ravenous public, but it's increasingly finding itself in the spotlight as well. The quick-moving, instantaneous forum is often a double-edged sword for celebrities, who can bypass the tabloids and reach the masses with one uncensored click; but quick-fingered, loose-lipped tweets can do instant damage.

More frequently, celebrity Twitter feeds are being managed by wary flacks with an eye toward reining in their clients and avoiding potential missteps. The trend may be counterintuitive to the immediate, unfettered nature of Twitter, but some say it's a necessary evil.

"The great news about Twitter is celebs can talk instantaneously and directly to their fans; the bad news is, celebs can talk instantaneously and directly to their fans," says Howard Bragman, a longtime publicist and vice chairman of Reputation.com who's represented Chaz Bono and Stevie Wonder, among many others. "It's absolutely an increasing concern for us; every week we see something tweeted that's taken right down."

There's always been speculation as to whether celebrity tweets are really their own, or whether more PR-savvy handlers are tweeting for them toward some strategic promotional end. After all, 14-year-old Paris Jackson alone has more than 700,000 followers. Bragman estimates that about 80 percent of celebrities tweet for themselves these days, though as the medium becomes more of a central nerve for taste making, he says that number might be on the decline.

Source: http://www.dailycamera.com/nation-world-news/ci_21183577/twitter-feeds-fuel-jackson-family-feud?source=rss_viewed

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Monday, July 30, 2012

E3 computer and gaming convention stays in L.A. through 2015 - LA ...

The popular and profitable E3 electronic show will continue to use the Los Angeles Convention Center as its home through 2015, it was announced Monday.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said the Electronic Entertainment Expo agreed to make Los Angeles the host city for its annual event, which has become one of the most anticipated trade shows for computers and video games.

E3 began in Los Angeles in 1995 and has remained in the Convention Center since then.

City officials wanted to lock the event in for future years and head off advances from other cities seeking to woo event organizers.

E3 officials had wanted assurances that construction plans for the Convention Center as part of the Farmers Field football stadium project would not interfere with their convention.

For 2012, the three-day conference resulted in the booking of 30,000 hotel room nights and was believed to have had a $40 million economic impact, the Los Angeles Tourism and Convention Board said. Next year's convention will be held June 11-13, is expected to have a similar impact.

Villaraigosa and other city officials made an all out effort this past year to convince officials with E3 - owned by the Entertainment Software Association - to remain in Los Angeles.

"It is a privilege that Los Angeles will continue to host E3," Villaraigosa said. "Los Angeles is the birthplace of E3 and returning year after year, it continues to keep the city at the

forefront of technology."

At this year's convention, the mayor, city leaders and officials of AEG, the owners of LA Live, met with ESA leaders to urge them to remain in the city.

"Not only is E3 important for the technology and video game industry, it is also important to tourism," said Mark Lieberman, president of the Tourism and Convention Board.

"With approximately 200 exhibitors and 45,000 attendees, we recognize that all eyes are on Los Angeles during the event."

E3 brings together industry professionals with buyers, retailers, programmers, distributors and other in the industry with venture capitalists, importers and manufacturers.

Source: http://www.dailynews.com/business/ci_21191752/e3-computer-and-gaming-convention-stays-l-through?source=rss

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney closing Israeli fundraiser to reporters

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann board his charter plane at London Stansted Airport, Saturday, July 28, 2012, as he travels to Israel. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann board his charter plane at London Stansted Airport, Saturday, July 28, 2012, as he travels to Israel. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and wife Ann arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel, Saturday, July 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and wife Ann arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel, Saturday, July 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and wife Ann arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel, Saturday, July 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney plans to raise campaign money in private while in Israel, so what he tells wealthy American supporters abroad will be kept quiet from voters at home.

Romney's campaign is barring reporters from a fundraiser at Jerusalem's King David Hotel and not saying why. At U.S. events, Romney's remarks to donors in communal spaces such as hotels are typically public.

President Barack Obama allows reporters to hear his words at fundraisers, though he generally bars them from listening to question-and-answer sessions with those in attendance. The president sometimes allows coverage of his remarks at events in private homes.

Romney traveling press secretary Rick Gorka, asked to comment, simply said, "Closed press, closed press, closed press," as he walked down the aisle of the candidate's campaign plane during the flight from London to Tel Aviv.

Some of Romney's wealthiest U.S. supporters plan to attend Monday's fundraiser. They include casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who's donated millions to a group backing Romney and is a leading backer of Republican Jewish groups in the U.S.

Donors at the event were asked to contribute $50,000 or to raise $100,000. Romney advisers say the event is expected to raise more than $1 million. The fundraiser will be relatively small, likely with about 50 attendees, giving Romney the chance to interact more personally than he does in many of the larger events.

Romney sometimes has given donors more policy specifics than he includes in his standard campaign speeches. At a fundraiser this spring in Florida, for example, he offered new details on how he might cut government and which deductions he might eliminate as part of his tax plan. The event was overheard by reporters standing on a public sidewalk.

Throughout his career and campaign, Romney has released information that the law demands, including the list of donors that the Federal Election Commission requires and financial disclosures that give a broad outline of up to $250 million in assets.

But he repeatedly has broken with the practice of presidential candidates in both parties in disclosing more. He's refused to release the names of the fundraisers who tap friends and business networks to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for his campaign, and has said he'll release only two years' worth of tax returns.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-07-28-Romney-Foreign%20Fundraising/id-7485c99cde284ce9a15018ed17afe95c

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In Israel, Mitt Romney stops at Jewish holy site

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Mitt Romney has visited one of Judaism's most holy sites.

The U.S. presidential candidate, who's on a pre-election trip to burnish his foreign-policy credentials, visited the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. The stop came after he met with Israeli government officials on Sunday.

The Western Wall is the holiest site where Jews can pray. For centuries, it has been a site for Jewish prayers and pilgrimages.

The Republican rival to President Barack Obama is set to give a foreign policy speech later Sunday in which he is expected to lay out his ideas for dealing with Iran.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israel-mitt-romney-stops-jewish-holy-120342915.html

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F1: Hungary Sunday quotes: Force India

Nico Hulkenberg - 11th: "A very difficult race, to be honest. I struggled a lot with the balance this afternoon and we just didn't have good enough pace. The rear tyre degradation was also high and it wasn't easy towards the end of the race. So with all things considered I think P11 was the maximum that was possible because we didn't make any mistakes and the two-stop strategy was definitely the right decision. We were not far away from the points, but we still need to go away and analyse what happened so that we can improve in time for the next race."

Paul di Resta - 12th: "I don't think P12 is a fair reflection of the speed we had in the car today. My race was compromised by a poor start and I lost a few positions going into turn one. I had the same issue in Germany last week so we need to understand how we can improve that going forward because it's hurting our track position. The first few laps were quite tough but the car came alive after lap four and brought me back into contention. Unfortunately it was impossible to maximise the speed of the car because there was no chance to overtake and once the pit stops were complete it was just a case of bringing the car home."

Dr Vijay Mallya, Team Principal & Managing Director: "We've shown flashes of speed this weekend, but ultimately we haven't been consistent enough to achieve our goal of finishing in the points. We didn't qualify well enough and that hurt us this afternoon because there was little chance to progress on a track where overtaking is so difficult. There was no room to improvise with the strategy and our two-stop approach was definitely the right call considering the cars that we were racing against. We will take the positives from the last few days and try to understand where we can find more performance so that we can come back stronger after the summer break."

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Supermodel and Actress Christie Brinkley Will Star as Sexy Jazz ...

ChicagoPHOTO1cropped DPAC2012 Supermodel and Actress Christie Brinkley Will Star as Sexy Jazz Slayer Roxie Hart in Chicago at DPAC

On July 31-Aug. 5, Durham Performing Arts Center will present ?Chicago,? starring Christie Brinkley as former showgirl-turned-sexy jazz slayer Roxanne ?Roxie? Hart (photo by Jeremy Daniel)

Supermodel and actress Christie Brinkley will star as former showgirl-turned-sexy jazz slayer Roxie Hart, who shoots her boyfriend three times when he tries to dump her and then tries to convince her husband to take the blame, in the national tour of legendary director and choreographer Bob Fosse?s Roaring Twenties musical, Chicago, which will play the Durham Performing Arts Center on July 31-Aug. 5. The 58-year-old Monroe, MI native has appeared on more than 500 magazine covers and made, perhaps, her biggest modeling splash as modeling for a number of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues.

The touring version of Chicago that will play eight performances at DPAC is based on the award-winning 1996 Broadway revival of the show, which was directed by Walter Bobbie and choreographed in the style of Bob Fosse by Ann Reinking, whose work is faithfully recreated on tour by director Scott Faris and choreographer Gary Chryst. This ?Musical Vaudeville,? which is set in Chicago at the end of the 1920s, features music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, and a book by Ebb and original director/choreographer Bob Fosse, based on Maurine Dallas Watkins? vintage comedy Chicago (1927).

Besides Christie Brinkley as Roxie Hart, the tour stars Amra-Faye Wright as former vaudevillian and nightclub singer Velma Kelly, whom Roxie?s headline-grabbing crime makes yesterday?s news; and Tony Yazbeck as Velma?s high-priced Windy City criminal defense attorney Billy Flynn, who puts Velma?s case on the backburner while he gin ups favorable publicity for Roxie.

Ron Orbach plays Roxie?s sad-sack husband Amos Hart (a.k.a. ?Mr. Cellophane?); Brent Heuser adds a crisp cameo as Roxie?s no good rat of a boyfriend Fred Casely; Roz Ryan is terrific as corrupt Cook County Jail matron ?Mama? Morton; and R. Lowe portrays sobsister Mary Sunshine, a gullible newspaper columnist who eagerly swallows Flynn?s latest lies neat, with no chaser.

According to the Durham Performing Arts Center:

?After her critically-acclaimed debut as Roxie Hart on Broadway and in London?s West End [both in 2011], Christie Brinkley, one of the world?s most successful supermodels, will make her highly-anticipated Broadway tour debut this spring as she reprises her killer role in the six-time Tony Award?-winning musical smash hit Chicago.

?Chicago producer Barry Weissler said: ?We are thrilled to welcome Christie and her incredible dedication, focus, and determination that she exhibits?. I?m excited to share with audiences the stellar performance that she delivers.?

?Throughout her phenomenal career as one of the country?s most successful and recognizable supermodels, Christie Brinkley has appeared on more than 500 magazine covers worldwide. But more than that, she also excels as an artist, writer, photographer, designer, actress, philanthropist, environmentalist, and political activist. Christie Brinkley recently launched a line of natural skin care products as part of her new company, Christie Brinkley Beauty [https://www.christiebrinkleyskincare.com/shared-beauty.html]. Combining her modeling experience with her artistic talents and diverse interests, Christie?s career over the years has been interesting and dynamic.

?A Ford model for over 30 years, Christie was discovered by a photographer in Paris at the age of eighteen. Since then, she has become the first model to ever appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated for three consecutive years, and appeared in the publication?s annual Swimsuit Issues and television specials for years to follow.

?In 1976, CoverGirl gave Christie her first ?big break? in modeling with a contract, which launched the start of a 20-year partnership that marks the longest-running cosmetics contract of any model in history.

?Christie is known for her commitment to health and fitness. Christie wrote and illustrated a health and beauty book, Christie Brinkley?s Outdoor Beauty and Fitness Guide [1983], which topped The New York Times bestseller list.

?On the big screen, she made her acting debut in 1983 opposite Chevy Chase in the hit feature film National Lampoon?s Vacation and its 1997 sequel, Vegas Vacation. She has also famously appeared in Billy Joel?s classic music videos ?Uptown Girl,? ?Keeping the Faith,? and ?All About Soul,? as well as Mick Jones? music video ?Just Wanna Hold.?

?On television, Christie has appeared on NBC?s ?Mad About You? and hosted Lifetime Television?s ?InStyle Celebrity Weddings,? which became the highest-rated special in Lifetime?s history. She has also been featured in Vh1?s ?Pop Culture Icons? series. Christie has been the subject of many documentaries including the HBO program ?Beautiful Baby, Beautiful,? Lifetime?s ?Intimate Portrait,? and ?Barbara Walters? Oscar Night Special.?

?Christie is an active member and dedicated supporter/activist for many organizations including UNICEF?s Art and Entertainment Support Committee, Handgun Control, Ovarian Cancer, Susan G. Komen Foundation, the Cousteau Society, Southern Poverty Law, The Wilderness Society, and http://stopglobalwarming.org/.

?She currently lives in New York with two of her three children, Sailor Lee and Jack Paris. Her daughter, actress/singer Alexa Ray Joel, lives in New York City.?

The original Broadway production of Chicago earned ten 1976 Tony Award? nominations, including Best Musical, Best Original Score, Best Book of a Musical, Best Actor in a Musical (Jerry Orbach as Billy Flynn), Best Actress in a Musical (both Chita Rivera as Velma Kelly and Gwen Verdon as Roxie Hart), Best Direction of a Musical (Bob Fosse), and Best Choreography (Fosse). But it took home no Tonys.

By contrast, the 1996 Broadway revival of Chicago received eight 1997 Tony Award? nominations and won six Tonys, including Best Revival of a Musical, Best Direction of a Musical (Walter Bobbie), Best Choreography (Ann Reinking), Best Actor in a Musical (James Naughton as Billy Flynn), and Best Actress in a Musical (Bebe Neuwirth as Velma Kelly). It also won the 1997 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Revival of a Musical.

The vivacious 2002 motion-picture version of Chicago, directed by Rob Marshall, starred Renee Zellweger as Roxie Hart, Catherine Zeta-Jones as Velma Kelly, and Richard Gere as Billy Flynn. It received thirteen 2003 Academy Award? nominations and won six Oscars, including the awards for Best Picture and Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Catherine Zeta-Jones).

The Durham Performing Arts Center also writes:

?Now in its 16th glorious year of girls, glitz, and glamour on the Great White Way, the record-breaking smash hit musical Chicago is now the fourth longest-running production in Broadway history.

?With a legendary book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse, music by John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb, Chicago is the winner of six 1997 Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival and the Grammy Award for Best Musical Cast Recording.

?Set amidst the razzle-dazzle decadence of the 1920s, Chicago is the story of Roxie Hart, a housewife and nightclub dancer who murders her on-the-side lover after he threatens to walk out on her. Desperate to avoid conviction, she dupes the public, the media, and her rival cellmate, Velma Kelly, by hiring Chicago?s slickest criminal lawyer to transform her malicious crime into a barrage of sensational headlines, the likes of which might just as easily be ripped from today?s tabloids.

?Directed by Tony Award winner Walter Bobbie and choreographed by Tony Award winner Ann Reinking, Chicago features set design by John Lee Beatty, costume design by Tony Award winner William Ivey Long, lighting design by Tony Award winner Ken Billington, and sound design by Scott Lehrer.?

SECOND OPINION: July 27th Raleigh, NC News & Observer interview with Christie Brinkley, conducted by Betsy Church: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/07/26/2220250/christie-brinkley-strikes-a-new.html; and Durham, NC Herald-Sun preview by Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan: http://www.heraldsun.com/view/full_story/19587129/article-Christie-Brinkley-makes-her-parents-proud? (Note: You may have to register to read this article).

Durham Performing Arts Center presents CHICAGO, starring Christie Brinkley as Roxie Hart, at 7:30 p.m. July 31-Aug. 2, 8 p.m. Aug. 3, 2 and 8 p.m. Aug. 4, and 1:30 and 6:30 p.m. Aug. 5 at 123 Vivian St., Durham, North Carolina 27701.

TICKETS: $25-$95 (including fees), except $11 Student Rush Tickets (limit 2) to the day of the performance to students with valid ID.


DPAC Box Office: 919-680-ARTS (2787), tickets@dpacnc.com, or http://www.dpacnc.com/events/how_to_buy_tickets.

Ticketmaster: 800-745-3000 or http://www.ticketmaster.com/venueartist/115558/844316.

GROUP RATES (10+ tickets): 919/281-0587, Groups@DPACnc.com, or http://www.dpacnc.com/events/group_services/broadway_group_pricing.?

SHOW: http://www.dpacnc.com/events/detail/chicago-1.

SERIES: http://www.dpacnc.com/suntrust-broadway-series.

VIDEO PREVIEW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRQHBGDdqjM&feature=youtu.be&hd=1.

PRESENTER/VENUE: http://www.dpacnc.com/.

DIRECTIONS: http://www.dpacnc.com/plan_your_visit/getting_here.

PARKING: http://www.dpacnc.com/plan_your_visit/parking_guide.


The Musical: http://www.chicagothemusical.com/ (official website) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_musical (Wikipedia).

The Script: ?http://books.google.com/ (Google Books).

The U.S. Tour: http://www.chicagothemusical.com/ustour.php (official web page).

The Film: http://www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title/439832/Chicago/ (TCM Movie Database), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_(2002_film) (Wikipedia), and http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299658/ (Internet Movie Database).

Christie Brinkley: http://christiebrinkley.com/ (official website) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christie_Brinkley (Wikipedia).


Robert W. McDowell is editor and publisher of Triangle Theater Review, a FREE weekly e-mail theatrical newsletter that provides more comprehensive, in-depth coverage of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill theater than all of the other news media combined. This preview is reprinted with permission from Triangle Theater Review.

To start your FREE subscription to this newsletter, e-mail RobertM748@aol.com and type SUBSCRIBE TTR in the Subject: line.

To read all of Robert W. McDowell?s Triangle Theater Review previews and reviews online at Triangle Arts & Entertainment, click http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/author/robert-w-mcdowell/.

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Tagged as: Ann Reinking, Bob Fosse, Chicago, Christie Brinkley, DPAC, Durham Performing Arts Center, Fred Ebb, John Kander, Walter Bobbie

Source: http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/2012/07/supermodel-and-actress-christie-brinkley-will-star-as-sexy-jazz-slayer-roxie-hart-in-chicago-at-dpac/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekend Wack: More on Insane Climate Denial Legal Fail ...

July 27, 2012

I?ve said I try to keep away from this stuff, but, you know, its kind of like eating peanuts. Like watching crash videos. You feel like you should turn away, but you can?t. Is there such a thing as Stupid-porn?


Affidavits in Michael Mann Libel Suit Reveal Astonishing Facts About Tim Ball Associate John O?Sullivan

Affidavits filed in the British Columbia Supreme Court libel litigation brought by climate scientist Michael Mann against climate science denier?Timothy Ball?reveal that Ball?s collaborator and self-styled ?legal advisor? has misrepresented his credentials and endured some significant legal embarrassments of his?own. The affidavits also reveal that Tim Ball was ?aware of the charges against John O?Sullivan almost from the start? and has tried to distance himself from his erstwhile advisor and writing?partner. The affidavits [1,?2] come from research of science and medical writer Andrew Skolnick, who documents O?Sullivan?s misrepresentations, backtracking and questionable behavior. Tim Ball and John O?Sullivan had a close working relationship, even before?Mann sued Ball?for libel in March 2011. For example, they co-authored the climate science denial book?Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, which was published in 2010. Skolnick?s evidence shows that O?Sullivan made a series of false claims,?including:

  • that he was an attorney with more than a decade of successful litigation in New York State and Federal?courts;
  • that he was employed by a major Victoria,?B.C.(Canada) law firm that is representing Ball in the libel?action;
  • that he is a widely published writer, with credits in?Forbes?and the?National Review;
  • that he had received his law degree from the University College, Cork, Ireland and/or from the University of Surrey (O?Sullivan?s actual legal accreditation, apparently obtained after the Mann-Ball action commenced, comes from an online degree mill, Hill University, which promises delivery in two?weeks);
  • that he is a member of the American Bar?Association.

One affidavit includes an online?comment?in which O?Sullivan says, ?For your information, I am a retired academic and I have litigated personally or assisted others in pro se litigation at every level of court there is in New York State as well as Federal level, for over a decade and never?lost.? Although O?Sullivan admits in this particular comment that he is not, in fact, licensed to practice law, in the?U.S.?or the U.K., he adds, ?I?m just some Brit with a brain who can go live with his American wife in her country and kick ass big time around a?courtroom.? Certainly, O?Sullivan was successful in winning an acquittal when he was personally charged in England as a high school teacher accused of sending lewd text messages and assaulting a 16-year-old female. Given the acquittal, it would not generally be appropriate to bring up this sordid and unproven bit of history, except that O?Sullivan himself went on to write an ?erotic? ?novel? with a startlingly similar storyline:?Vanilla Girl: a Fact-Based Crime Story of a Teacher?s Struggle to Control His Erotic Obsession with a?Schoolgirl. Although eager to present himself as a science researcher of accomplishment ? certainly Tim Ball?s equal ? Skolnick?s research found that O?Sullivan is highly prone to error, whether intentional or?not.

For example, O?Sullivan provided bogus contact information when registering as an ?associate? with the New York County Lawyers? Association, an organization that apparently does not vet its members? qualifications (and does not, in any case, bestow the right to practic law). While O?Sullivan claimed to be with a firm named ?Principia Scientific International,? he provided the address of a construction company called Second Nature Construction;?the phone number and fax number didn?t belong to O?Sullivan or anyone connected to ?Principia,? either. Principia certainly exists in some form. According to its website, O?Sullivan is its?CEO, and?Tim Ball is Chairman. Other members include climate deniers?Paul Driessen,?Paul Reiter?and more. Principia notes that it operates as?a ?private association rather than a charitable foundation. This is because?PSI?chooses to operate with the relative freedom of any start up association that has yet to determine whether it may fulfil its long term purpose as either a business with the private profit motive or a charity.? This information emerged, and became relevant to this most recent libel action against Tim Ball, in part because Ball himself, in his Response to Civil Claim, stated that his communications with O?Sullivan were subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Mann then filed a reply, pointing out the facts documented in Skolnick?s affidavits. As Mann?s lawsuit proceeds, the court will inevitably rule on Ball?s claim for ?solicitor-client? privilege. In the meantime, Ball has not submitted any affidavit from O?Sullivan attesting to his qualifications as Ball?s legal advisor. If he did, O?Sullivan would be subject to cross-examination by Michael Mann?s?lawyer.

Source: http://climatecrocks.com/2012/07/27/weekend-wack-more-on-insane-climate-denial-legal-fail/

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EYES ON LONDON: Deep bongs, cavernous venue

LONDON (AP) ? Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details of the games to you:


1,000 STEPS

AP's Stephen Wade reports from the Olympic venues:

Arrive early. Be patient. Wear comfortable shoes.

That's my advice for anyone coming to the ExCel arena to watch one of seven events ? table tennis, weightlifting, judo, taekwondo, boxing, wrestling and fencing. The venue's cavernous. I counted taking about 1,000 steps walking from one end to the other. About right. The main "boulevard" runs past dozens of exhibitions halls. Must be 600-700 meters long (2,000 feet).

I mean, it dwarfs the venues in Beijing. That's saying something.

?Stephen Wade ? Twitter http://twitter.com/StephenWadeAP



AP's Cassandra Vinograd and Jill Lawless have been reporting on the runup to the opening ceremony. Here's an excerpt from their dispatch Friday morning:

"Deep bongs and pearly tones: Led by Big Ben, bells across Britain rang out in joyous cacophony Friday to mark the official opening day of the London Olympics. At precisely 8:12 a.m., 12 hours before what is expected to be a spectacular Olympic opening ceremony, the bells heralded a day of celebration that has been years in the making. Big Ben ? the famous bell inside Parliament's clock tower ? bonged 40 times over three minutes to ring in the games. It was joined across the country by bells and horns in churches, ships, boats, trucks and cars 12 hours before the symbolic time of 2012 British Summer Time ? 8:12 p.m."

?Cassandra Vinograd and Jill Lawless ? Twitter http://twitter.com/cassvinograd and http://twitter.com/jilllawless



U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps just tweeted: "Last workout ever....(hashtag)1day no more garbage yardage"

The 14 time Olympic gold medal winner has always said that he'll be hanging up his trunks after the 2012 Games. He also thanked his longtime coach, Bob Bowman, in the tweet before signing off, "now let's have some fun this week!!"

Phelps' first event is the 400-meter individual medley on Saturday.

?Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



A Turkish referee has been found dead in his London hotel room after suffering what appears to have been a heart attack.

Garip Erkuyumcu, 73, was a member of the International Boxing Association's refereeing and judging commission. He was in London to assist referees at the Olympics.

Erkuyumcu's body was discovered by a colleague ? and will be flown to Turkey next week.



London organizers want the 2012 Summer Olympics to be public transport games ... including, if they want, for athletes.

Netherlands Olympian Yao Jie is staying in the Olympic Village in east London but her sport, badminton, is in Wembley Arena in northwest London (I once saw James Brown play there; great show).

She said the trip took her 2? hours on an Olympic bus on Wednesday. So she switched Thursday to public transport ? and rode back from Wembley first on the Tube followed by the high-speed Javelin train to the Olympic Park, joining the rest of us plebs. Yao was impressed.

"It's so quick!" she exclaimed as the Javelin pulled in to Stratford, home to Olympic Park. So quick, in fact, that I got her photo on the train and tweeted it but didn't learn much else about her. Her official bio says she reached the last 16 in singles at the Athens Olympics in 2004.

?John Leicester ? Twitter http://twitter.com/johnleicester



Sheila Whysall doesn't specifically remember hearing the last special chiming of Big Ben in 1952, when the famed bell rang to mark the death of George VI.

But she knows that as a girl in Northern Ireland, her mother would have insisted that she listen to it on the radio.

So she was across the street from Parliament when Big Ben rang outside its usual quarter-hour duties for the first time on Friday in 60 years to welcome the Olympics.

The two and a half minute ringing blended with traffic noise and the ringing of small bells wielded by spectators.

People across Britain were urged to ring everything - doorbells, bike bells, there was even a smartphone bell app ? at twelve minutes past eight. "Big Ben is London," says Whysall.

?Warren Levinson ? Twitter http://twitter.com/warrenlevinson



After a few days of glorious and, well, summer weather for the summer games, rain is back in London's forecast starting on Friday.

U.S. fencer Mariel Zagunis may have to deal with it for a change.

Her sport is an indoor sport, so rain, sun, whatever, it's irrelevant to her in competition. But she's also the U.S. flag bearer for the opening ceremony on Friday night, so she might have to do her job amid raindrops.

"There's so many things that you can't control," Zagunis says. "And the weather is obviously one of them. If it rains, it rains. We're still going to have a great time and it's not going to affect anything."

Zagunis said she has a more simple concern: "I'm just going to focus on not tripping."

?Tim Reynolds ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ByTimReynolds



Hey, North Korea, it's nothing personal. Turns out the British aren't too good at identifying people's flags and nationalities ? even their own.

A day after infuriating North Koreans by branding them with the flag of their South Korean foes, Olympic organizers are at it again, this time stumbling over the identity of a fellow Briton.

Joe Allen, who speaks fluent Welsh, is one of five Welshmen on Britain's Olympic soccer team. But the team's newly minted team program labels him English. The Olympic organization committee published a brief apology in English.

?Shawn Pogatchnik ? Twitter http://twitter.com/ShawnPogatchnik



American cyclist Tyler Farrar had a Tour de France to forget, spending more time on the tarmac than his bike during the first week. But he's still the best hope for the U.S. team in Saturday's road race.

The course into the Surrey countryside should favor sprinters such as Britain's Mark Cavendish , but Farrar has beaten the star from the Isle of Mann in the past - on July 4 during last year's Tour.

Says his American teammate Chris Horner: "If the race ends up in a true bunch sprint, Tyler is our best bet to put someone on the podium."

?Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://twitter.com/jennafryer



The Brazilian men's soccer players got to practice their dance moves for Friday night's opening ceremony in their 3-2 victory over Egypt the night before. The famously festive team and its colorful fan base got rocking and rolling in their opener, putting three in the net in the first half and doing some serious dancing and celebrating after each one.

It wasn't quite as celebratory in the second half, when Egypt scored twice to turn a runaway into a bit of a nail-biter. All the more reason for the Brazilians to blow off a little more steam on Friday night.

?Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APkrawczynski.



The Olympics are finally here, and with Friday night's opening ceremony fast approaching, the speculation is mounting over who will earn the honor of lighting the Olympic flame.

Bookmakers have assigned odds on who will be the final torchbearer, so this is something you can actually bet on. The British Olympic Association said last week they've made their selection, so a handful of people already know the identity.

That's only heightened the debate, even between some of the contenders.

Sir Steve Redgrave is a five-time rowing gold medalist, but he's publicly questioned if two-time decathlon gold medalist Daley Thompson should get the nod over him. Thompson, meanwhile, has said he's more deserving than Sebastian Coe, two-time Olympic champion in the 1,500 meters and head of the London organizing committee.

And don't forget the celebrities or the royals.

Among the other names bandied about has been Prince William, David Beckham, Paul McCartney, or, maybe, an electronic device. In 1992, archer Antonio Rebollo opened the Games by shooting a flaming arrow toward the cauldron.

?Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://twitter.com/jennafryer



Thousands of visitors to London this week have made incredibly long trips to get here. Only one claims to have done it all on a rickshaw.

Farmer Chen Guanming is claiming that he made the entire journey from his home in Eastern China on his three-wheeled rickshaw. He says it took him two years to complete the ride, and he has photos of him in front of famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower to prove his case.

"I came. I did it. I'm very happy to have come to beautiful London," he said.

He made the trip without a ticket for the opening ceremony. He figures if he made it this far, he should be able to come up with a way to get into Olympic Stadium on Friday night.

?Sylvia Hui ? Twitter http://twitter.com/sylviahui

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eyes-london-deep-bongs-cavernous-venue-113709697--oly.html

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Romney can expect warm Israeli reception

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Mitt Romney's support for Israel will likely earn the presumptive Republican presidential nominee a warm welcome from Israeli leaders when he visits on Sunday ? and a frosty reception from Palestinians, who fear he would do little to advance their stalled statehood dreams.

Romney is visiting Israel as part of a three-nation foreign tour that includes Britain and Poland. He hopes it will boost his credentials to direct U.S. national security and diplomacy.

The visit to Israel comes at a time when its leaders are weighing a military attack on Iran, the neighboring regime in Syria is looking increasingly shaky and Mideast peace talks are going nowhere.

Romney, a longtime friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is expected to play up his critique of President Barack Obama's posture toward the Jewish state and his handling of Iran's suspected nuclear weapons ambitions.

Israeli political scientist Abraham Diskin says Romney can expect an "enthusiastic" reception, both because of his solid record of pro-Israel comments ? and because he's not Obama.

"What interests Israelis is Israel," Diskin said. "Romney has a very pro-Israel stance. He is very suspicious of the Arab world. (Israelis) are very suspicious of Obama."

In an effort to upstage Romney a day before he landed in Israel, the White House announced it was signing legislation expanding military and civilian cooperation with Israel.

Still, with polls showing a close race, Romney hopes this showcase for his pro-Israel stance will help him to woo votes from traditionally Democratic Jewish voters and evangelical Christians who zealously defend Israeli government policy. Obama has not visited Israel since he became president.

Romney already has stumbled in his first international swing as presidential contender by suggesting that British officials might not be prepared to pull off a successful Olympics. In an interview with NBC News, he called London's problems with games preparation "disconcerting," and the remark sparked sharp responses from Britain's top officials.

In Israel, Romney will be meeting with Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, President Shimon Peres and Israeli opposition leaders.

He will not see Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Abbas aide Nimr Hamad said, though he will be sitting down with the Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad, in Jerusalem. Neither the Romney nor Abbas camps would explain why a meeting with Abbas was not on the agenda.

Romney's relationship with the U.S.-educated Netanyahu dates back decades, when they briefly overlapped in the 1970s at Boston Consulting Group, and the two men share conservative outlooks. A Romney bankroller, Sheldon Adelson, is financing a free Israeli newspaper that reflects Netanyahu's views.

Netanyahu has refused to endorse either presidential candidate, although his ties with Obama have been fraught.

"I will receive Mitt Romney with the same openness that I received another presidential candidate, then-Senator Barack Obama, when he came almost four years ago, almost the same time in the campaign, to Israel," he said when asked about the visit last Sunday on Fox News. "We extend bipartisan hospitality to both Democrats and Republicans."

Romney ? like most politicians who make the trek to Israel ? is likely to face questions such as whether he would endorse calls by some fellow Republicans to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and his stance on Israeli calls for Washington to release convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.

Romney has consistently accused Obama of putting too much pressure on Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians and of being too weak on Iran. He says he wants to present a clearer military threat to the Islamic Republic, with a stronger naval presence in the Gulf. Tehran denies it is seeking nuclear weapons.

At a war veterans' convention in Nevada this week, Romney accused Obama of being "fond of lecturing Israel's leaders."

"He has undermined their position, which was tough enough as it was," Romney said. The "people of Israel deserve better than what they have received from the leader of the free world."

Obama rejects the criticism and points to unprecedented security cooperation with the Jewish state.

Three years after he came into office with Israeli-Palestinian peace at the top of his foreign policy priorities, Obama recently acknowledged that his efforts there have failed. Peace talks have been deadlocked more than three years.

Obama, who tried to persuade the Arab world that he was an honest broker, lost the Palestinians' trust by refusing to follow up tough talk with action when Israel defied his call to halt settlement construction on occupied land Palestinians seek for a future state.

The Palestinian leadership in the West Bank has refused to resume negotiations without a settlement construction freeze and went ahead with a statehood campaign at the United Nations, over the president's objections.

Palestinians fear Romney would be softer on Israel than Obama. Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi said that would doom any chance for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establishing a Palestinian state on lands Israel captured in the 1967 war.

"American foreign policy in the region is shaped by Israel and determined by what's good for Israel, and not even what's good for the U.S.," Ashrawi complained.

Romney "will probably try to take it a notch higher," she said, and if the U.S. refuses to put any pressure on Israel, "then there's no chance for peace."

Obama's tense relations with Netanyahu have created the perception that U.S.-Israeli relations have deteriorated. During one of Netanyahu's White House visits, Obama extended none of the trappings, like a joint news conference, usually accorded to an important ally.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-expect-warm-israeli-reception-061716113.html

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Exclusive 'Breaking Bad' photo: Mike vs. Jesse

By Anna Chan, TODAY

Last Sunday's episode of "Breaking Bad" saw Walt and Jesse start to rebuild their "business" by finally convincing Mike to join them in their endeavors, but could there be trouble already for the new partners?

A photo that AMC is sharing exclusively with us of Sunday's episode, "Hazard Pay," appears to show a tense moment between the fixer and the young meth cook.

Ursula Coyote / AMC

Mike (Jonathan Banks) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) on "Breaking Bad."

Mike, whose relationship with the pair has never been easy, has nevertheless acted a bit fatherly at times toward Jesse as Walt dives deeper into his dark side. Could this be a frustrating father-son teaching moment, or a disagreement over business??

Watch and see when the episode airs at 10 p.m. Sunday on AMC.

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Source: http://theclicker.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/27/12995617-exclusive-breaking-bad-photo-jesse-and-mike-face-off?lite

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Source: http://guru3x.com/the-best-way-to-buy-an-appropriate-acne-treatment/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Get Satisfaction: Facebook Is Not The First Place People Go To Do Product Research

love-your-customers-get-satisfaction-people-powered-customer-serviceConsumers are not in a research mode when they're on Facebook. Instead, the first place they go to find out about a product is Google or the company web site. That's according to an internal study by GetSatisfaction, which found that close to 90% of customers go to a company's website to research products or services. That's compared to the 12% who use social networks to research brands and product details.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/VGs9_7bVMMc/

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#SciAmBlogs Thursday - The Countdown, #BeginScights, gun violence, human origins, evolution of music, smart headlights, and more.

Introducing something new! Philip Yam introduces The Countdown, Episode 1: Earliest Spiral Galaxy, Earth as Art, the Pioneer Anomaly, a Rocket-Loving Gopher, 7 Minutes of Terror

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- Eric Michael Johnson ? The Joker?s Wild: On the Ecology of Gun Violence in America


- Christie Wilcox ? Biochemically, All Is Fair


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- Ilana Yurkiewicz ? ?Drinking from a firehose:? can research into the human mind help with medical school memorization?


- Gary Stix ? Out of Africa: Startling New Genetics of Human Origins


- Dana Hunter ? Prelude to a Catastrophe: ?Our Best Judgement of Risk?


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- Melissa C. Lott ? Will (a lack of) Water Threaten U.S. Energy Production?


- Kate Clancy ? What do you post after you have achieved the trifecta? Summer reading!


- Bora Zivkovic ? Welcome SciLogs.com, congrats to Khalil, and the ?Beginnings? series.


- Philip Yam ? The Countdown, Episode 1: Earliest Spiral Galaxy, Earth as Art, the Pioneer Anomaly, a Rocket-Loving Gopher, 7 Minutes of Terror


- John Matson ? Is Pop Music Evolving, or Is It Just Getting Louder?


- Katherine Harmon ? Skin Bacteria Are Your Friends


- Christine Gorman ? Advances in Science Drive Economic Growth


- Larry Greenemeier ? Smart Headlights Let Drivers See Through Rain and Snow



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