Friday, July 27, 2012

#SciAmBlogs Thursday - The Countdown, #BeginScights, gun violence, human origins, evolution of music, smart headlights, and more.

Introducing something new! Philip Yam introduces The Countdown, Episode 1: Earliest Spiral Galaxy, Earth as Art, the Pioneer Anomaly, a Rocket-Loving Gopher, 7 Minutes of Terror

Also the new Video of the Week!

- Marc Kuchner ? Marketing Your Science? Keep it Real: An Interview with Congressman Robert Walker


- Eric Michael Johnson ? The Joker?s Wild: On the Ecology of Gun Violence in America


- Christie Wilcox ? Biochemically, All Is Fair


- Jason G. Goldman ? ?Blooming, Buzzing Confusion? ? But Who Is Confused?


- Ilana Yurkiewicz ? ?Drinking from a firehose:? can research into the human mind help with medical school memorization?


- Gary Stix ? Out of Africa: Startling New Genetics of Human Origins


- Dana Hunter ? Prelude to a Catastrophe: ?Our Best Judgement of Risk?


- Kalliopi Monoyios ? Honoring Gerald Hodge With a Legacy of Beginnings


- Melissa C. Lott ? Will (a lack of) Water Threaten U.S. Energy Production?


- Kate Clancy ? What do you post after you have achieved the trifecta? Summer reading!


- Bora Zivkovic ? Welcome, congrats to Khalil, and the ?Beginnings? series.


- Philip Yam ? The Countdown, Episode 1: Earliest Spiral Galaxy, Earth as Art, the Pioneer Anomaly, a Rocket-Loving Gopher, 7 Minutes of Terror


- John Matson ? Is Pop Music Evolving, or Is It Just Getting Louder?


- Katherine Harmon ? Skin Bacteria Are Your Friends


- Christine Gorman ? Advances in Science Drive Economic Growth


- Larry Greenemeier ? Smart Headlights Let Drivers See Through Rain and Snow



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