Friday, July 20, 2012

July 2012: Recipe of the Month | Life at The Hall

The Hall?s?excellent caterer,??rhubarb?, is deliciously different; offering unique dining and catering experiences to suit all tastes and budgets alike. All food is produced with the finest seasonal ingredients, served by efficient staff and always presented with signature??rhubarb??style.

They are generously donating some food and drink ideas to Life at the Hall so you can reproduce some ?royal recipes? at home!

This month?s recipe is pan fried organic salmon with cucumber and courgette ribbons, dill potatoes,?tempura courgette flower and cockles, offering a?delicious taste of summer. This recipe serves 4 people.


4x 120g organic salmon portions, skinless
2 Cucumbers
4 Courgettes
200g new potatoes
1 bunch of dill
2 courgette flowers cut in half
100g frozen cockles (defrost in the fridge overnight)
50g tempura flour/batter
1 lemon
Olive oil, sea salt, cracked black pepper

Equipment needed:
A medium pan for cooking of potatoes
Small pan for warming sauce, potatoes and ribbons
Flat non stick pan for fish
Knife and board


1. Prepare the new potatoes by boiling in salted water until tender and cooked.?Once cooked: drain, cut in half and keep warm.

2. Pick and chop the dill until quite fine.

3. Take 1 whole cucumber and liquidise until a green liquid appears ? pass this and set to one side.?This will form the base of the sauce and dish.

4. Peel the remaining cucumber and courgettes into spaghetti length ribbons using both the outside and ?flesh?.

5. Pan fry the salmon fillets in the non stick frying pan in a little oil and butter over a moderate heat.?Colour one side until dark brown (5-7mins).

6. Turn over for another 3-4 minutes and then set to one side, they will be pink in the middle.?If you prefer them more well cooked, put back on the heat for a further 2 mins each side.

7. Take fillets off and set to one side, sprinkle with olive oil and salt/pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.

8. Add water to the Tempura batter until smooth and thick. Season.

9. Cut the courgette flowers in half and soak in batter ready for frying.?Make sure your fryer is hot on approx 180 degrees


1. Place the cucumber juice into the small pan with the warm potatoes, cucumber and courgette ribbons, cockles and chopped dill. Warm through until hot (6-8 mins), making sure it?doesn?t?reach a boil. Taste and season if necessary.

2. Fry the flowers in the hot oil being careful when you drop them in. This will take 3-4 minutes.

3. Split this into 4 portions, placing the mix into the centre of the serving bowls.

4. Place the warm Salmon on top of the cucumber mix, dark side up and fisnish wotha fried courgette flower on top.

5. Season the whole plate with sea salt and cracked black pepper.

? Enjoy!


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