Monday, July 23, 2012

The Mouro Family: Pregnancy Update--36 weeks!

I am home from church today, resting, Truman napping. I have been having cramping on and off for about a week now. My body starts to do this a few weeks before the baby actually comes, which is fine but it keeps us all on pins and needles! I am not one of those who goes into labor suddenly--although it felt like that with Anna, my first, who was my fastest. No, my body likes to take its time. So, I am resting and fighting nausea. Whoever heard of third trimester nausea? It is not as bad as first trimester morning sickness and is a reminder that soon enough we will meet our new little girl. I am most excited to nurse her since I was not able to nurse Truman for very long--about 8 weeks. He was tongue-tied and it was diagnosed too late. This time we know what to look for since we have now had 2 children who were tongue-tied and unable to nurse due to poor weight gain. I am praying for a great nurser! Is there anything more wonderful than those first few days of holding a newborn and nursing him or her all snuggled against you? I enjoy nursing in general, but a newborn nursing is such pure joy! They are so content, comforted by something only mommy can give. So, I am looking forward to those moments as I savor these last few weeks of pregnancy.

Honestly, I feel great for this being my 8th pregnancy. Someone suggested to me that being pregnant so many times was hard on my body. I had to disagree. Bearing children is what our bodies were intended to do! I have found that as long as I eat healthy and exercise that I feel really good. I would have to say that my most difficult pregnancy, in terms of feeling yucky, was my first! I don't feel older, or more run down, or more tired this time! Pregnancy does cause aches and pains, and as long as you realize that these are par for the course and will subside after the baby comes, you are good! I have sacroiliac joint pain commonly at this stage (the joint on my right side down in my lower back/hip) , but as long as I stretch and stay active it really isn't too bad. I have heard that having monthly cycles, year after year, is actually more taxing on a woman's body than subsequent pregnancies. I have also heard that there is a hormone, which has been nicknamed the "anti-aging hormone", that rises 1000% during pregnancy! These babies keep me young! It is a blessing to feel good and I thank God that it has been so. I know that it is only by His grace that I have been able to have each child and I am so thankful! I also know that there is an end to my child-bearing years and I don't want to take any pregnancy for granted. Who knows if this is my last baby?

Cameron and I chose a name for this little one right around 22 weeks. We thought we were all set until about 2 weeks ago. We really still do love the name, but realized that it is so similar sounding to one of our other children's names that we have had to reconsider. I had a hard time letting go of this beautiful and meaningful name, but we have prayed about it and God gave us another name and confirmed it for both of us through our quiet times--separately! That was amazing! I will have to tell you the whole story after our baby is born and we announce her name. With us, you never know what the name will be until after the birth anyways! We have been known to decide in the final days! LOL!

I have been nesting like crazy lately! On Thursday, I decided that the whole house had to be cleaned. I got out our change jar and lined up handfuls of nickels, dimes and quarters and made a list of all the chores I wanted done and how much I would pay for each job. The children then chose which jobs they wanted. This was above and beyond their normal chores so they did not have to participate if they did not want to. As Anna was vacuuming under the couch cushions she asked why it was important and why would the baby care if under the cushions was cleaned. LOL! I did not have an explanation for this urge to have everything cleaned, I just wanted it done: drawers wiped out, baseboards cleaned, everything de-cluttered, etc. Then, I spent all day Friday and Saturday cooking up a bunch of meals to freeze for when the baby is born! We have a freezer stocked with Taco Soup, Chili, Chicken Enchiladas, Spaghetti Sauce, Lasagna Roll-ups, Pork Burritos, White Chicken Chili, etc. and I still have more I plan to make! However, now my cupboards are almost bare and I have to grocery shop again!

I have tried 2 new recipes in the last week, both vegetarian and both delcilious, that I will share in my next post. I am also going to have to post an update on Truman. He is the cutest thing and I cannot wait to see how he responds to the baby. We think it will be pretty much the same way he has responded to the 2 new kittens we recently acquired: Max and Tilly (Mathilda). He is curious, mildly interested for a few moments, a tad rough and then he is off, his attention on something else.

Four weeks left! The bassinet is assembled, baby clothes ready, car seat purchased (we needed a new one), freezer stocked, couch cushions cleaned, homeschool materials purchased, hair cut (on Friday), Katria's birthday presents bought (August 4th), and I am ready! Bring on the baby!

Semaiah kissing the baby. She is by far the MOST excited and tells me everyday that she is going to come to the hospital and hold the baby and not let anyone else hold her!

In Christ, Laura


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