Friday, August 26, 2011

Inheritance colorado with step parents involved.? | Insurance ...

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Q???t??n b? Brad M: Inheritance colorado w?th step parents involved.?
M? mother passed away 2 years ago. Sh? w?? married t? a wonderful man. H? g?t th? $ 100,000 life insurance policy ?nd th? house. H? hooked up w?th a very nice lady b?t now ?t seems th?? tied th? finances together. Wh?t ?r? m? rights here, ?t seem ?n less th?n 2 years m? mother?s whole life savings ?nd equity w?ll ?nd up legally becoming someone ?l???s. Th? house th? lived ?n together ?? going t? h?r I guess. Sh? h?? a house. I ?m confused d??? n?t th? chain fall t? th? blood relatives?

Best ?n?w?r:

An?w?r b? bernie16958
speak t? a lawyer ?nd ??t ?n a claim f?r th? money

Add ???r ?wn ?n?w?r ?n th? comments!


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