Sunday, August 21, 2011

Organically Grown Coffee | Food & Drink

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Organically Grown Coffee

Article by Hot Gourmet Coffee

Lots of food is advertised as being organic, which is sometimes synonymous with natural. But, in the case of coffee, it means a lot more.

Organic Coffee:Organic coffee beans are grown in 40 countries. The leading producer is Mexico, followed by Peru and Ethiopia. Organic coffee is frequently associated with shade grown and fair trade coffees.

Shade Grown Coffee:The coffee plant is a shade-growing plant which thrives underneath the rainforest canopy. In 1972, hybrid coffee plants that thrive in direct sunlight were introduced. These man-engineered plants enable coffee to be grown in a variety of settings.

Fair Trade Coffee:The Fair Trade movement?s goal has been to ensure that the vast majority of the world?s coffee farmers (who are small holders) get a fair price for their harvests in order to achieve a decent living wage. Fair Trade farmers don?t have the financial ability to clear forests, buy chemical fertilizers or pesticides. They generally grow small plots of mixed-crop, shade grown coffee organically.Pura Vida is an organization that supports fair trade, organic, and shade grown coffee. By purchasing and selling only 100% of this kind of coffee, they help ensure that farmers around the world receive a fair wage and can support their families, and that the natural habitat they live and work in is preserved.

Organic Certification:In order to be sold as organic coffee in the U.S., it must meet the following requirements to be certified organic:

grown on land without synthetic pesticides or other prohibited substances for 3 yearsa sufficient buffer exists between the organic coffee and the closest traditional cropsustainable crop rotation plan in place to prevent erosion and depletion of soil nutrients

Every aspect of growing, moving, processing and packaging coffee beans must be certified organic. This includes:

separating the green coffee beans from any fertilized productseparating all containers used in the roasting process purging roasters for 15 minutes before being used to roast organic beans certifying that trucks do not transport chemicals with the coffee; preferably that trucks have never been used to transport chemicals

About the Author

Diena Zavetsky became enamored with gourmet coffee during her college years.She is the owner of>Hot Gourmet Coffee, where the coffee gourmet can buy coffee online. Coffees are available in whole bean, drip grind, espresso grind, and French press.

Written by: Dan on August 19, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 9:37 pm?
Filed under Coffee ? Tagged with Chemical Fertilizers, Coffee, Coffee Farmers, Coffee Plant, Coffee Plants, Crop Rotation, Erosion, Fair Trade Coffee, Financial Ability, Gourmet Coffee, Green Coffee Beans, Grown, Harvests, Living Wage, Natural Habitat, Organic Certification, Organic Coffee Beans, Organically, Rainforest Canopy, Rotation Plan, Shade Grown Coffee, Soil Nutrients, Synthetic Pesticides


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