Thursday, August 11, 2011

Remains of troops come home shrouded in secrecy

(AP) ? The bodies of troops killed in the deadliest incident of the Afghan war came home Tuesday ? traveling in death much the same way they did in life ? shrouded in secrecy.

Two C-17 aircraft carrying the remains of 30 killed in a weekend helicopter crash arrived at an air base east of Washington, the Pentagon said.

But three days after the downing of the aircraft by insurgents, the Defense Department has not released the troops' names. Officials said it is taking time because there were so many killed. Others said privately there is hesitancy to release the names because the majority were from secretive special operations forces.

A ceremony at the base later Tuesday will be closed to the press. President Barack Obama is attending, along with civilian and uniformed leaders and some family members.

Associated Press


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