Thursday, August 25, 2011

White-collar self-test cancer 8 body signals | YunBlog

Known early signals of cancer, to as much cancer kill in the cradle , how can I detect whether they have these early signals? Signal 1: found sclerosis or of any parts of the body mass of symptoms, such as breast, skin and tongue found induration, abdominal masses, especially form irregular, surface not smooth case, may be gradually increased.
This class should particularly note: occurrence of tongue cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer. Signal 2: apparent change in wart or mole on the body.
This class should watch out for: incidence of malignant melanoma. Signal 3: If there is continuous digestion is not, and possibly accompanied by progressive emaciation, poor appetite symptoms.
This class should be focused on: the occurrence of gastric cancer, liver cancer. Signal 4: there are persistent hoarseness, dry cough and difficulty in swallowing food substernal burning, pain, foreign body sensation, and when symptoms increase, you should pay attention to.
Beware: the lung, larynx, lung, esophagus, stomach, gastric cancer, pharyngeal cancer, pharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer. Signals 5: women find that menstruation is not normal for a long time, bleeding, menstrual periods of bleeding, vaginal secretions increase in exceptions, such as when you should buy the hospital to check on (especially elderly women).
Beware: ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer occur. Signal 6: a nose, ears, bladder or bowel symptoms of bleeding of unknown causes.
Beware: nasopharyngeal cancer, colorectal cancer, renal cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer. Signal 7: continuing healing of the wound occurs on the body, especially without the trauma, healing of wounds sustained on their own, and symptoms such as swelling does not subside.
Watch out for: incidence of skin cancer, oral cancer, testicular cancer. Signal 8: found unexplained weight loss, symptoms such as weight continue to decline in the near future.
Beware: all kinds of cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer and gastric cancer.
Over the eight signal, if found in life, it would be better to appropriate departments in major hospitals to do as soon as possible a comprehensive check, once is a signal of cancer, it can be treated early. Responsible editor: LV Yong

Tags: Signal


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