Friday, August 19, 2011

Wellness Coaching ? Stop Jogging and Start Sprinting

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Exercise is extremely important for metabolism, weight management, and over all health and well-being. It improves insulin and leptin regulation. But exercise cannot make up for a nutrient-deficient, starch-based diet. I exercise everyday and recommend to my clients to do the same. However, a long-distance, endurance, exercise routine over time will actually contribute to weight gain, rather than weight loss.

What do you think the body does to compensate for the message that you?re sending it when you spend an hour a day on the treadmill or in an aerobics class? Sure, you?ll burn fat, but in the long run, what you?re actually doing is training your body to become as efficient as possible at making fat more available for burning! So what does your body intelligence do to counterbalance this onslaught of ridiculously unnecessary endurance exercising, day after day, week after week, month after month? Well, it will ramp up its ability to convert every single calorie of food that you consume ? directly into fat. Why? Because from an evolutionary standpoint, you are communicating to the body that your going to continue to burn as many calories as you can for as long as you can, and so your body responds by doing everything in its power to compensate for this ?famine emergency?.

And contrary to popular opinion, running for an hour or more a day does not improve your cardiovascular health. The marathon runner, fitness guru and daily jogger, Jim Fixx died of a heart attack at the premature age of 52. Many other endurance athletes have also prematurely died of heart attacks since the advent of the jogging and aerobics craze. The human body is simply not made to be pushed over the edge and taken to its extreme limits on an ongoing basis. Not only is it a complete waste of time, you?re doing more harm than good.

In her bestselling book, ?Primal Body Primal Mind,? nutritional therapist, Nora Gedgaudas, debunks the viewpoint of the aerobic exercise pundits saying, ?God forbid you should fall off your exercise wagon. You will rapidly gain back whatever you may have lost (and then some) while your body?s energy stores prepare for the next marathon.?

Furthermore, when you look at nature, guess how many animals spend a significant portion of their day exerting all of their energy? That?s right. None. This is because evolution selects the species that are the most efficient at energy conservation, not energy consumption. The cheetah, for example, can only sprint to its maximum speed of 70 miles per hour in very brief bouts.

So, when it comes to exercising, remember that less is always more. Instead of jogging for an hour, switch to running as fast as you can for only twenty minutes. Instead of spending an hour in an aerobics or spinning class, get on the treadmill for twenty minutes and run as fast as you can. These brief, higher intensity bouts of exertion and maximization of heart rate will serve to dramatically boost your oxygen intake, expand the capacity of your heart and lungs, and rapidly burn blood sugar and glycogen stores. Subsequently, as your insulin levels normalize, your body?s ability to burn fat increases ? without alarming the body that a famine is coming. In this way, the body becomes an efficient fat burning machine, not an efficient fat storing machine. It?s all about balance.

Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a Wellness Coach who founded Sunlighten and co-founded Sunlight Day Spa; holistic wellness companies devoted to infrared radiant therapy, sound therapy, and massage therapy. His Wellness Coaching practice encompasses infrared sauna purification, upper cervical chiropractic care, and adhering to an alkalizing, anti-oxidant rich, sugar-, gluten-, and starch-free diet.


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