Friday, September 30, 2011

Guard describes scene in room where Jackson found (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? The last days of Michael Jackson's life were filled with the adulation of fans, a rehearsal performance onlookers described as amazing and intense preparations for his big comeback in London.

In good spirits, Jackson chatted with well-wishers outside his home and at the Staples Center where he practiced songs and dance routines before he returned home. Then, things took a tragic turn, according to Michael Amir Williams, who testified Wednesday in the trial of the doctor charged with involuntary manslaughter in the superstar's death.

Williams, who had gone with him to the rehearsal and had dropped Jackson at home, said he got a frantic call the next day from Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray. "He said, `Get here right away. Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction.' He said, `Get someone up here right away,'" Williams told the jury.

A security guard, Faheem Muhammad, testified that he arrived at Jackson's bedroom to find Murray sweating and nervous, leaning over Jackson and trying to revive him. He said that Jackson's two older children, Paris and Prince, were in shock, and that Paris fell to the ground, curled up and weeping.

Moments later, Muhammad said, he heard Murray ask if anyone knew CPR.

The testimony on the second day of the trial helped shed light on what Murray did and didn't do after he found Jackson unconscious in June 2009. Murray, 58, has pleaded not guilty. If convicted, he could face up to four years in prison and would have to relinquish his medical license.

On June 24, 2009, the day before Jackson's death, Murray was in negotiations to join Jackson on his tour as his personal physician, testified lawyer Kathy Jorrie of concert giant AEG Live. She said she was gathering information for an insurance company to make sure Jackson was in good health and could be insured.

"Dr. Murray told me repeatedly that Michael Jackson was perfectly healthy, in excellent condition. Don't worry about it. He's great," she recalled.

Jorrie said Murray had added to his contract a provision for a CPR machine when they got to London for the highly touted show that would include 50 concerts over nine months. "He needed to be sure if something went wrong he would have such a machine available," she said. "He also told me it was customary."

Murray signed the contract, which would give him $150,000 a month, and faxed it to her that night, she said. Jackson, however, would never get to sign it.

In the late afternoon of June 24, Williams, Jackson's personal assistant, said he arranged for a car and accompanied his boss to Staples Center for a key rehearsal. He said Jackson was in good spirits and had the car stop at the gate so he could roll down the window and chat with fans who were always camped there.

"He would make sure we stopped, stick out his hand, anything to show his fans he loved them," he said.

Williams managed to watch Jackson on stage. "I was an employee but I was a fan first," he said. "I would try to sneak in to watch him. I was working constantly, but I was able to see him perform a little."

How was his performance, asked Deputy District Attorney David Walgren.

"Personally, I thought it was amazing," Williams said. "I thought it was the best thing in the world. He had told me he didn't go 100 percent for the rehearsal. It was about 40 percent. But I thought it was great."

They returned to Jackson's rented Holmby Hills mansion after that, stopping at the gate again. "He was in good spirits," Williams said. "He wanted to stop and say, `Hi.' He even had some conversation with the fans."

Outside the house, parked in its usual spot, was Murray's car.

Williams brought in gifts that had been given to Jackson and said good night. Williams checked out with the security staff and went home. The next day at 12:13 p.m. his cell phone rang. There was a message from Murray.

"Were you asked to call 911?" Walgren asked.

"No sir," Williams said.

He remembered reaching Jackson security guard Alberto Alvarez. "I said, `I don't know what's going on but you have to get in the house' ... I said, `Run. Hurry.'"

Williams said he rushed from his downtown home and arrived just as Jackson's body was being loaded into an ambulance. He helped to gather Jackson's three children and put them in a car to follow the ambulance.

"What was Dr. Murray's appearance?" Walgren asked.

"Frantic," he said. "I knew it was serious."

Williams said he was standing outside the emergency room area when Dr. Murray and a group of doctors emerged. "He walked out and closed the curtains," he said softly. "He said, `He passed.'"

At one point, Walgren had Williams identify a photograph of Jackson's children. The famous photo was taken at a memorial service shortly after Jackson's death was projected on a large courtroom screen.

On cross-examination, defense attorney Ed Chernoff questioned Williams about Murray's actions at the hospital. He said Murray asked to be taken back to Jackson's home to collect some cream he believed Jackson would not want the public to know about. It was later found to be skin whitening cream that is used in the treatment of vitiligo, a skin condition that the singer had.

Williams said he felt police would not want anyone returning to the home and he did not take Murray there. He then said the doctor said he was hungry and asked for food.

Chernoff suggested that Williams should have known from Murray's call that there was an emergency.

Williams disagreed.

"When I hear someone had a bad reaction, I don't think anything fatal," he said. "He didn't tell me to call 911."

Under questioning from Chernoff, Muhammad revealed that Jackson had asked Williams to contact a nurse four days before his death because he was experiencing "weird symptoms."

"One of his hands was hot and his feet were cold," Muhammad said. He told Chernoff that he did not reveal that he had contacted the nurse, Cherilyn Lee, during interviews with police. He said he wasn't asked about it and didn't think it was relevant.

Chernoff has been questioning witnesses about Jackson's interactions with other physicians, including dermatologist Arnold Klein. Muhammad said at times, Jackson visited Klein's office almost daily. A judge has blocked Klein from testifying in the case.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at


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Why Many People Are Investing In Gold And Silver | Independent ...

Right now there is no doubt that things are very uncertain in the economy. ?We hear new reports every day about the markets fluctuating and it?s difficult to say how everything is going to turn out. ?In times of uncertainty like this it?s important to have a game plan, and it?s also important to understand what?s going on and what?s causing all of the turmoil. ?If you?re looking for help understanding the current economic crisis and what to do about it, you?ve come to the right place.

To begin with let?s examine the recession of 2008. ?We know why this happened: it was in response to the housing bubble and the fact that people all over the world were defaulting on predatory mortgages. ?But was the collapse of the housing bubble an isolated incident or are there signs that a further economic crisis could be in the works? ?Unfortunately, many indications point to the fact that there are worse things on the horizon.

The American debt is one of the reasons a lot of people are thinking about economic crisis today. ?We already saw a glimpse of the US almost defaulting on its prodigious set of loans, an incident which has started a lot of people thinking about the best way to invest in gold. ?But now, with the debt growing at a trillion dollars a year and soon to overtake the gross domestic product, there are even more people speculating on what might happen if the US defaults.

Of course America itself isn?t handling its debts in a way that promotes economic soundness. ?They?ve started to run out of foreign investors for their debt and are having to buy it up themselves with printed money. ?The more that the US prints money to pay for its debts, the less the currency is worth anything, and the more that people start looking to invest in gold to secure their money from a potentially deflating dollar.

The solution to buy gold is not enough, in and of itself. ?While putting your money into hard assets is a great idea, and an excellent way of pulling out of a sinking ship, it is still necessary for you to put a lot of time and effort into the process. ?You need to find the best way to invest in gold, so you can ensure that your money is secure.

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Find Sizzling Layout Theories For Your Shower Room Remodeling ...

Surly you remember your bathroom once you were an infant. A shower, toilet and never additional. Today, the bathroom has become our little section of heaven where one can escape from the busy day schedule and enjoy luxurious moments of privacy, relaxation and rejuvenation.

Here are some focused upon new bathroom ideas out there!

Resume a Spa

A protracted, luxurious shower, aromatic oils, lit candles, soft music. Is it a two hour spa treatment? Or will it be perhaps your customized bathroom, in your personalised house? Do you like the luxurious spa atmosphere? Why wouldn t you apply it for your bathroom to help you take pleasure of it without having to go out? Soothing colors, niches for candles, a considerable bath, and an overall atmosphere of pampering and self indulgence is the key. This bathroom, along with its towel racks, separate Jacuzzi bath and glass shower, the double sink vanity and soothing lighting, is a masterpiece of ?spa? feeling. Just lie back, and revel in!

Turn Up the Warm

Give cold, uncomfortable bathrooms an opportunity, and warm them up! Avoid chilly colors like snow white and blues, and go for your creams, browns, and golds to offer your bathroom the hotness it deserves! Color can create an enormous difference and bend your bathroom right into a assorted experience. A bath room can be instantly transformed to a more inviting place, just by changing colour palate. And since it?s your bathroom, shouldn?t you sense cozy and warm there?

Tile it Up

Tiles are back, although not in how you may think? usually, when people think tile, at first comes to mind in short is weird floor that come from the 70?s with all different colored stones. Yet tiles offers beautiful design elements in your bathroom. Since tile was originally developed by the Romans specifically for his or her baths, it feels right to work with this factor of creating our own modern bathing rooms. Bathroom tiles are back! Whether you decorate the complete walls with decorative patterns or just utilize a subtle row design ? it is definitely in fashion. A specific ancient world feeling one thinks of, and perhaps you could imagine yourself reclining in a Roman bath with slaves feeding you grapes?

Modern Sharp

For the individuals who like stark looks, clean comfort, and straight lines, this is THE expect to have. The black counters and stainless steel sinks, the stainless steel cabinets, the glass and high sheen of those black counter, all give this bathroom a form of bachelor pad look (merely a lot more comfortable!). Clean lines often create a sense of spaciousness and luxury.

The Asian Invasion

Still clean lines, but who has an Asian touch, when the Buddha statue serenely emphasizes. The bowl-like sinks possess a distinct delight of rice bowls, the massive jars, as well as the open space gave it a Zen feel. This isn?t the opulent East, rather the calm, insightful, Zen feeling underlying so much of recent Asian design. Truly, all that?s missing is usually a rock garden outside the French doors?


Sometimes, a romantic, softly lit, fantasy inducing bathroom is all a female really wants in daily life.

A haven of light, warm and inviting, and an overall pleasure of warm fuzzy butterflies, give this bathroom a lilt inside the song. A room manufactured for sensuality and softness, the romantic bathroom could be a spot to share, if you will as importantly, dream of love.

Related posts:

  1. Requires successful renovation of the bathroom
  2. Use of tile colors and patterns
  3. Include Style For Your Shower Room Using Fresh Bathroom Vanities.
  4. Crucial Capabilities And Fixtures In Bathroom Remodeling
  5. Planning is the key to success in any project


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Libya's NTC retakes airport in Gaddafi home town (Reuters)

SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) ? Libyan interim government forces recaptured the airport in Sirte, Muammar Gaddafi's birthplace, on Thursday, amid mounting concern for civilians trapped inside the besieged city.

National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters took full control of Sirte airport, Reuters witnesses said. They had taken it two weeks ago, but then lost it again. Sirte's pro-Gaddafi defenders have used sniper, rocket and artillery fire to fight off two full-scale NTC assaults on the city in the past week.

Each side has accused the other of endangering civilians.

"They're shelling constantly. There's indiscriminate fire within individual neighborhoods and from one area to another," Hassan, a resident who escaped the city, told Reuters.

Civilians have been fleeing Sirte, a coastal city of 100,000 that is also under NATO aerial attack, and Libyan authorities have asked the United Nations for fuel for ambulances to evacuate wounded, a U.N. source in Libya said.

The United Nations is sending trucks of clean drinking water for civilians crammed into vehicles leaving Sirte for Benghazi in the west or Misrata in the east, the source said.

But fighting has prevented U.N. aid workers from reaching Sirte and Bani Walid, another town held by Gaddafi loyalists.

"There are two places we'd really like access to, Sirte and Ben Walid, because of concern on the impact of conflict on the civilian population," the source told Reuters in Geneva.

U.N. officials do not have any direct contact with pro-Gaddafi forces holed up in Sirte, where both sides accuse the other of cutting off water and electricity, he said.

Aid agencies said on Wednesday that a humanitarian disaster loomed in Sirte amid rising casualties and shrinking supplies of water, electricity and food.

Fighting on Sirte's eastern and western approaches was less intense on Thursday than on previous days, but the NTC said it had cleared a route between the two fronts, allowing its forces to link up -- a strategic boost along with retaking the airport.


More than a month after NTC fighters captured the capital Tripoli, Gaddafi remains on the run, trying to rally resistance to those who ended his 42-year rule, although some of his family members have taken refuge in neighboring Algeria and Niger.

Interpol issued an alert calling for the arrest of Gaddafi's son Saadi who fled to Niger three weeks ago. The Lyon-based police agency said it was acting at the request of the NTC, which accuses Saadi of leading military units responsible for crackdowns on protests and of misappropriating property.

Interpol has already issued "red notices" for the arrest of Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and his intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, all wanted for the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity.

Gaddafi's former prime minister, Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi, who had fled to Tunisia, only to be arrested for illegal entry, has started a hunger strike in prison to protest a Libyan request for his extradition, his lawyer said.

Tunisian prosecutors say Mahmoudi will stay in jail pending an extradition decision, even though he won an appeal against a six-month prison sentence for entering Tunisia illegally.

Libya's new rulers are trying to get a grip on the whole country, rein in their own unruly militias and get on with reconstruction and democratic reform.

U.S. Senator John McCain, visiting Tripoli, said Gaddafi's overthrow had set an example to people all over the world, adding that U.S. investors were keen to do business with oil-exporting Libya once fighting there had stopped.

"We believe very strongly that the people of Libya today are inspiring the people in Tehran, in Damascus, and even in Beijing and Moscow. They continue to inspire the world -- and let people know that even the worst dictators can be overthrown and be replaced by freedom and democracy," he told a news conference.

(Additional reporting by Sherine El Madany in Sirte, William MacLean and Alexander Dziadosz in Tripoli, Emad Omar in Benghazi, Writing by Barry Malone; Editing by Alistair Lyon)


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Specific Factors You Should Think Of To Make The Most From Mt ...

The Borneo Island, located while in the Southeast of Asia, State of Sabah, is usually a breathtaking spot that has quite a few breathtaking surroundings, and wherever you can very easily invest a summer time getaway. The easiest way to find out every one of the wonders the island features could be to get to the greatest point with the island ? Mount Kinabalu. Climbing Mount Kinabalu, the 20th tallest mountain while in the whole world and measuring 13,435 ft (4,095 meters), can provide anybody everyday life enduring memories.

Among the best significant healthy sights inside community, Mt Kinabalu is acknowledged for being the home of above 4500 species of vegetation, 326 species of birds and a hundred mammal species ? and experts you should not imagine they have nevertheless learned many of the vegetation and animals that are in the area.

For those who resolve to pay your subsequent trip for the Borneo Island, right here are some ideas make sure you know just before climbing Mount Kinabalu:

. The right time period to arrive to Mt Kinabalu is definitely the dry season, from February to April, when climbing is much more gratifying. The principle rainy seasons are from November to January and from Can to July, once the monsoons convey rain virtually every day and make climbing the mountain very tough. The Borneo Island incorporates a tropical local climate with the average everyday temperature approximately 90?F (32?C); having said that, the temperature in the Kinabalu Park HQ, situated at 5128 toes above sea degree, can array among 60?F to 78?F.

. When the altitude increases, it gets colder and the temperature around the mountain may even drop down below the freezing stage. So be sure to provide some warm clothes with you.

. If you have a delicate abdomen it?s best to improved deliver alongside some bottled mineral drinking water or some iodine salts to combine it aided by the water taken through the mountain. These who do not need stomach challenges will need to know that, normally, the h2o is safe to drink, but it is best to boil it right before drinking it, simply to be sure.

. Climbing Mount Kinabalu really should last for 3 days and two nights, if you want to completely enjoy the expedition. You might have to have put into use towards the altitude ahead of it is possible to transfer forward, so never pace important things up. You need to devote the primary night time at Kinabalu Park HQ, as well as second night at Laban Rata. Be sure you?ve created the appropriate accommodation arrangements prior to starting up the journey, because the increasing reputation with the mountain can give you trouble in acquiring accommodation in certain periods on the 12 months.

. Bring extra money for your fees you might have to shell out towards the Kinabalu Park authorities. These fees commonly are not provided while using the accommodation costs. Climbing Mt . Kinabalu could be considered a tiny pricy for some, but the stories that will be told afterwards are priceless.

. If you are the adventurous sort, make sure you observe the directions over the map if you happen to resolve to not use a nearby guidebook and all the things shall be Okay.

In case you the advice over, climbing Mt . Kinabalu will definitely be one of several most impressive experiences into your everyday life.

More Articles: Climb Mount Kinabalu


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SEC mulls charges against S&P in CDO case (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? U.S. regulators may charge Standard & Poor's with violating federal securities laws when it gave top ratings in 2007 to a repackaged mortgage bond that soon tanked.

Securities and Exchange Commission action against S&P would be one of the first by the commission against a major rating agency in the wake of the financial crisis.

S&P parent McGraw-Hill Cos Inc (MHP.N) said it might have to pay civil penalties to the SEC. McGraw-Hill shares were down 2.2 percent in morning trading.

The SEC investigation comes as McGraw-Hill prepares to split into two publicly traded companies, one holding S&P and market information services, and the other holding the company's textbook publishing business.

Institutional shareholders, led by Jana Partners, have pushed the conglomerate to further break itself up, completely severing S&P's ratings business from its analysis and information operations.

McGraw-Hill said on Monday that the SEC had sent a Wells notice signaling that commission staff might recommend action against S&P. The notice was received September 22.

At issue is a 2007 collateralized debt obligation known as "Delphinus CDO 2007-1." A Senate subcommittee report in April cited the deal as a "striking example" of a CDO moving from top ratings to junk in a matter of months.


S&P issued the CDO ratings in question at a time when the credit boom that had lifted mortgage lending and house prices was already collapsing, said Janet Tavakoli, a structured finance expert at Tavakoli Structured Finance in Chicago.

S&P ratings covered at least $947 million of liabilities in the Delphinus CDO, which was originated August 2, 2007. Within five months the CDO was in technical default, according to a notice S&P issued at the time. S&P's AAA ratings on the bonds were marked down to junk by the end of 2008.

"There is no excuse for rating these deals in the way they were," said Tavakoli.

She said "it is a shame" that the SEC investigations are still going on four years after the events in question and months after the Senate subcommittee report came out. "The wheels of justice move much too slowly," she said.

S&P is facing other regulatory pressure as well. Last month a source said the U.S. Justice Department was investigating S&P and Moody's Investors Service actions on mortgage securities.

S&P's failures with structured finance ratings were recently cited by Washington politicians as reason to doubt the agency's decision in August to cut its rating on U.S. government debt from AAA to AA-plus. No other major rating agency has downgraded U.S. government debt.

(Reporting by David Henry; additional reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York and Aditi Sharma in Bangalore; Editing by Sayantani Ghosh, Derek Caney and John Wallace)


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Innovative mathematician honored at NJIT

Innovative mathematician honored at NJIT [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Sep-2011
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Contact: Sheryl Weinstein
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Kappraff coordinated long-standing lecture series

Jay Kappraff, an associate professor in the department of mathematical sciences at NJIT's College of Science and Liberal Arts, has been selected to receive the award, "Excellence in Innovative Teaching" at NJIT's University Convocation, an annual celebration to be held Sept. 14, 2011. Convocation at NJIT traditionally honors select faculty and staff members who have demonstrated the highest level of excellence over a sustained period.

Kappraff has coordinated a long-standing university lecture series, known as the Forum on Technology and Society. Kappraff is also the author of books about mathematics, design and sciences. Most notable was the award-winning Connections: The Geometric Bridge between Art and Science (McGraw-Hill, 1991) and Beyond: Measure: A Guided Tour through Nature, Myth and Number (World Scientific, 2002).

The first edition of Connections was chosen by the National Association of Publishers (USA) as the best book in "Mathematics, Chemistry, and Astronomy - Professional and Reference" in 1991. It has been a comprehensive reference in design science, bringing together in a single volume material from the areas of proportion in architecture and design, tilings and patterns, polyhedra, and symmetry. The book presents both theory and practice and has more than 750 illustrations. Kappraff has published more than 50 scholarly papers. He recently initiated a program in applied mathematics and communications for seventh-grade students from Newark.

Throughout his 37-year teaching career, Kappraff, say his colleagues, has been an innovator at every turn, not only in his math classes but in his contributions as well to the intellectual and cultural life of the university as a whole. His educational philosophy revolves around his belief that successful teaching is "what the student retains once the details are forgotten." To this end, he has employed an imaginative series of devicesincluding Russian dolls, ropes, baseball plays, roller coaster rides and the liketo dramatize for his students the underlying principles of the propositions at hand. He has been a champion of interdisciplinary learning from his early classes taught in conjunction with the School of Architecture that used three-dimensional geometrical constructions to demonstrate the mathematical basis of architectural design to a class last year that taught calculus through architectural structural analysis.

Since 2004, Kappraff has championed another effort: the Forum on Technology and Society, which has produced over 50 events including ten choral and chamber music concerts and public lectures devoted to timely topics such as stem cell research, global warming, nanotechnology and sustainable development. The Forum series is the only regular public program on campus that draws the faculty and students out of their disciplinary shells to reflect on topics of mutual concern. This effort to create a university-wide intellectual community is perhaps Kappraff's greatest innovation.


NJIT, New Jersey's science and technology university, enrolls more than 8,900 students pursuing bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in 120 programs. The university consists of six colleges: Newark College of Engineering, College of Architecture and Design, College of Science and Liberal Arts, School of Management, College of Computing Sciences and Albert Dorman Honors College. U.S. News & World Report's 2010 Annual Guide to America's Best Colleges ranked NJIT in the top tier of national research universities. NJIT is internationally recognized for being at the edge in knowledge in architecture, applied mathematics, wireless communications and networking, solar physics, advanced engineered particulate materials, nanotechnology, neural engineering and e-learning. Many courses and certificate programs, as well as graduate degrees, are available online through the Office of Continuing Professional Education.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Innovative mathematician honored at NJIT [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Sep-2011
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Contact: Sheryl Weinstein
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Kappraff coordinated long-standing lecture series

Jay Kappraff, an associate professor in the department of mathematical sciences at NJIT's College of Science and Liberal Arts, has been selected to receive the award, "Excellence in Innovative Teaching" at NJIT's University Convocation, an annual celebration to be held Sept. 14, 2011. Convocation at NJIT traditionally honors select faculty and staff members who have demonstrated the highest level of excellence over a sustained period.

Kappraff has coordinated a long-standing university lecture series, known as the Forum on Technology and Society. Kappraff is also the author of books about mathematics, design and sciences. Most notable was the award-winning Connections: The Geometric Bridge between Art and Science (McGraw-Hill, 1991) and Beyond: Measure: A Guided Tour through Nature, Myth and Number (World Scientific, 2002).

The first edition of Connections was chosen by the National Association of Publishers (USA) as the best book in "Mathematics, Chemistry, and Astronomy - Professional and Reference" in 1991. It has been a comprehensive reference in design science, bringing together in a single volume material from the areas of proportion in architecture and design, tilings and patterns, polyhedra, and symmetry. The book presents both theory and practice and has more than 750 illustrations. Kappraff has published more than 50 scholarly papers. He recently initiated a program in applied mathematics and communications for seventh-grade students from Newark.

Throughout his 37-year teaching career, Kappraff, say his colleagues, has been an innovator at every turn, not only in his math classes but in his contributions as well to the intellectual and cultural life of the university as a whole. His educational philosophy revolves around his belief that successful teaching is "what the student retains once the details are forgotten." To this end, he has employed an imaginative series of devicesincluding Russian dolls, ropes, baseball plays, roller coaster rides and the liketo dramatize for his students the underlying principles of the propositions at hand. He has been a champion of interdisciplinary learning from his early classes taught in conjunction with the School of Architecture that used three-dimensional geometrical constructions to demonstrate the mathematical basis of architectural design to a class last year that taught calculus through architectural structural analysis.

Since 2004, Kappraff has championed another effort: the Forum on Technology and Society, which has produced over 50 events including ten choral and chamber music concerts and public lectures devoted to timely topics such as stem cell research, global warming, nanotechnology and sustainable development. The Forum series is the only regular public program on campus that draws the faculty and students out of their disciplinary shells to reflect on topics of mutual concern. This effort to create a university-wide intellectual community is perhaps Kappraff's greatest innovation.


NJIT, New Jersey's science and technology university, enrolls more than 8,900 students pursuing bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in 120 programs. The university consists of six colleges: Newark College of Engineering, College of Architecture and Design, College of Science and Liberal Arts, School of Management, College of Computing Sciences and Albert Dorman Honors College. U.S. News & World Report's 2010 Annual Guide to America's Best Colleges ranked NJIT in the top tier of national research universities. NJIT is internationally recognized for being at the edge in knowledge in architecture, applied mathematics, wireless communications and networking, solar physics, advanced engineered particulate materials, nanotechnology, neural engineering and e-learning. Many courses and certificate programs, as well as graduate degrees, are available online through the Office of Continuing Professional Education.

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Senator wants debate on pipeline safety bill (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The only senator opposed to a bill to toughen federal safety regulation of oil and gas pipelines said Wednesday he's willing to work with Senate leaders to schedule a debate on the measure, but he's still blocking expedited passage.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who is philosophically opposed to federal regulation, also blamed Democratic leaders for the Senate's failure to act on the measure, saying they could have scheduled a debate and vote on the bill at any time.

But a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Paul of "a classic tea party stunt."

"The simple fact is that if Sen. Paul stopped blocking this bill, it would sail through with overwhelming bipartisan support," spokesman Adam Jentleson said.

The bill has wide, bipartisan support and is backed by industry and safety groups. It was approved without opposition by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee in May. Paul is the only senator opposing an effort by the bill's Democratic sponsors to pass it swiftly using "unanimous consent" procedures that eliminate the need for a time-consuming debate.

"I believe legislation should have open debate and votes. It need not take weeks. Certainly we could spend an afternoon for the people's elected representatives to discuss whether they got massive new regulations," Paul said in a statement.

Paul, a tea party ally, was a tax protestor and worked as an ophthalmologist before winning election to the Senate, his first public office, last year. He shares with his father, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a determination to reduce the size and power of the federal government. The elder Paul is running for the Republican presidential nomination.

Most Senate bills, except for top legislative priorities, are approved using "unanimous consent" procedures that forgo a debate and roll call vote. That's because the Senate's procedures typically require days or weeks to pass a single bill.

The pipeline bill is, in part, a response to a series of pipeline accidents over the past year and a half, including a gas explosion last year that killed eight people and heavily damaged a suburban subdivision in San Bruno, Calif., near San Francisco. The bill would authorize more federal safety inspectors, and pipeline companies would have to confirm that their records on how much pressure their pipelines can tolerate are accurate.

The bill would allow federal regulators to order that automatic shutoff valves be installed on new pipelines so leaks can be halted sooner, but it stops short of requiring the valves for existing pipelines. And it directs regulators to determine whether mandatory inspections of aging pipelines in densely populated areas should be expanded to include lines in rural areas. It would be paid for by industry fees.

The bill is supported by the industry's major trade associations ? the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, the American Gas Association and the Association of Oil Pipelines ? as well as the Pipeline Safety Trust, a safety advocacy group.

"The bill puts in place new mandates; it hires new bureaucrats," Paul said. He also said the bill "grandfathers in the very pipelines that have had recent problems," an apparent reference to automatic shutoff valves.

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., whose district includes San Bruno, said the bill is a "good start" but doesn't go far enough to incorporate National Transportation Safety Board recommendations.

Paul's actions show he is "blinded by ideology" and "indifferent to the overwhelming evidence that self-regulation of the gas industry is a prescription for further death and injury," Speier said in a statement.


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Facebook expected to launch iPad app at Apple's iPhone 5 event (Digital Trends)


After an absurdly long wait, Facebook will reportedly launch its dedicated iPad app during Apple?s iPhone 5 event on October 4, reports Ben Parr at Mashable, who spoke with people familiar with the matter. An updated version of its iPhone app, as well as an HTML5 web-based app marketplace may also be on the release roster.

The release does not come without a dose of drama. First is the fact that the iPad app ? leaked to TechCrunch in July ? has apparently been ready for months. In a blog post* published today, Jeff Verkoeyen, the Facebook engineer who led development of the iPad app, says he worked up to 80 hours per week, crunching to get the app done in time. But Facebook kept pushing the release date back, so far that it is (obviously) still not yet available. Verkoeyen says his frustration with the constantly moving release date played a role in his decision to leave Facebook for a job at Google.

?It is now nearly 5 months since the app was feature complete and I haven?t seen it released except for when the project was leaked on Techcrunch,? wrote Verkoeyen. ?Needless to say this was a frustrating experience for me. The experience of working on this app was a large contribution to the reasons why I left Facebook, though that doesn?t mean it wasn?t a difficult decision.?

Adding to the complications with Facebook?s iPad app is the social network?s reportedly tumultuous relationship with Apple. When Apple announced its upcoming mobile operating system, iOS 5, many wondered why Twitter ? not Facebook ? received full integration with the popular OS. According to Parr, Facebook was meant to be integrated into iOS ?years ago,? but disagreements between the two companies prevented the marriage.

If Mashable?s sources turn out to be correct, it would seem Facebook and Apple have put their purported differences aside, at least long enough to roll out a new app or two.

*At the time of this writing, Verkoeyen?s blog was unable to load, presumably due to an usual flood of traffic brought upon by his telling post.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Columbus statue runs aground in Puerto Rico

It would be the tallest structure in the Caribbean and among the tallest statues in the world, a monument to Christopher Columbus in a region where he has not been regarded highly for many years.

So far, though, the nearly 300-foot (92-meter) statue of The Great Explorer just seems like a monumental morass or perhaps a colossal joke. Originally intended to grace the skies of a major U.S. city, it has been shuffled from one locale to another and lies in pieces as a businessman and the mayor of the small Puerto Rican town of Arecibo try to finally erect it overlooking the Atlantic Ocean on the island's north coast.

But this still may not be the final chapter in what has so far been a 20-year saga. The statue's final resting place is far from certain: Its backers must gather a long list of permits, including from the Federal Aviation Administration, to install a monument so tall it could interfere with air traffic. And now, Puerto Rican officials are competing to bring it to their parts of the island as a lure to tourists.

Then there is the fact that the roughly 600-ton (544-metric ton) statue, like many other large-scale public works, inspires more criticism than awe, especially since Columbus is commonly viewed now as the harbinger of genocide rather than the discoverer of the New World.

"To be honest, it's a monstrosity," says Cristina Rivera, a longtime activist against the creation of private beaches in Arecibo who has been vocal about her opposition to erecting a giant Columbus in her town. "Why do we have to bring such an exaggerated piece of work here?"

It's just that kind of reaction that has doomed the project in the past and could do so again.

Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli, 77, built the statue in 1991 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus' 1492 arrival in the Western Hemisphere. The artist is internationally renowned for giant, expensive and sometimes unwanted works. But his pieces have found a home in the U.S. before, including in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, and he remains confident his rendition of the Great Explorer will eventually reach a destination.

Tsereteli, in an email interview with The Associated Press, notes that even the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower faced criticism and challenges.

"Now they are symbols," he said. "Without those symbols, those places would be unimaginable."

During a visit to Russia in 1990, U.S. President George H. W. Bush stopped by Tsereteli's studio in Moscow and picked one Columbus model out of three presented to him. In September 1994, Tsereteli traveled to the U.S. with then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin and presented the chosen model to President Bill Clinton.

South Florida was one of the first proposed locations for the statue, which features Columbus with shoulder-length hair, an unusually sharp and straight nose and large and slightly protruding eyes reminiscent of a Cubist painting.

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One county commissioner joked it would make a good artificial reef while another suggested they could just display the head and not bother with the rest of the statue. Some also worried about erecting something that would pay homage to a person associated with slave trading and brutal colonization.

The statue then made its rounds through New York, Ohio and Maryland, with no success.

"Various private organizations said they would put it up," said Emily Madoff, Tsereteli's spokeswoman. "Then they realize what's involved in something so big. ... You just don't plunk it on top of the land."

In 1998, Puerto Rican Gov. Pedro Rosello accepted it as a gift and spent $2.4 million in public funds to bring it to the island. Then the mayor of Catano, a suburb of San Juan that draws thousands of tourists to its Bacardi rum distillery, requested the statue.

But the plan ran into trouble when aviation authorities said the proposed location would interfere with flight paths, and residents whose homes would have to be demolished to make way for the statue protested the plans. Then Columbus went into storage. "It was awful, really awful," Madoff said. "It just sat there."

In 2008, a port management company, Holland Group Ports Investments, agreed to take the statue and store it in the western coastal city of Mayaguez, where it remains. A Russian crew recently flew there and ensured that most of the 2,700 pieces still fit together as plans seemed to move forward in Arecibo.

Arecibo Mayor Lemuel Soto says the statue would add to the allure of the town, which draws people to its limestone caves and one of the world's largest telescopes. Madoff says funding should not pose a problem, that investors have the $20 million it would take to erect the statue.

But now that the permit process is under way, a new threat has emerged. Puerto Rican Rep. David Bonilla has begun lobbying to put up the statue to lure tourists to the western corner of the U.S. territory, perhaps on the island of Desecheo, which is uninhabited except for the occasional errant Dominican migrant trying to escape the U.S. Border Patrol.

San Juan Mayor Jorge Santini, an influential figure on the island, also has weighed in, saying he wants Columbus in the capital. Santini envisions it near a popular lagoon or even atop an old landfill.

The artist's spokeswoman insists it's too late to start looking for a new site and that Columbus will rise in Arecibo.

History says otherwise.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Pope defends traditional values (AP)

FREIBURG, Germany ? Pope Benedict XVI called Saturday for a common front with Orthodox Christians to defend traditional church values, warning of threats posed by abortion and gay marriage.

Facing discontent within his German flock, the pope said religion must not be banished from public life and that Christian churches "are walking side by side" in the battle.

"They speak up jointly for the protection of human life from conception to natural death," he told a meeting of Orthodox Christians on the third day of a visit to his native Germany.

"Knowing, too, the value of family and marriage, we as Christians attach great importance to defending the integrity and the uniqueness of marriage between one man and one woman from any kind of misinterpretation," he said. "Here the common engagement of Christians, including many Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Christians, makes a valuable contribution to building up a society equipped for the future."

The Vatican was undeterred by an incident earlier in the day in the eastern city of Erfurt on the edge of the security zone in which a man fired an air gun at a security guard about an hour before a papal Mass.

Benedict's spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said there was "no worry" in the papal entourage over the incident, and the pontiff was not informed about it before the Mass. "It didn't seem particularly urgent," he told reporters on the pope's plane after the Mass. Police said the alleged shooter had been arrested and that there were no injuries.

Police later identified the suspect as a 30-year-old Erfurt man who lived in Berlin. They said an air rifle and air pistol were found in his top-floor apartment, and that he was being held on suspicion of attempting to cause serious bodily harm.

In his homily in Erfurt, before a crowd of 30,000 people, the pope acknowledged that the collapse of communism in the former East Germany more than 20 years ago has allowed the church to function freely, but he questioned whether that change has brought any increase in faith.

"Are not the deep roots of faith and Christian life to be sought in something very different from social freedom?" the pope said. "It was actually amid the hardships of pressure from without that many committed Catholics remained faithful to Christ and to the church."

After the Mass, the pope flew to Freiburg, a city with a large Catholic population in southern Germany, the final stop of his visit, where about 25,000 people lined the streets, cheering and waving as he drove from the airport to visit the downtown cathedral.

At an evening prayer vigil on the city's outskirts, he urged more than 20,000 youth to overcome "a tendency toward evil," encompassing "selfishness, envy, aggression."

"Again and again in history, keen observers have pointed out that damage to the church comes not from opponents, but from uncommitted Christians," he said.

But the pope also encouraged the youth not to be frightened by the perpetual quest of being a good Christian.

"Dear friends, Christ is not so much interested in how often we stumble and fall in our life, as in how often we pick ourselves up again," Benedict said.

The pope's four-day state visit comes as Germany's church has been losing tens of thousands of followers amid revelations that hundreds of children and young people were abused by clergy and church employees.

On Friday night, he took a step to placate some of the anger by meeting for half an hour with two women and three men from parishes across Germany who were among the abused. The Vatican said the pope expressed "deep compassion and regret" at the suffering of those who were abused and assured them the church is seeking "effective measures to protect children."

German church leaders acknowledge the scandal has cost them badly needed trust among the roughly 24 million German Catholics.

"I appreciate that he (the pope) is facing the problem, and that he is meeting these people," said Klaus Militzer, 68, from Erfurt, who was among pilgrims streaming into the cobbled square beneath the city's main cathedral early Saturday.

"He can't undo it, that's not possible, but I think it is good that he is asking for forgiveness and sending a signal."

Benedict has been accused by victims groups and their lawyers of being part of a systematic cover-up by the church hierarchy for pedophile priests in his earlier roles as an archbishop in Germany and later at the helm of the Vatican morals office.

Victims groups were quick to denounce the pope's meeting with German victims as an empty gesture. They maintain the church has not done enough to prosecute offending priests and prevent future cases of abuse.

Germany's Bishops Conference has set up a telephone hotline to counsel victims and help them to take legal steps against offending priests when possible.

Catholic leaders had warned ahead of Benedict's visit that there was no quick solution, but they hoped the pontiff could help heal wounds left by the scandal.

"I think it's certainly an important issue, but it's not the most important thing about a pope's visit," Monika Graner, a pilgrim from Wuerzburg, said of the sex abuse scandal.

But protests have also accompanied Benedict's German tour, although numbers have been smaller than expected. Some 9,000 people turned out in Berlin to denounce the Vatican views on homosexuality, contraception and other issues.

The 84-year-old pope has seemed tired at times, but his spokesman Lombardi said "he's very well," despite the heavy schedule.

"It is wonderful how he experiences all moments of this trip really intensively," Lombardi said.


David Rising in Berlin, Melissa Eddy in Erfurt and Juergen Baetz in Freiburg contributed to this report.


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Monday, September 26, 2011

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

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Attack on Yemen opposition camp kills 17 (Reuters)

SANAA (Reuters) ? Mortar shells and sniper fire struck an opposition protest camp in Sanaa on Saturday, and President Ali Abdullah Saleh's main military rival said the Yemeni leader's return to the country after a three-month absence could spark civil war.

The direction this country will take, after months of unrest and six days of major violence in the capital, may hinge on a speech Saleh is expected to give on state television on Sunday.

Earlier on Saturday, witnesses and medics said government forces attacked the main opposition protest camp in Sanaa and killed 17 protesters and opposition-allied soldiers.

Hundreds fled from the midnight attack that lasted until noon on Saturday on "Change Square," the heart of an uprising where thousands have camped for eight months calling for Saleh to give up his 33 years of power.

Saleh's main military rival, General Ali Mohsen, said the president's return was a "major catastrophe" and called on Gulf states and Western powers to stop him from igniting a civil war.

Mohsen, who dealt a blow to Saleh in March by defecting with his troops to the protesters, said in a statement that his forces were in a position to oust the president.

"The pro-revolutionary army is capable of confrontation and can decide the situation and restore the power usurped by this gang (Saleh's family)," said Mohsen.

The fractious Arabian Peninsula nation has been rocked since January by protests demanding Saleh's ouster. President Barack Obama's administration has called for Saleh to hand over power and arrange for a presidential election by the year-end.

Protest leaders accuse Saleh's administration of corruption, violence against demonstrators and doing nothing to alleviate widespread poverty.

Yemen, one of the region's poorest countries, also faces an insurgency by al Qaeda militants and has an uneasy truce with Shi'ite fighters in the north and separatism in the south.

Some senior diplomats working behind the scenes to negotiate a transfer of power deal said there were "positive" signs and that opposition political groups seemed ready to work with Saleh on an accord.

Sanaa went quiet on Saturday evening after a day of clashes and shows of force when Mohsen's troops and government forces fired missiles into the air.

Witnesses and protesters said the forces who attacked "Change Square" included the elite Republican Guard and Central Security forces. Interior Minister Muttahar al-Masri denied a raid took place, blaming the violence on "extremists."

"This brutal aggression coincides with Ali Saleh's return from Riyadh," the protesters' National Council said. "This family regime is insistent on dragging the country into a grinding war by attacking Change Square."


Saleh went to neighboring Saudi Arabia in June for medical treatment for wounds suffered in an assassination attempt.

On his return on Friday, Saleh said he wanted a truce to end the fighting in the capital and that this would allow peace talks to take place.

"I return to the nation carrying the dove of peace and the olive branch," Saleh was quoted as saying by state television.

He was also quoted by state news agency Saba as calling for Sanaa to be cleared of "all armed elements" and for checkpoints and barriers to be removed.

Six protesters were killed in Saturday's attack, according to a doctor at a mosque converted into a field hospital. Also killed were 11 soldiers from Mohsen's First Armoured Division, the general's office said.

"I was doing my night (guard) shift and suddenly I heard all these explosions and I realized we must be getting shelled. The next minute, a mortar fell near me and exploded, I'm covered in shrapnel," said Yussuf al-Hamzy, 20, a Mohsen soldier.

Dozens of wounded streamed into makeshift clinics overnight.

Protesters in the opposition encampment on the 4-km stretch of avenue dubbed Change Square said buildings and tents were on fire and that protesters had retreated about half a kilometer.

Protesters escalated their marches in Sanaa this week by entering territory controlled by state forces, triggering a battle between loyalist and pro-opposition troops. About 100 protesters were killed in five days of bloodshed.

Many Yemenis thought they had seen the last of Saleh when he flew to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment after a bomb explosion at his palace left him with severe burns.

He had been involved in negotiations mediated by six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- to leave office. He had repeatedly promised to step down, only to change his position at the last minute.

(Additional reporting by Mohamed Sudam and Martina Fuchs; Writing by Reed Stevenson; Editing by Ralph Gowling)


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

ZTE Skate launches worldwide, attempts to stick landing in the US

The ZTE Skate -- spiritual sucessor to the Blade and current flagship -- is pushing on with its global roll-out and it looks like it may reach the US. Now on sale in Hong Kong, Brazil and Spain, the Skate is rolling down the French Alps and into France and the UK, where the Orange-branded Monte Carlo (a Skate in phone network clothing) is already available. With a different ZTE device set to arrive on Cricket soon, the electronics giant also intends to bring this 4.3-inch phone to the US in the near future, though there's nothing concrete on dates and prices just yet. According to ZTE's executive VP He Shiyou, the company is set to launch "a total of 30 smartphone models" by the end of the year. We fear the company may run out of flat-shaped names before the end of November. Head on over to our Chinese site for some hands-on shots.

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ZTE Skate launches worldwide, attempts to stick landing in the US originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 24 Sep 2011 06:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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