Thursday, September 15, 2011

IHJZ The Real Housewives of New Jersey / Home By Novogratz ...

IHJZ The Real Housewives of New Jersey / Home by Novogratz / Dina?s Party

Real Housewives of New Jersey by LynnNChicago

Note to self, if you?re ever planning a 5k run for a charity event, do not invite the cast of the Real Housewives of New Jersey! ?We?ll get back to that?

Teresa visits with Caroline and Jacqueline, the ladies as usual talk in the kitchen. ?Caroline has to sit to hear Teresa complaining about the argument between her brother and her husband, at least she didn?t try to blame Melissa this time. ?Caroline has incredible advice, the two men need to put their big boy pants on and stop with all the nonsense for the sake of the family and the children. ?They?ve all decided that as long as Joe Giudice and Joey Gorga can bury the hatchet, everything will be perfectly ok. ? Teresa will talk to her husband and they will convince Melissa to talk to her husband. ?It seems to me as though there are a lot more issues than that but I suppose it?s a start.

Caroline insists that Teresa call Melissa right then and there to confront her and tell her to talk to her husband and ensure that he will show up and behave at Miliana?s birthday party, while Teresa will talk to her husband. ?Sounds like a plan except no one filled Melissa in on the plan because she wasn?t ready to just receive instructions from Teresa and do as she is told. ?Teresa brought up the text war between the two immature men and naturally Melissa wanted to defend her husband but with Caroline and Jacqueline waving madly in the background, Teresa shut her down and told Melissa to make sure that Joey Gorga attend Miliana?s birthday party and he must behave himself.

Before the birthday party the families would be together at a 5k run for charity. ?Bravo?s cameras got up early with the cast and unfortunately but predictably Joe Giudice was still in bed. ?Watching Teresa trying to wake her sleeping husband became one of the most cringe-worthy moments of the season beginning with Teresa spraying the stench of her bathroom visit with air freshener and we soon learn that Teresa has ?the runs?. ?What does this family eat? ?Joe talks about having the runs, poor little Gia is vomiting and now Teresa announces on television that she has the runs. ?Is this the result of Teresa?s cooking from her famous cookbook? ?A family who eats healthy as Teresa claims should not have all of these digestive problems, just sayin?

Joe Giudice doesn?t want to get out of bed, as usual and Teresa thinks she can fix all of that by ripping the covers off of her husband revealing more of Juicy Joe than any of us care to see, his little black undies and nothing else. ? I love the way Teresa keeps saying that her husband is in such great shape, does she not see what we see? ?Luckily Joe pulled the covers back over himself before we needed the bleach for our eyes. ?That was a near traumatizing experience.

Teresa was sure to tell Melissa to pass along her ?be nice? message to Joey Gorga but apparently her husband didn?t get the memo because upon arrival at the race he immediately started to dig at his brother-in-law. ?Joe Giudice announced that Joey Gorga would most likely win the race because he always ran away from everything, even as a kid. ?Way to make the peace Juicy Joe!

The New Jersey cast seemed to have little respect for what they were doing, the charity got absolutely no air time as it was never mentioned. ?This group arrived late, started the run late and most of them cheated their way through the course. ?Why did they even take part in this event? ?Kudos to Kathy and Richie for taking it seriously and even kudos to Teresa and Joe for actually running the entire course. ?Once again we find ourselves asking, was Jacqueline even there?

Melissa and Joey Gorga visit the Manzo brothers and Greg at their apartment in Hoboken and the fun ensues! ?I found myself smiling through most of these scenes, Joey and Melissa know how to have fun, Joey is over the top and it is absolutely ?Joboken? when he comes to town! ?Melissa and Greg have some sort of unholy alliance but it?s funny, sweet and it makes them happy! ?All the sex talk was unnecessary but Joey can?t seem to help himself, Teresa even got in a few quips about sex with Juicy Joe tonight so I guess it is in the Gorga blood.

The show ended with Milana?s 5th birthday party and we watch the child have another meltdown, this time over the dress that her mother wants her to wear. ?All while Teresa tells us in her interview what a great little girl Milana is and that she has a soft spot for her. ?Teresa tells us not to cross little 5 year old Milania, an unnecessary remark as we see what happens when Teresa tries to simply dress the child.

From the children?s perspective Teresa?s pizza party in honor of Milania?s birthday was a success, the kids seemed to enjoy making their own pizza and eating a pizza shaped birthday cake that Teresa claimed to have made herself, (not a chance in hell!). ?Did anyone else see another cake with the Little Mermaid theme? ?The manly men step outside for brandy and cigars as the kids made their own pizza and Richie jokes about Joe Giudice?s broken tooth calling him a Beverly Hillbilly.

As Milana screams to open her presents, older sister Gia sings a cute song dedicated to her sister on her 5th birthday, ?first you were one, then you were two??.you get the rest. ?It is Gia?s second song in her performance that sets the adults reeling. ?She had written a song about the conflict in their family, particularly her mother and ?dear Joe?. ?Through her tears she attempts to sing her song but breaks down crying the first time, her second try caused all of the adults in the room to stop and listen to her words. ?She sings about going to school while worrying about her family and she wants things to get better.

No child should be so aware of their family?s battles like this. ?They shouldn?t hear their parents talking about arguments with people that they love, we watched just last week as Juicy Joe completely tore apart Joe Gorga right in front of his daughter Gia as she was playing with her friend just a few feet away. ?In all seriousness if Teresa and Joe Giudice don?t get a grip on their children right away, they are going to end up with some teenage Curtain girls (Lynne Curtain from Orange County) and an Ashley Holmes thrown in for good measure.

After Gia?s song Joey Gorga and Teresa approach her to ensure Gia that they love each other, she is a smart girl and doesn?t buy their act, she tells them ?then act like it!?. While Richie tries to bring the two Joe?s together, it is clear that all the wine in Italy isn?t going to change the way these two men feel about each other. ?Joey tells us that he?s not going to beat him up because he doesn?t want his niece?s to ask him why he beat up their father. ?Now that is love folks!

Teresa has to be the most delusional of all as she tells us that it is obvious to her that little Gia wanted Joey Gorga to hear her words and feel her pain but what Tre doesn?t understand is that he already does and he tells us so on screen. ?Teresa hasn?t learned anything from all of this, and takes no responsibility for her daughter?s pain, she and her husband need to fix this for their daughter. ?The Giudice?s need to stop bashing Melissa and Joey in front of their children, they need to put aside their bad feelings for their children but I don?t think Joe Giudice has it in him to do that.

As always guru Caroline says it best, (about Gia) ?She?s screaming for this to end?. ? I was sort of screaming for the show to end last night too!

The previews for next week show the cast vacationing in sunny Punta Cana Mexico as Kathy tells us that she hopes this trip will improve relations between this family, the previews show otherwise. ?Watch What Happens?

Reality Tea did an article about Teresa and her husband, as is Teresa?s MO she is defending her husband?s actions and words. ?This has to be exhausting for Teresa, the woman is trying to earn a living for her family but constantly has to defend her idiotic husband?s behavior.

?He was drunk, in his own home and upset. I get where he was coming from.?

?Joe is Joe,? she states. ?You really have to know him to know it?s not malicious.? She adds, ?You learn, with age, to let things bother you less and less.?

Let things bother you less and less? ?When your husband tells you to ?shut up? and tells millions that he dumped you and that you came running back to him you just don?t let that bother you? ?What about when he calls your brother a ?Fuc**n Fa***t? in front of your children? ?Let that roll off your back Tre? ?This behavior is NOT ok and we can?t just let it slide because Teresa tells us ?he?s ok, he doesn?t mean it?. ?Obviously there is no defense for Joe Giudice but I suppose she has to try, or she could have remained silent.

The article also includes an interview with Melissa who talks about how difficult it was filming, especially in the beginning.


The article explaining that Teresa is the family?s breadwinner:

More for poor Jaqueline to deal with, her daughter in ?The Dirty?:



Home by Novogratz by BB

Bob and Cortney are going to stage a property for an open house party. The property is in Greenwich Village and owned by Frankie. It?s an old townhouse from the 1930s. It had two separates houses; a carriage house and a main house, which is going to make it difficult to stage. There are triple height ceilings. It has 3,000 sq. ft., but looks even bigger. Bob recommends not sinking any more money into it, but just to stage it, throw a party, throw a number out there and see what happens. They plan on making the open house an event and inviting brokers, buyers and the media. Bob and Cortney are trying to work while their son Breaker is playing drums that Bob just bought him. They ask Breaker to give them 10 or 15 minutes to work on the design. They are going to use hanging flowers, paint the floor, and have a glitter artist create a couple of pieces for the event. Of course, there will be some chandeliers and furniture to show what it would look like to entertain in the space. Cortney goes to Dykers Floral Events to order some flowers and flower garlands to hang in the space. Bob goes to Adelaide antique shop to get some furniture from the 1950s and 1960s. Bob and Cortney are going to buy the furniture to use for staging and then store it for future projects. Cortney also buys candles to compliment the garlands of flowers. Bob talks with Camomile Hixon about doing some art pieces in glitter for the space. On day one of the construction they paint the entire floor white. After it?s dry, they lay out a grid to create a black and white checkerboard look. Cortney goes out to do some more shopping while Bob checks on the glitter art. Camomile has created a large green and purple floral looking piece, plus glitter signs that read Pleasure Dome. The floral piece is very pretty. I think I could get some stencils and glitter some words on a board. Maybe there?s more to it than I can see. Cortney wants to make sure the chandeliers are hanging at the right height. The garlands and flowers arrive and are not exactly what Cortney expected. The flowers are pretty, but not organic or natural enough. Cortney thinks they look like a funeral. To remedy it, Cortney and Bob take the flowers out of the vases and place them all over the floor and furniture to give a rustic flair. Cortney is under the weather and leaves Bob to get everything finished. Frankie shows up and really likes the space the way it?s been staged, especially since they only had 48 hours. He especially likes the floral art piece. He likes that the glitz takes away from parts of the house that need work. Even with the bad snowy weather, the party is very well attended. It?s wall to wall people. It?s attended by a lot of press. The highlight of the room is the floral art piece created by Camomile. After the party, Frankie receives two offers for the property.

Dina?s Party by BB

Dina?s clients, James and Antonella, want to have an adult prom party in their home. The timeline for the party will be the late 80s, early 90s. Dina tells them she didn?t have fun at her prom; she ended up smacking the guy. James shows Dina pictures from a trip they took 10 years ago to Venice so she is going to try to incorporate that into the party. James also doesn?t want to have to work at his own party. Dina is going to decorate three rooms in their house. Dina shows her staff a picture from her prom days. OMG Dina has the biggest 80s hair for her prom and it was darker back then. The dining room will be staged as a caf?. The family room will be the photo booth. The living room is going to be the gym. Dina goes to a balloon specialist to get arches done in balloons. She?s also going to have balloon corsages for people when they come in the door. Dina is going to make it so over the top people are going to remember it for the rest of their lives. For the gym, Dina wants to cover the windows and fireplace. They rent a backdrop made of white sparkling material. She also uses fabric columns to cover up the windows. They create an amazing caf? stage set in the Venice style and she wants to have stars on the ceiling so it will be like dining under the stars. Dina says the ceiling is your fifth wall and you don?t want to forget it when you?re designing a room for a party. Dina is having a little trouble assembling tables, but won?t ask the boys for help. She says at parties you need to have a place to sit. You don?t need to stand the whole time and have your feet killing you by the end of the night. For the photo studio, she has a gold backdrop. Dina thinks all parties should have a fun activity and the prom photo booth is a great way to create some fun. They cover a wrought iron arch with fabric and lighted stars hanging around it to stand under for the photo opportunity. Antonella and Jim go with Dina to a custom print shop to get HER prom picture blown up on canvas. The problem is Atonella didn?t go to the prom with Jim. So Dina pastes Jim?s head on her prom date?s body, but makes it obvious it?s not him by the way she places it. There is a lot of buzz among their friends about the upcoming party. Dina has dubbed the prom theme ?Starry Starry Night.? Even when the team comes up against some snafus, Dina always seems calm and comes up with alternatives. You can tell she really loves what she is doing. Prom night has finally arrived! Everyone shows up in their prom finery, including Dina and her staff. Jim thinks Dina looks like a fairy godmother. The gym is over the top with blue, teal, gold and silver balloons on the floor. The photo booth room is again covered in balloons. The starry night caf? is Jim and Atonella?s favorite room. I think everyone is transformed back to their own prom and it looks like they had a great time. Everyone really had fun getting their pictures taken and the people who didn?t originally get to go to the prom with their current spouses felt like they got to go to the prom with them that night. And at this prom, the prom attendees got to legally drink! Dina doesn?t take things too seriously and I enjoy watching her show. I?d let her do an event for me. I kind of like over the top for a fun party.


Our Twitter friend @Zill_Jarin has gotten more private tweets from Jill Zarin herself, seems this account is really getting to Jilsy!

An interview with Alex & Simon:

Tonight on Bravo a new episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills at 9pm / 8pm Central time. ?Stop back tonight to chat!

I was so lucky over the weekend to do an interview with Ramona Singer, she was so sweet and really has her act together. ?I found a new respect for Ramona after talking with her at great length, watch for that exclusive on Rumor Fix coming soon!

Until Next Time?


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