Friday, September 9, 2011

Internet Marketing Gurus Launch Highly Anticipated Video Seminar ...

London, UK -- (SBWIRE) -- 09/07/2011 -- In response to the recent demand for effective ways to make money online, Jeff Dedrick and Liz Tomey are announcing the release of their new 20 part program titled ?Online Success Blueprint;? a $37 video rendition of their $997 live seminar that marketers are calling ?the next step in the evolution of internet marketing.?

With America?s recent credit downgrading and a global market that is struggling to keep its head above water, more and more people are searching for ways to launch their own home business. Internet marketing has become the fastest growing industry in the world and that growth is expected to continue at an exponential rate.

But as the industry continues its unfettered expansion, marketers are inundated with new product launches, pushy emails, limited time offers, and overly-hyped programs from ?Gurus? they never heard of.

This dynamic is immediately recognizable with a simple search of Google. The search term ?make money online? gives users tens of thousands of programs to choose from; some of which border on scam, and most of which only offer recycled concepts of programs that came before them.

In response to this recent dynamic, Jeff Dedrick and Liz Tomey have combined their most lucrative internet marketing strategies and created a step by step system to help aspiring internet marketers spearhead their own online businesses.

?This is the exact same live workshop people paid up to $997 to attend,? says the website. ?Now you can have access to all of the recordings for the entire three day workshop!?

According to those who have used the program, it cuts through all the over-used and under effective internet marketing techniques and gets to the real meat of what makes a successful online campaign.

The workshop covers the 20 essential pillars of successful internet marketing including:

-Outsourcing like the Gurus
-List Building the Easy Way
-Jeff?s Cash Spewing Sales Process
-Driving the Traffic Train
-Secrets of a Million Dollar Launch
-Fast Product Creation Tactics
-Best Business Practices

In a recent speech given by Simon Senek titled ?How great leaders inspire action,? the most successful people throughout history succeeded in a way that reversed the conventionally perceived way of doing business. Online Success Blueprint is based on this theory, and consequently it has generated massive profits for all those who have used it.

To learn more about Online Success Blueprint, or to see how to turn internet marketing into a consistent stream of revenue, please visit:


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