Sunday, July 31, 2011

Preserving Summer | Morocco World News

salad juive

By Joan Nathan

July 29, 2011

Tablet Mag

The best part of summer is its fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables, especially ripe, juicy tomatoes. You can hold on to the taste of summer by cooking them into a traditional Moroccan Jewish dish.

I love summer for many reasons, but at the top of my list is its bounty of fresh, local fruits and vegetables. The ever-increasing number of farmers? markets in the United States?there are now over 6,000, more than double the number five years ago?allow us to put the freshest ingredients on the table. I am lucky enough to spend time on Martha?s Vineyard, where I have a thriving garden from which I pick raspberries, chard, eggplant, peppers, garlic, cabbage, and my favorite, tomatoes.

As I?ve said before, nothing is better in the height of summer than freshly picked tomatoes. This summer, I have noticed a number of delicious ways to extend the season by cooking down the tomatoes. It?s a logical way to preserve the largesse of summer.

Recently, I went to a dinner at the house of my friends Jan Buhrman, a caterer on Martha?s Vineyard, and her husband, Richard Osnos. About a dozen people were gathered for a buffet of Moroccan chicken, baked halibut, and Jan?s rendition of salade juive, a cooked salad of tomatoes and peppers. Jan and I first tasted this dish together a few years ago in Provence, France, when she accompanied me on a research trip for my book Quiches, Kugels, and Couscous: My Search for Jewish Cooking in France.

We had heard good things about Le Mas Tourterons, a restaurant located on the outskirts of the quaint village of Les Imberts. I was especially intrigued to try it as I had heard a rumor that its chef was Jewish. We arrived famished, after an hour-and-a-half drive, to a stone house filled with old wooden beams, antiques, and the enticing smells of fresh food. The chef, Elizabeth Bourgeois, greeted us, and I was so hungry I couldn?t think straight. I just blurted out: ?Are you Jewish??

?Pas du tout,? she replied. Not at all.

I was disappointed and felt a little foolish, but the moment was soon forgotten, and Jan and I sat down to a very long lunch. The first course was several delicious cooked salads, and when we tasted the tomato one we were blown away. This ratatouille-like dish, made of tomatoes, peppers, and coriander, was cooked down to a jam-like consistency and was intensely flavorful.

I asked her where she had gotten the recipe. ? ?a c?est la salade juive!? she replied, the Jewish salad, adding that she had learned it from an elderly Moroccan Jewish woman who had worked for her for many years. (Perhaps this dish led to the rumors that Bourgeois was Jewish.)

A few weeks ago, I tasted another, simpler Moroccan Jewish salad at M?m?, a rustic new American restaurant in Philadelphia. David Katz, the chef-owner of this tiny neighborhood place in the heart of Center City, had asked his mother, Suzanne Azran Katz, a native of Casablanca, to take over the kitchen for one night and prepare food from her homeland?dishes like tagine of lamb, couscous with turnips, and merguez sausage?for his local clientele. Mrs. Katz, a slight woman, who lives nearby in southern New Jersey, started the meal with a variety of Moroccan salads, including her delicious salade juive, which she learned long ago in her native Morocco. Her version includes a more recent innovation?tomato paste, which allows her to cook it for a shorter time.

I have found that there are probably as many renditions of Moroccan Jewish cooked tomato salads as there are Moroccan Jewish cooks. They also have various names. In addition to salade juive, they are also called matbucha and salade cuite, or cooked salad. These salads are also easy to prepare and can be made well in advance of serving, which makes them practical for the Sabbath or a dinner party. And they look beautiful.

Another summery tomato dish that I love is a salad of roasted peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlic; the ingredients are grounded to a paste and served with nuts. In Syria, it is called mahammar and served with pomegranate syrup; in Spain, it is called romesco and local sherry vinegar is added. There are as many romesco recipes as there are versions of salade juive. The recipe I have used here is from Seamus Mullen, the chef of Tertullia in New York, and comes from his forthcoming cookbook, Hero Food, due out next year from Andrew McMeel.

Culinary historians think that this dish was introduced when tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers were brought back to Europe from the New World, ferried by Sephardic merchants who had been expelled from Spain during the Inquisition. Roasted salads historically had been made with eggplants and chickpeas and mashed with a mortar and pestle. The technique was easily adapted to the vegetables from the New World.

I asked Janet Amateau, an American living in Spain who runs a terrific blog,, if she knew of the specific origins of romesco. ?The Romans had many techniques for preserving fish (the Italians have always eaten well!), and this style of sauce (pounded nuts with herbs and spices) did exist in Roman cuisine,? she wrote in an email. While this technique of grinding nuts into sauces is usually attributed to the Arabs, Amateau suggests that the region of Tarragona, located in the northeast of Spain and a formidable citadel in the Roman Empire, gave it the name to indicate it?s a ?Roman style? sauce, born of their specific historical identity and culinary traditions.

Eaten scooped up with bread, crackers, or vegetables, romesco and its cooked cousins are absolutely delicious and a wonderful reminder of summer?s fresh offerings.

Salade Juive, Moroccan Cooked Tomato and Pepper Salad
Adapted from Suzanne Azran Katz

1/4 cup canola oil
5-6 long hot peppers, such as yellow wax or Anaheim, diced small or pulsed in food processor
2-3 cloves garlic
1/2 6-ounce can tomato paste
2?3 tomatoes, diced and peeled (about 2 pounds)
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1 teaspoon sugar (optional)

1. Heat the canola oil in a heavy frying pan and cook the peppers and the garlic, uncovered, until the peppers are soft, adding 1/2 to 3/4 cup water as needed.
2. Dilute the tomato paste with a few tablespoons of water. Add the tomato paste mixture and the tomatoes to the peppers and cook down for about 20 minutes, or until it reaches the consistency of jam. Add salt and pepper to taste and if needed a sprinkling of sugar.

Yield: About 3 cups

Romesco sauce
Adapted from Hero Food by Seamus Mullen

3 red bell peppers
2 tomatoes
1 onion, quartered, skin on
1 head garlic
1 cup cubed bread
1/4 cup blanched Marcona almonds
2 dried ?ora or other dried semi-hot peppers
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
Smoked piment?n or paprika
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1. You can either grill or roast the peppers, tomatoes, onion, and garlic. If grilling them, grill over high heat until thoroughly blackened. If roasting, put the vegetables on a large baking sheet in a 450-degree oven for 45 minutes, until very dark. Once the vegetables are grilled or roasted, remove them from the heat and wrap in newspaper to cool. Once they have cooled, carefully peel away and discard the charred skins.

2. In a deep skillet over medium heat, toast the bread and almonds until nicely browned. Transfer to a food processor or mortar and pestle, add the roasted vegetables and dried peppers, and work into a crunchy paste. Add the olive oil and a splash of sherry vinegar and adjust seasoning with piment?n or paprika, salt, and pepper.

3. This can be served scooped up with grilled kale, or as a dip with grilled leeks, asparagus, or any fresh vegetable or bread.

Yield: About 3 cups


Photo credit: Colin Clark

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Band takes fans on Journey back into past

Journey stands as perhaps the quintessential example of rock by association.

Journey?s music isn?t just part of the soundtrack in the background of your life. Rather it?s pegged to specific events, moments or experiences.

If you?re a ?Caddyshack? fan, your mind may Journey back to the scene when Rodney Dangerfield blasts ?Any Way You Want It? from his golf bag, interrupting Ted Knight in mid swing. In 2007, ?Don?t Stop Believin?? played from a diner?s jukebox as the HBO series ?The Sopranos? ended. More recently, ?Don?t Stop Believin?? was covered by the cast of ?Glee.?

Is Journey TV's favorite band? Believe it!
  1. Don't miss these Entertainment stories

    1. Band takes fans on Journey back into past

      Journey?s music isn?t just part of the soundtrack in the background of your life. Rather it?s pegged to specific events, moments or experiences.

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And those represent a small sampling of instances in which Journey?s music has permeated pop culture beyond its rock moorings. It?s tempting to say that Journey is the Energizer Bunny of bands, except for the fact that Journey was born before that marketing critter (1973, as opposed to 1988) and has lasted longer.

Video: Journey dishes on most memorable tour moment (on this page)

?Journey is the ultimate embodiment of the people?s rock band,? noted Steve Horowitz, who teaches an online course called ?Rock and Roll in America? at the University of Iowa. ?Except for during the band?s early years as Santana band refugees performing jazz-rock, critics have hated Journey for their slick style.

Slideshow: Bands of the ?70s that just won?t quit (on this page)

?Meanwhile, ever since the mid ?70s, fans have loved them and bought their records by the millions. Their songs were and continue to be the theme music of many a high school prom because they capture that spirit of melodramatic hope and angst one feels as a young person growing up into an adult world that does not make sense.?

Video: Journey ?Faithfully? entertains the plaza (on this page)

The Journey currently on tour is a revamped version of the original 1973 edition created by bassist Ross Valory and guitarist Neal Schon. Both are still with the group, but now it also includes instrumentalist Jonathan Cain, drummer Deen Castronovo and vocalist Arnel Pineda.

The Journey zeitgeist thrives today for a whole new legion of fans, thanks in part to Pineda, a Filipino who joined the group in 2007. Schon had invited Pineda to audition for the gig after seeing some of his videos on YouTube.

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?I think they found a singer who is an exciting person to watch onstage, which they haven?t had in a very, very, very long time,? explained Phil Gallo, music writer for Billboard magazine. ?I think they went out and recorded a collection of new songs that connected with the (former lead vocalist) Steve Perry era better than anything they?ve done in a long time. The new songs line up with the hits quite nicely.

?There?s also the fact that this guy came from the Philippines. There are a lot of Filipinos who are now new Journey fans, and in some cities that creates a sizeable base.?

Video: ?Anyway You Want It,? Journey wows crowd (on this page)

Journey?s hit list has been a fixture on every rock radio station since the 1970s, when it released its breakthrough fourth album, ?Infinity,? the first with Perry in the fold. Aside from ?Don?t Stop Believin?? and ?Any Way You Want It,? some of the band?s other notable creations include ?Open Arms,? ?Send Her My Love,? ?Who?s Crying Now,? ?Separate Ways? and ?Wheel in the Sky.?

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Aside from FM stations and film/TV, Journey also took its brand of arena rock into stadiums ? during games. ?Sports teams like the Chicago White Sox playing ?Don?t Stop Believin?? really made use of their music in a big way,? Gallo said. ?Then it caught on with other teams and other sports.?

Journey?s mojo has remained fairly steady and formidable over the years, even while personnel changes were taking place. It?s a tribute not so much to an image projected by individual artists, or by the group as a whole, but how its music itself is rooted in the culture.

Video: Journey performs classic ?Don?t Stop Believin? (on this page)

?One reason a rock band achieves longevity is because they have an incredible concept-story-brand,? said Jason King, artistic director and associate professor at The Clive Davis Department of Recorded Music in the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. ?They also achieve longevity because they?ve made an indelible impact on public consciousness, an impact that seems to keep getting renewed with each successive generation.

?But most importantly, a rock band achieves longevity because they have compelling songs ... songs that are staples on radio stations around the world and in every karaoke bar, songs that have, over time, become part of the fabric of our everyday lives. The Beatles had a timeless catalogue. The Eagles have those kinds of songs. The Rolling Stones have those songs. And certainly Journey does as well.?

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Despite the popularity of Journey?s songs, said music critic Andrew Barker of Variety, the band doesn?t always get its due from classic rock purists. ?Journey occupies an unusual place in the rock canon,? he said. ?On the one hand, they were enormously successful, and they?ll continue to get airplay on classic rock radio as long as classic rock radio exists. On the other, they?re still as despised by the cognoscenti as they?ve ever been, and I can?t see that stopping either.?

Video: Journey rocks new single, ?City of Hope? (on this page)

Obviously, a band can?t please everybody. But the mere fact that "Sopranos" creator David Chase chose ?Don?t Stop Believin?? as the soundtrack for his show's cryptic and dramatic ending says the song and the band are held in generally high esteem.

?I think ?The Sopranos? element made you listen to the lyrics and made you kind of get behind the idea that the show closed with a vague idea of what?s important in life,? Gallo said. ?It boils down to family in a lot of cases. In this case, these four people seemed to wind up at the same table.

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?It?s (the song itself) a strange story of fictional people in south Detroit. (?Just a small town girl, livin? in a lonely world, she took the midnight train goin? anywhere. Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit, he took the midnight train goin? anywhere.) Now the song is associated with a big family. I think it gave it some powers.?

Said Barker: ?Parodies aside, it?s hard to think of a single negative effect that ?The Sopranos? finale has had on that song. It?s a lot like what ?Wayne?s World? did for Queen?s ?Bohemian Rhapsody? ? before the movie, the song was well known, but after the movie, it was a staple of the culture.?

Rolling Stone's 100 greatest artists of all time

The same can probably be said of Journey as a whole.

?Journey?s imprint on the popular culture ? from high school proms to sporting events to TV shows ? guarantees they will not be forgotten,? said Horowitz, who is also a staff writer for ?They are a shorthand way of evoking the late ?70s-early ?80s."

Michael Ventre is a frequent contributor to Follow him on Twitter @MichaelVentre44.

? 2011 MSNBC Interactive.? Reprints


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Bed and Breakfast Accommodation For Progressive Travelers

For as long as bed & breakfast hotels have been around they have offered their guests lodging at reasonable rates. It used to be that all you expected from a B&B was the basics, a firm bed, a shower and a cooked breakfast in the morning for a good price. Generally coming second to hotel accommodation, B&B?s rarely competed with a hotel for luxury and services offered.

However a new trend for travelers in the 21st century, particularly in North America, is to look at the B&B sector for their accommodation needs. There are various reasons for this turn-around, but the main one is that with the downturn in the economy people still wish to travel but now need to tighten their belts. Looking at bed & breakfast options makes economical sense.

The increase seen in the bed and breakfast occupancy comes from all sectors, the domestic market, international travelers seeking unique holiday accommodation and corporate travelers. As a result, more B&B?s, country inns and bed and breakfast hotels are updating their properties to offer luxury furnishings and provide additional services.

By offering attractive packages and pricing structures to travelers, B&B?s are able to compete with local hotels. Frequent traveler programs are popular with guests and aim to produce business and encourage returning customers. These types of programs generally involve free nights or discounts after a certain number of nights.

Americans often work long hours and time off is cherished, getting away for a few days is a welcome break from routine. A weekend getaway is the perfect way to distance yourself and within most people?s time limits. Business travelers are often encouraged to stay at a particular B & B if it offers a frequency traveler program and has the added advantage of free Wi-Fi.
Other business friendly facilities, such as a desk in the room, copy and fax machines, relaxed cancellation policies, and allowed late check-in and early breakfast are also enticements to book at particular bed and breakfast hotels rather than a hotel. Companies also prefer the fact that they are able to hire the whole inn as it means they are likely to get the hotel management?s complete attention whereas if they had booked at a large convention hotel they would be competing with lots of other groups.

B&B?s also offer a unique way to experience the customs and daily life of a particular city. Often located right in the city centre they can also provide a higher level of attention to their guests and offer competitively priced rooms. As a guest in a chain hotel you are likely to see the staff when you check in and again when you check out, staying in smaller bed & breakfast hotels enables you to meet the owners and their staff, people who have the time to give you advice and information on the city. There are also possibilities to spend time in communal rooms where you can meet fellow travelers.

Many people prefer the intimate atmosphere of a B&B in comparison to a hotel which can be sterile and noisy, and staff often have less time to interact with their guests. B&B?s offer travelers unique features and stand out by their friendly atmosphere and personal touch. Guests of B&B?s are not just looking for a room to sleep in but the whole experience of staying in a lodging that enables them to meet interesting people and receive all the luxuries they would expect from any accommodation choice.

In general staying in a bed and breakfast offers you more services and options than traditional hotels are able to and is a new and completely different experience to staying in a hotel, it can certainly make your stay in the city a much more pleasurable event. The increase in popularity seen in B&B accommodation is not only experienced in the United States and Canada, but also abroad in European countries and other destinations around the world. For bed and breakfast in the USA look online for instant B&B rates and availability.

Michiel Van Kets has 1 articles online

Michiel Van Kets provides article services for Sarah T. Bronson who is a contributing author for, specializing in 21st century bed & breakfast hotel travel trends, leisure tourism marketing, and travel intelligence for inn travelers and innkeepers in the United States as well as around the world. For information on bed and breakfast in USA and to access an extensive archive of bed & breakfast reviews from around the world, please visit the website.

Tags: Michiel Van Kets, North America, United States, USA, Wi Fi


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25 dead, 12 missing in Ukraine twin mine tragedies (AFP)

LUGANSK, Ukraine (AFP) ? The death toll rose to 25 Saturday from two separate coal mining accidents on the same day in Ukraine's eastern industrial district, notorious for its poor safety standards.

The Ukrainian emergency ministry raised the toll from 16 to 18 from an explosion early Friday at the Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya coal mine in the eastern Lugansk region.

Eight miners were still missing Saturday after that blast deep in the mine, likely caused by a buildup of deadly methane gas, while two remained hospitalised with serious burns.

The death toll from a separate accident hours later also rose to seven, and four miners remained missing Saturday after a mine headframe collapsed at the Bazhanova pit in the town of Makiyivka in the neighbouring Donetsk region.

The twin disasters were the country's worst mining accidents since more than 100 miners died in a mine explosion in 2007.

The blast at the Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya mine rang out at around 2 am on Friday, in an air passage more than 900 metres (2,953 feet) deep in the mine, where 28 miners were working at the time, the local emergency ministry said.

On Saturday, "eight miners remained trapped in the disaster zone," the ministry said, without indicating whether they were likely to be alive.

Rescuers were removing gas from an emergency access tunnel into the mine, in order to go down in search of the missing miners, a spokeswoman for the Lugansk regional administration told AFP.

But she said there was little hope of finding more miners alive.

"I can't say anything about this. It is unlikely," said Albina Kosheleva, the Lugansk regional administration spokeswoman.

Two miners pulled from the debris and hospitalised in the city's burns unit remained in "an extremely serious condition, on the verge of life and death," she added. A third survivor died in hospital on Friday.

The first funerals of the dead miners were due to go ahead Saturday, she said.

"Today are the first funerals of two miners. Tomorrow will be a funeral service for 11 more miners."

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov was due to fly out to attend the service on Sunday, Kosheleva added.

President Viktor Yanukovych interrupted his holiday to travel to the scene of the Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya accident late Friday and meet relatives of victims and survivors.

He called a government commission to investigate the disasters and to work on improved safety standards to protect miners.

The mine is run by a private holding called Metinvest Group, which is controlled by Rinat Akhmetov -- Ukraine's richest man who bankrolled Yanukovych's presidential campaign in 2010.

In the separate accident in a state-owned mine in the Donetsk region, a 65-metre-high tower for raising and lowering miners into the shaft collapsed Friday, trapping workers underneath. The accident forced the closure of the mine and the evacuation of more than 500 miners.

"Seven people died, four are hospitalised and the fate of four is unknown," the emergency ministry said in a statement. "The search and rescue operation is continuing."

The concrete tower crashed to the ground, collapsing into a mass of rubble, tangled with wires, shown in photographs released by the local emergency ministry.

Deadly accidents are frequent in Ukrainian mines, most of which are located in the country's industrial eastern region. Many of the mines are underfunded and poorly equipped, while safety violations are rife.


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

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28 July 2011 No Comment

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Read more from the original source:
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Good neighbors mean help is next door: survey (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) ? Most Americans are willing to help their neighbors during tough economic times but noise and out of control children and pets can still annoy the people living next door, according to a new survey.

Whether it is assistance in looking for a job, babysitting or even a loan, 83 percent of 17,000 Americans questioned in a nationwide poll said they would lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need.

"This provides some evidence that when things go bad, like a natural disaster or the economy, people look at the local level for types of social support," Professor Keith Hampton, of University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School of Communication, said about the findings of the poll.

"Even with help for basic day-to-day stuff, they turn to their neighbors, which leads to a temporary spike in local engagement in America," he added.

South Florida resident Kay Riordan took in her neighbor's four children for more than two months they had to move to North Carolina for a job opportunity after falling on hard time.

"They were picking up and moving on a hope and a prayer," she said. "We did not want to uproot the children, so we offered."

Riordan, who took part in the Harris Interactive poll commissioned by State Farm Insurance, was among the 10 percent of Americans who said they would let a neighbor live with them for a short to help them through difficult times.

With the U.S. jobless rate hovering at 9.2 percent, the help could provide a needed lifeline.

Forty five percent of people questioned in the poll said they would help a neighbor look for a job, 15 percent would lend their neighbors money, 44 percent said they would cook a meal and 32 percent would babysit to save on childcare costs.

"Everyday there are headlines about economic difficulties," said David Beigie, a spokesman from State Farm insurance. "It is very easy to move into a fear based approach to living, and people may not realize that's there is help next door."

But the poll also revealed that 66 percent of city dwellers had a complaint about a neighbor, compared to 54 percent of Americans in rural areas.

Most of the gripes, 33 percent, were about rowdy children and pets, followed by noise and poorly maintained property.

And only one in four people said they know the names of most, or all, or their neighbors.


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da Vinci (Standard) / Robotic Aortic Lymph Node Dissection ...

You are here: Home / Videos / da Vinci (Standard) / Robotic Aortic Lymph Node Dissection

da Vinci (Standard) / Robotic Aortic Lymph Node Dissection

M Patrick Lowe MD (Gynecologic Oncologist) Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Todd Tillmanns MD (Gynecologic Oncologist) Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, The West Clinic, Memphis, TN The surgical video details a robotic aortic lymph node dissection in a patient with endometrial cancer with the Standard da Vinci system. The dissection on the right side of the aorta has been completed and the anatomy is outlined. The dissection on the left side of the aorta is highlighted in this video. Narration is provided for the viewer.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Gynecologic Cancers 1/2

About the Video: In the United States each year, more than 70-thousand women are diagnosed with gynecologic cancers, such as ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer. In this show, you will learn about diagnosing and treating these conditions. Part one of this two-part program addresses the following topics: *Gynecologic Cancers (including ovarian, cervical, endometrial (uterine), vaginal and vulvar) *Endometrial cancer *Uterine cancer *Symptoms of endometrial cancer *Obesity risks *Estrogen/hormone replacement therapy *Genetic risks *Hysterectomy *Minimally invasive/robotic surgery *Radiation/chemotherapy About the Expert: Dr. Sarah Temkin, director of gynecologic oncology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Dr. Temkin is also an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Related Links: Dr. Sarah Temkin University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center Gynecologic Oncology Program Video: Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Podcast: Cervical Cancer Podcast: Ovarian Cancer Women?s Health


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Friday, July 29, 2011

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Most people suggest you can not teach an old dog new tricks, especially when it comes to selling, but it's true? There are enough reasons not to learn how to sell well, "I'm too old", "I can not sell," "My company does not need to sell," etc.

We all before, but a society need to make money and sales are part of this process. Let us examine what is being sold, how important everything and discuss the finer points of sales training.

What isSales?

For many, evokes the terrible connotations revenue from door to door salesman selling pushy with the "mouth" to something, not what you want. Nowadays it has become associated with cold calling and international call centers in an effort to promote products.

It may surprise you, but not the sale of printing products, but in reality is to attract customers. Modern Day sales and marketing, is about your offer toa target market and tell the customers about the benefits associated with them. The customer will then buy the product or service and, hopefully, a long-term customer with favorable feelings toward the product or service and business.

A definition of revenue taken from

"The exchange of goods or services in an amount of money or its equivalent, the deed of sale."

This definition excludes any reference to the buyer / sellerRelationship or who have a process of mutual benefit.

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Participants are constantly adjusted and fine tuned the best people to build their business. If your company does not support the sales process through continuous improvement of your face to faceCommunication with potential buyers, then you run the risk of more static in a constantly changing environment.

By improving your sales skills, you can also attach to existing customers. You will be able to satisfy their needs effectively and in turn in their possession are satisfied longer.

Sales Training

Initially we asked, you can teach old dogs new tricks? It is not a case of "can", but "need" for your current business and"A recession-proof."

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Sales training, each individual company and industry, but are combined with your faces regardless of the situation of the company, selling in an absolute must.

Put your company has managed to sell the products of 10% over a year, simply by changing the focus of the sale. The training and support would be more convenientand allow you to reposition your company as market leader, customer-oriented and efficient.

Sales Training ? you can teach Old Dogs New Tricks?


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Along with embracing change wholeheartedly, you have to have a positive mental attitude to improve yourself. Why? Because in order to improve your self you need to change? and change is very hard for people who don\?t have a positive mental attitude. Learn how to attain positive mental attitude in this video.
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Are you planning a trip to Dubai ? | Travel Guides


Dubai is the second largest of the emirates comprising the United Arab Emirates. It was established in the late 1950?s to serve a tiny coastal settlement. Today, Dubai is a modern metropolis with a population of over 700,000. It offers its citizens the finest in modern comforts. It is known internationally as a premier tourist destination.

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Dubai is the second largest of the emirates comprising the United Arab Emirates. It was established in the late 1950?s to serve a tiny coastal settlement. Today, Dubai is a modern metropolis with a population of over 700,000. It offers its citizens the finest in modern comforts. It is known internationally as a premier tourist destination.

Dubai has something for everyone, from vacationers seeking a relaxing break away from the pressures of work, to active tourists looking for a new, exciting experience. The emirate is an international conference, exhibition, and leisure travel destination.

Dubai has a seemingly endless variety of unique vacation opportunities! Some of the highlights are desert safaris, dune driving; exploring wadis (dry river beds) in four-wheel-drive vehicles; sand-skiing; moonlit Arabian desert barbecues, complete with traditional entertainment; camel racing, horse racing and falconry; cruises in wooden dhow on Dubai Creek or into the Gulf; exploration of the old city souks (markets) and creekside dhow quays. Photographic possibilities include traditional architecture; majestic mosques,
magnificent palaces, camel and goat herds, ancient windtowers, dusty Bedouin villages, lush oases and palm groves, and dramatic sunsets.

The best time of the year to visit Dubai is between November and April, when the weather is coolest. Ramadan, which takes place at a different time each year on the western calendar, is the Muslim month of fasting and is strictly adhered to throughout the UAE. That means that it?s illegal, not to mention rude, to eat, drink or smoke in public from sunrise to sunset during your stay While Dubai?s official language is Arabic, many people speak English, particularly those who are in business or commerce.

Dubai is an incredible place to shop. You can explore everything from modern shopping malls to traditional souks to markets. As a result of Dubai?s low custom duties, goods purchased in Dubai may be less expensive than goods purchased in other countries. For great shopping experiences, try to visit Bur Juman Centre and Al Ghurair Centre.

Related posts:

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ark. philanthropist who fought over lights dies (Providence Journal)

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Pop Star/Physicist Sees Wonders of the Universe Here on Earth [Video]

News | More Science

Brian Cox's new television miniseries uses our planet as his canvas to explain the origins of light, matter, time and other ethereal concepts

physics, universeWONDROUS: "Wonders of the Universe" is a four-part television series making its U.S. debut July 27 on Science Channel and hosted by Cox, a Royal Society University Research Fellow and professor at the U.K.'s University of Manchester Image: COURTESY OF DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS

Ask someone where they are from and most likely they will tell you their hometown, perhaps even a specific neighborhood. Put the same question to physicist Brian Cox and you get an entirely different response?one that involves the recycling of atoms brought together from the far reaches of the universe. Cox likes to remind people that every atom of their body used to be part of something else, and will become part of something new in the end.

This heady, top-down view pervades "Wonders of the Universe," a four-part television series making its U.S. debut July 27 on Science Channel and hosted by Cox, a Royal Society University Research Fellow and professor at the U.K.'s University of Manchester. Each episode takes on different scientific concepts?including matter, energy, time, gravity and light?by explaining how they function not just on Earth but also in the vastness of the universe.

"The first show is about the origin of the building blocks of the universe, the building blocks of us," says Cox, who played keyboards in the U.K. pop band D:Ream during the 1990s while studying for his physics PhD degree. The launch episode's narrative thread follows the origin of several different elements?including hydrogen, helium, carbon and iron?and the role they play on Earth. "To tell that story, you have to tell the story of the stars, how they're born, live and die," he adds.

One of Cox's favorite segments, addressed in the episode dealing with time, involves scientists' best estimate of the universe's growth and its ultimate fate. "It appears for the moment to be accelerating in its expansion," he says. "Eventually, no new stars form and the old ones die." This is not expected anytime soon. "There are more years to the future of the universe, to the time the last black hole evaporates, than there are atoms in the observable universe," he adds.

Cox [see video interview below] points to his experience on board NASA's so-called "vomit comet" as a high-and-low point of the show. This is because the vomit comet is a fixed-wing aircraft that flies along a sharply parabolic path that briefly provides a nearly weightless environment in which to train astronauts and conduct research. "The fact that all objects fall at the same rate in the absence of gravity is called the Equivalence Principle," Cox says. "This drove Einstein to this beautiful theory of space and time. Einstein would have loved the vomit comet."

"Wonders of the Universe" takes advantage of diverse locales across the planet to make its points. Cox traveled to the deserts of Namibia to demonstrate how the universe continues to become increasingly disordered and how ultimately there will be no stars, planets or galaxies left in the cosmos. Victoria Falls in Zambia serves as the backdrop for explaining how water can behave the way light does around a black hole. He also spends time in a deserted prison in Rio de Janeiro describing how the chemical elements originated in the stars before making their way to Earth.

Too often, he hears the question, "Do we need to know more?" The answer, to Cox, is obvious. "You could have asked that question at any point throughout the history of science?and you could have stopped," he says. "The Victorians thought they knew enough, and that was before quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity and transistors. No, we didn't know enough then, and it's no different now?we don't know enough. Tomorrow, a paradigm-changing discovery will be made. Not might be made?it will be made."

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the high-energy physics lab near Geneva, Switzerland, where Cox contributes to the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) experiment, is a prime example of pressing toward the unknown. Scientists there recently announced detecting a hint of the elusive Higgs boson, which they hope, for starters, will help explain why some particles are heavy and others have no mass at all. Of course the LHC could ultimately turn up little that these scientists did not already suspect about the subatomic composition of matter and energy in the universe. A risk worth taking, according to Cox and his CERN colleagues. "We don't know if [Higgs] is there yet, but it's looking actually pretty suggestive," he says. "It's a real glimpse of something new I think."

Like CERN's ambitions, the scope of "Wonders of the Universe" is nothing if not grand, but this seems appropriate given the subject matter. Yet Cox also tries to entertain as he educates. Such treatment is necessary, he reckons, to rekindle a flagging interest in science and discovery. "Time and again throughout the whole history of science you see that the instinct to explore nature, to understand the universe, has led to the most profoundly useful things," he says.



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Colon Rectal Cancer Treatment | Cancer Centre

Comments about the treatment of Colon rectal cancer: The information in this section concerning the treatment should be read and interpreted with caution since it is a basic rule that must be fulfilled in all hospitals. Treatment of Colon rectal cancer is regulated by the available scientific information adapts to health care and economic resources of each region or country. Internet is full of pages of information on the treatment of Colon rectal cancer should also be interpreted with caution. Among the most reliable are: National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). Treatment of Colon rectal cancer is highly individualized and should be considered many factors, notably:

The age and expectation of life.
* Patient preferences regarding side effects associated with each treatment:
* Any serious illness a patient.
* The stage and grade of cancer.
* The probability of each type of treatment is curative

With data from the PSA, Gleason score and clinical stage T (Partin Tables), we can calculate the probability that Colon rectal cancer is:

* Organ confined disease.
* Extraprostatic extension (capsular rupture).
* Invasion of seminal vesicles.
* Invasion of the pelvic lymph nodes.
The patient must request a ?second opinion? (a widespread practice in the United States and is increasingly important in Spain) about the best treatment option depending on your situation, especially if there are several options available. The patient must weigh with your doctor and family, the benefits of each of the treatments and possible side effects and risks. Because Colon rectal cancer can be treated by different specialties, particularly urology and Radiation Oncology, each specialist will tend to inform the patient that its treatment is the best option. To overcome this subjectivity all cases of Colon rectal cancer should undergo a tumor board.

Should be noted that Colon rectal cancer is very different from other types of cancer and that at least 70% of cases no treatment is needed. No emabrgo, currently there is no way of knowing which patients will develop the disease more aggressively, which makes it necessary to treat it.

1. Expectant management

If the cancer causes no symptoms, it grows very slowly and is very small, confined in a small area of ??the Colon rectal may be recommended to keep a watchful waiting. In certain circumstances this may be the best option. This type of treatment is generally reserved for men over 80 years. Because Colon rectal cancer often grows very slowly, if the patient is older or have other serious diseases, it is necessary to treat Colon rectal cancer. Some men choose to wait and see, because they will not suffer the side effects of aggressive treatment and prefer to stay as they are. Keep a watchful waiting does not mean the patient will not receive any medical care or monitoring. On the contrary, the cancer will be observed and monitored. Determinations are usually performed in blood PSA and rectal exam every six months, possibly with transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy annually. If the patient develops any symptoms of the cancer grow faster, you have to consider moving to an active treatment. Is currently developing a large study sponsored by the National Cancer Institute and the Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program to clarify how the active treatment affects survival and quality of life of patients with Colon rectal cancer at different ages, called PIVOT (short Intervention Versus Observation for Prostatic Trial).

2. Surgery

Radical prostatectomy is surgery that is done with the intent to cure prostate cancer. Tradicionalmnte surgery has been done in men younger than 70 years. It is most often performed when the cancer has not exceeded the limits of the prostate gland (stage T1 or T2). In this operation, the urologist is cured by removing the prostate gland plus the surrounding tissues. There are two main types of radical prostatectomy:

* Radical retropubic prostatectomy: This is the operation performed by most surgeons urologists. It requires general anesthesia or epidural or spinal anesthesia. The urologist makes an incision in the lower abdomen from the navel to the pubic bone (suprapubic or infraumbilical half laparotomy). Some urologists removed some lymph nodes around the prostate while (node ??sampling). If some nodes were affected by cancer cells, mean that cancer has surpassed the prostate and not continue the operation because it would not be curative. Other urologists only the prostate gland removed but not the removal of lymph nodes. This decision depends on the level of PSA and Gleason score. If these parameters were high, you have to remove the lymph nodes surrounding the prostate. The urologist should also pay attention to two fine ?bundles? of nerves surrounding the prostate ahead (neurovascular bundle of the corpus cavernosum of the penis). These nerves control erection. If removed, the patient would get erections impotent and require additional treatment. If not removed can get spontaneous erections. If one nerve is removed is likely to maintain sexual potency, but less than if the two bundles were preserved. If the patient presents with erectile dysfunction before surgery, the urologist will try not to cut these nerves. But if the cancer has spread to these nerves, the surgeon will remove it.
* Perineal radical prostatectomy: In this operation, the urologist makes an incision in the perineum. This procedure is performed less often because the nerves of erection can not be easily identified and can not be removed lymph nodes. But it is an operation of short duration, less blood loss, allows for easier vesicourethral anastomosis, which may be appropriate if the patient does not want to maintain sexual potency or not require removal of lymph nodes. Also be done if there are other conditions that hamper the conduct retropubic surgery. Perineal surgery can be as curative as retropubic surgery if done correctly.

These operations lasting an hour and a half to four hours. Perineal prostatectomy takes less time than the retropubic approach. After surgery the patient will be hospitalized for 3 days and probably returned to work 3 to 5 weeks. It is recommended that patients donate their own blood before surgery if necessary during the operation. After surgery, the patient required to wear a urinary catheter or bladder (a catheter or tube inserted through the penile urethra to the bladder to empty). The probe should take between 10 and 20 days. When the patient can urinate on your own, will retire.

* Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP): This operation is palliative (that is, used to ease symptoms, not cure). The urologist removes part of the prostate that is around the urethra if the patient has severe voiding symptoms are not candidates for curative surgery. The RTU is very often used to treat BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). This operation is not necessary to make an incision in the skin. It inserts an instrument called a resectoscope through the tip of the penis into the urethra to the level of the prostate. Once there, the electricity passes through a metal arc, cut and vaporize tissue. It requires general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. This operation usually lasts about an hour. After surgery, you must wear a catheter for one to three days to heal the prostate. The patient will be admitted to the hospital for one to two days and can return to work in a week or two. Probably there will be blood in the urine (hematuria) after surgery, which usually resolves spontaneously. Other risks include infection and the risks associated with the type of anesthesia used.

3. Radiotherapy:

Radiation therapy uses high energy X rays (megavoltage) or particles to kill cancer cells. The radiation is low-grade cancer that is confined to the prostate or has only invaded neighboring tissue. Cure rates of radiotherapy are similar to those obtained with radical prostatectomy. If the disease is more advanced, radiation may be used to shrink the tumor and provide relief of symptoms present or future. Traditionally, radiotherapy has been reserved as first-line treatment in men between 70 and 80 years old with prostate cancer and other health problems that contraindicate surgery.

There are two main forms of radiation, external beam radiation and brachytherapy. The two forms of treatment are good methods of treatment for prostate cancer, however there are more long-term external radiation therapy?.

4. Chemotherapy:
Types of chemotherapy:

* Systemic chemotherapy: uses anticancer drugs that are administered intravenously or orally. These drugs into the bloodstream reach all areas of the body, making this treatment useful against tumors that have spread beyond the organ from which they originated (metastasis).
* Regional or local chemotherapy: The drug is injected directly into an artery leading to the body part that contains the tumor. This treatment concentrates the dose of chemotherapy that reaches the cancer cells and limits the amount that reaches other parts of the body, thereby reducing some side effects. Hepatic artery infusion is an example of regional chemotherapy sometimes used to treat colon cancer that has spread to the liver.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Online Advertising News | Web Hosting Free Google

Recognition to chicago internet marketing for bringing the following blog post

Small business, in many cases, is now on the Web. Whether this is for simply marketing or collecting data or whether their businesses are conducted almost entirely online. If you operate your business fully or partially on the Internet, this roundup is for you.

Online Marketing

Why your customer doesn?t care about your Website. Ever tried to order somethikng from an online store? Was it easy or overly complicated. Many customers buy online because of ease and convenience. But what happens when there?s nothing easy or convenient about shopping with you online. You say you?re having technical problems? We don?t care. The next Websire is just as good as yours.

An SEO lesson for the rest of us. If you plan to operate yourf small business online, making it show up on the search engines is part of the drill. But it turns out you don?t need to be a?search engine guru to learn how to optimize your site and help customers find you faster. Come along with Stephen Murphy and learn SEO for the beginning small business owner. You might be surprised how easy it is.?Get Busy Media

Latest Trends

Washington takes to the Web. In an effort to cut costs and increase efficiency, government agencies are turning to the Web. Small businesses that haven?t already, should take a lesson here. Web services are often cheaper, easier and more convenient for the customer. How could you take advantage of the Internet today? Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Why everything may soon be purchased online. Think of the things you would think could never be bought or sold on the Internet. Perhaps fresh organic local produce comes to mind? Wrong! As it turns out a Central Texas company i8s already providing this service and sending shock waves?through the grocery industry. With less waste?or packaging and more convenience for the consumer, what could be purchased online these days? Forbes

The Social Web

Never go to a chamber mixer again. No need at all since even networking is best done on the Internet these days. It may take time and energy, but, hey, so does finding a tie that matches and then driving to the local bistro. Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms provide a great place to meet and greet and you never have to leave your couch. Bloggertone

Is Google + the next big thing? No matter how you market your online business today, the future is always in question. The present belong to Facebook with a commanding lead in the online display add industry, but the success of a new social media offerikng by an well-known competitor could change all that. Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Brands & Connections

Building your Brand one comment one comment at a time. Whether on a blog or a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter, your comments are the way your community gets to know you. Are you getting the most out of this situation? Make no mistake, the quality of your commenting establishes the way other relate to you. Are your comments creating the best brand they can? Basic Blog Tips

What?s the real value of your Facebook fan club? It could be easier to quantify than you think. The people who click ?like? on your brand?s Facebook site have value even if you can?t always see it. Sure they can provide referrals to others who might also be interested in your product or service. But hpow can you be sure you?re getting the full value of your online minions? Forbes

From Small Business TrendsSmall Business On The Web

Read more posts on Small Business Trends ?

Komli Media, a major digital media network operator in the Asian-Pacific region, this morning announced that it has acquired ZestADZ, a mobile advertising platform, expanding the suite of solutions it can offers clients to encompass display, video, search, social media and now mobile.

Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

ZestADZ is a product of a mobile marketing company called mobile-worx. The company is based in Chennai, India with offices in the United States (Los Angeles and Des Moines).

Mobile-worx was founded in 2007 and is led by entrepreneur Asif Ali, who will be heading Komli?s newly formed mobile division together with VP Amit Bhartiya.

ZestADZ essentially helps advertisers and agencies deliver targeted mobile advertising campaigns to drive brand awareness, generate traffic and leads, among other options, across feature phones and smartphone platforms such as iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile.

eMarketer estimates Asia Pacific mobile internet users to nearly double from 623 million in 2011 to more than 1.22 billion in 2015. At the end of 2015, it is estimated that one out of every two mobile users worldwide will reside in Asia Pacific.

Within India, eMarketer pegs the mobile internet penetration at 40 million users currently, and expects it to grow to over 200 million users by 2016.


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A Dog In A Jack Russell Terrier-pack | Home and Family

Posted on | July 26, 2011 | No Comments

Essentially, we want to find companions who would give us most of the benefits we think we need. Well if you want a dog that is just a friend one-on package, you can find Jack Russell Terriers interesting enough.

This dog has a history that is somehow woven to give birth to the species.

It was said that the breeder of this dog, a young theology student at Oxford University named John Russell once met a milkman with a white terrier that has spots on the eyes and ears. This dog became his interest turned out to be his foundation for breeding a new breed of dog that many people have learned to love as pets. The dog saw the first time was named ?Trump? from which the other for 60 types of terriers were later processing.

With nature Terrier base to go on and off the ground (terrier by the way came from the Latin word ?terra? meaning earth), Jack Russell Terriers also tend to hunt and scour for hunting. Therefore, they must have enough grooming to compensate for the dirt they collect on the ground to dig for buried treasure or to recover is a hidden treasure kept long.

Excellent Ratterer, Jack Russell Terriers proves to be a good ?waste? because they keep most rats away from home. Any unlucky rat that happens to be within the area of ??the burrow is sure to meet the instantaneous loss. Thus, owners find themselves with a dog and two cats in a mate.

A fundamental characteristic of this dog is its nature towards strangers. They can easily guess that must be kept away from their homes, which may be accepted in the house. This attitude also makes them very good watchdogs. They were designed specifically to be aggressive on the prey. And while they can be very vocal, and many of them only barks when they find good reason to.

They do not seem so vicious. But once they feel a threat, which can show the aggression that can serve as a warning to foreigners. However, once the alien remains in the home by the owner, a Jack Russell can already tolerate his presence.

This terrier is a family dog ??and desires of human companionship. And their love for children is very interesting. However, when they are misused or treatments have been shown to be wrong, can be intentional or accidental, can react with aggressive behavior. Their strength is still evident in their lack of fear towards larger dogs, which can lead to injury, unfortunately, some may even lead to death.

They are also characterized by their intelligence and spirit. These features can be highly observable through their curiosity in things. Therefore, supplements require formal training, unless you can tolerate difficult behaviors. Good, but with Jack Russell is that you can recognize the training and do well in most of them. In fact, we know that the champion and the show ring several similar competitions.

Hollywood has recognized the transfer of these dogs too. Along with the physical exuberance and good, this guy has already made a name shows. If Wishbone, Milo (the mask) and Eddie (from Frasier), the clock so you have no doubt that you recognize this dog.



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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rival plans ensnarl Congress over debt ceiling (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Rival Democratic and Republican plans to raise the government's borrowing ability have thrust Congress into a standoff just one week away from a potentially devastating debt crisis. President Barack Obama made a last ditch call for compromise, but House Speaker John Boehner said negotiations with the White House had been futile.

"We can't allow the American people to become collateral damage to Washington's political warfare," Obama declared Monday in a prime-time address to the nation.

Boehner, in a nationally televised rebuttal, said he had given "my all" to work out a deal with Obama.

"The president would not take yes for an answer," he said.

The extraordinary back-to-back appeals to the public gave no indication that weeks of brinkmanship and sputtering talks over long-term deficit reductions were on the verge of ending. With an Aug. 2 deadline rapidly closing, Congress and the White House had limited options to avoid a potential government default that could send the already weak economy into a damaging swoon.

Both Democrats and Republicans softened previous hardline positions and appeared ready to leave quarrels over entitlement programs and higher tax revenues for later. But continued bickering on Capitol Hill overshadowed any signs of emerging common ground.

Obama reiterated his call for achieving lower deficits though spending cuts and new tax revenues. But in a notable retreat, he voiced support for a Senate Democratic plan that would reduce deficits by about $2.7 trillion over 10 years only with spending cuts, not with additional revenue.

The Senate plan, unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and the proposal announced the same day by Boehner overlap in significant ways. Both identify about $1.2 trillion in spending cuts to the day-to-day operating budgets of government agencies, though Reid's proposal also counts an extra $1 trillion in savings from winding down wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both proposals would create a bipartisan congressional commission to identify further deficit reductions, especially in major health care programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

The primary difference between the two is timing. Reid's proposal would raise the debt ceiling enough so that it wouldn't have to be reconsidered until 2013, beyond the 2012 elections, as demanded by Obama. The GOP plan would only extend the debt ceiling for about six months.

For Republicans, the timing provides crucial leverage to force Democrats and the president to cut spending in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, expensive benefit programs that Democrats have long protected, despite escalating costs.

Obama has said he would not sign a short-term extension of the debt ceiling, but on Monday he stopped short of issuing a veto threat. Still, he said, a six-month-long increase in the debt ceiling would allow Republicans to try to force their will once again, demanding "harsh cuts" in program like Medicare and refusing to allow tax increases on the wealthy.

"Based on what we've seen these past few weeks, we know what to expect six months from now," he said. "Once again, the economy will be held captive unless they get their way."

Credit rating agencies such as Moody's and Standard & Poor's have threatened to downgrade the United States' gold-plated AAA rating if Congress and the White House don't extend the debt ceiling and take steps to bring long-term deficits under control.

While both plans would increase the debt ceiling, ratings agencies have said a short-term increase such as the one proposed by House Republicans may not be enough to protect the U.S. from a ratings downgrade. What's more, neither plan offers the larger deficit-reducing assurances that credit ratings have said they need for the U.S. to retain its place as one of the most secure investments in the world.

Until last week, Boehner had been negotiating with Obama for a deficit reduction package of up to $4 trillion that included spending reductions in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and provided for up to $800 billion in new tax revenue over 10 years.

But Boehner broke off those discussions after Obama asked for an additional $400 billion in tax revenue and after the two sides could not narrow the gap on other provisions.

"The sad truth is that the president wanted a blank check six months ago, and he wants a blank check today. That is just not going to happen," the speaker said.

In offering his new plan, Boehner had the backing of his top Republican leadership team. But he risked losing some potentially critical Republican votes by scaling back a bigger plan that passed the House and would have cut as much as $6 trillion. That plan failed in the Senate.

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, one of the leading advocates of legislation that cleared the House last week and died in the Senate, said he could not support Boehner's new plan.


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Esurance Partners with Security First on Homeowners Insurance in ...

1311479004 12 Esurance Partners with Security First on Homeowners Insurance in FloridaPress Release Source: Esurance On Tuesday June 28, 2011, 8:30 am EDT

SAN FRANCISCO, June 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ ? Esurance, the direct-to-consumer personal car insurance company, today announced that it will partner with Security first Insurance Company to offer homeowners insurance in Florida.


Underwritten by Security first Insurance Company, each customized Florida homeowners policy comes with a range of payment options including full pay, monthly, and escrow, which ties in with regular mortgage payments.

Esurance partners with companies like Security first to provide consumers with reliable, affordable, and customizable insurance coverage, ensuring that they can find the best coverage to insure the things that matter to them most.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll indicates that 63 percent of registered voters in Florida say property insurance is getting more difficult to obtain in Florida. In addition, nearly three-fourths said that property insurance is getting more expensive in Florida.

Consumers in Florida who have received a rate increase, non-renewal or cancellation notice from their insurer for their Florida homeowners policy can quickly get a homeowners insurance quote over the phone for a Security first policy through Esurance by calling 1-800-ESURANCE. they can also find out if they qualify for discounts such as burglar alarm, newer home, senior (55 and over), secure community or automatic sprinklers.

The standard homeowners policy typically protects consumers from damage due to lightning, wind, hail, smoke, vandalism, and theft. Homeowners policies can also cover:

  • On and off-premise possessions
  • Identity theft
  • Plumbing mishaps
  • Medical payments
  • Personal liability and replacement costs

For more information about homeowners insurance from Esurance partners, visit

About Esurance?

Esurance, a subsidiary of White Mountains Insurance Group, Ltd. (NYSE:WTM ? News), provides personal auto insurance direct to consumers online and through select agents, including sister company, Answer Financial. Esurance is dedicated to constantly improving the way people shop for, buy, and manage their auto insurance. By combining the best of technology with industry know-how, Esurance is able to offer hassle-free coverage with 24/7 customer service and claims handling at competitive prices.

Through Esurance?s website,, customers can get instant car insurance quotes, view comparison quotes, buy an Esurance policy, and print their insurance cards? all in minutes. Esurance also offers policyholders the ability to make policy changes and file claims instantly online, demonstrating its commitment to improving the entire insurance process from quote to claim.

Answer Financial, also a subsidiary of White Mountains, is one of the largest independent personal lines insurance agencies in the country. Answer Financial offers comparison quotes and provides auto and property insurance from more than a dozen top-rated insurance companies through its website,, and over the phone In may 2011, White Mountains announced that it signed a definitive agreement to sell Esurance and Answer Financial to The Allstate Corporation (NYSE:ALL ? News), the nation?s largest publicly held personal lines insurer. The transaction is subject to regulatory and other customary closing conditions, including review by antitrust authorities and state regulators, and is expected to close in the fall of 2011.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

This press release may contain ?forward-looking statements? within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. all statements, other than statements of historical facts, included or referenced in this release which address activities, events or developments which we expect or anticipate will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. The words ?will,? ?believe,? ?intend,? ?expect,? ?anticipate,? ?project,? ?estimate,? ?predict? and similar expressions are also intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, among others, statements with respect to White Mountains?:

  • changes in adjusted book value per share or return on equity;
  • business strategy;
  • financial and operating targets or plans;
  • incurred losses and the adequacy of its loss and loss adjustment expense reserves and related reinsurance;
  • projections of revenues, income (or loss), earnings (or loss) per share, dividends, market share or other financial forecasts;
  • expansion and growth of our business and operations; and
  • future capital expenditures.

These statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by White Mountains in light of its experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors believed to be appropriate in the circumstances. However, whether actual results and developments will conform to our expectations and predictions is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations, including:

Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or developments anticipated by White Mountains will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, White Mountains or its business or operations. White Mountains assumes no obligation to publicly update any such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


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