Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Angel Legna, By: Boma Akainy ? Book Review | Submit Articles

Legna is an angel who disguises himself as a six-year-old malnourished boy to test two friends, Rose and Tamara, both eleven years old. He wants to see if they are nice and kind. Rose judged Legna by his looks. She couldn?t get past his protruding stomach and skinny legs. Often, she would laugh, telling him she wished he would join his dead parents soon. He learned that Tamara cried because she too had lost a parent. She cried for him because she knew his pain. The story of Angel Legna will not only touch your heart but it will show you the importance of listening to your inner spirit, showing kindness and good behavior toward people. Angel Legna shows you God can use anybody to test and bless you in so many different ways. You will learn what it means to be a giver, to be nicer and kinder to the needy without ever making fun of them. Hope you will have fun reading this book, just like I had fun writing it.


wells wells ultimate ultimate

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