Friday, July 8, 2011

Increasing Curb Appeal: Staging Property For Success | Free ...

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Staging real estate, or enhancing its appearance for a sale, has become an especially popular practice in recent years. Given the strong buyers? market, home owners and real estate agents are drawn more than ever to the services of professional staging companies. Professional stagers evaluate a home, condo or apartment from a typical buyer?s perspective and help to make it appear more inviting.

Staging Real Estate Pays Off

Staging property can pay off handsomely. According to a recent survey of realtors, the vast majority had clients who refused to see a home simply based on its exterior appearance. Such clients might have been swayed by simple landscaping or other affordable enhancements. The investments that professional stagers recommend can pay for themselves many times over by enhancing a property?s value and attracting a number of bidders.

Professional Redesigns with a Buyer?s Eye

Professional property stagers have a keen eye for potential redesigns. Evaluating both the interior and exterior of a home, they make suggestions about a home?s color schemes, furniture arrangements, lighting, and other features that matter ? even if only subconsciously ? to potential buyers. Effective real estate staging makes homes look more welcoming and more spacious, and it also helps buyers feel confident that relatively little work is needed. Consequently, sellers who use staging tend to receive higher offers on their properties.

Staging and Property Development

People who are developing new properties can benefit from professional staging services as they create their models. Experts will take into account a property?s architecture, location, and price point in order to provide tailored staging recommendations that draw the desired homebuyers.

Stage Real Estate for Any Budget

Staging real estate needn?t be a large project. Some homeowners hire stagers to work on just one room, such as a kitchen, guest room, or rec room. In any case, free consultations are standard for the industry and customers can choose from hourly or full project rates.

When choosing among staging firms, be sure to evaluate photographs of each company?s previous properties. ?Before and after? pictures can help you get a realistic idea of the changes to expect for your budget.

Amazing Space NYC is a top realty choice of residents for home staging NYC. Company founder Debbie Oulvey is a member of the Real Estate Staging Association ? New York City and specializes in enhancing properties for excellent curb appeal.


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