Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Free Book Reviews

About Your Book: The Answer

How Do You Want to Feel on the Last Day of Your Life?

Eric McPhearson was just looking for a little pick-me-up when he stopped into his local coffee shop on his way to work. He ended up making a life-changing discovery. It all starts when he spots a stranger?s journal and reads an entry titled, ?The Last Day of My Life.? What he learns silences all the anger inside of him?leading to a breakthrough in his troubled marriage and a happier, more peaceful existence. The Answer: A Journey from Anger to Peace unpacks the intense meaning of that journal entry. In this unique, accessible book, you?ll explore the roots of
frustration, conflict and unhappiness in our daily lives and relationships. Its simple, resonant message stresses making peaceful human connections?something that?s easier said than done. The Answer is about learning to behave in a way that helps you feel a sense of significance and peace while establishing more fulfilling relationships. Reading this book will present you with the opportunity to create something different in your life. And it?s something you can begin in your very next conversation with someone you really care about ? if you know the answer. This powerful book is a must-read for anyone who recognizes conflict in his or her life. It?s quick, easy-to-digest, yet profound ... and, most of all, it

Free Book Reviews
What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?

Allison Wynn
They will learn about the Significance of Feeling Insignificant and how this dynamic plays an integral role in their relationships. They?ll realize that when the feeling of significance is absent in their relationships, they?ll often find conflict and anger. When it?s present, they?ll find peace and the answer to the common question -- what is the significance of my life.

Free Book Reviews
Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?

Allison Wynn
In reading my book, the reader will learn about the real lesson -- that helping people feel significant in their lives will make the lives of the reader significant (and that will bring them more peace at the end of their journey).

Free Book Reviews
Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?

Allison Wynn
The two questions I?ve been asked the most are, "How do I deal with anger in either myself or others,? and, ?How do I create a more peaceful life?" In doing research in preparation for writing the book, the answers to these questions as well as the answer to my own life purpose came into sharp focus.

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What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?

Allison Wynn
I would like readers to share their sense of hope and opportunity for creating a more peaceful life, especially in today?s reality where there?s so much frustration and anger. The hope that we can still find significance in our lives; and it doesn?t require a miracle. The idea that these opportunities present themselves in the very next moment with the very next human interaction.

Free Book Reviews
Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?

Allison Wynn
How do want to feel on the last day of your life?

Free Book Reviews
How can readers help you promote this book?

Allison Wynn
The book is based on my coaching process which I refer to as ?theSOFIprocess (significance of feeling insignificant)" and provides the basic framework to understand conflict, anger and living for significance. Readers can help by sharing their ideas about theSOFIprocess with other readers who are making change in their lives. If they?re facebook members, I?d like to invite them to become fans of my fan page www.facebook.com/theSOFIprocess and encourage them to post their thoughts and comments. They can also share our website www.theSOFIprocess.com to learn more about this process.

About You: Allison Wynn

I have a 30-year career in leadership effectiveness, personal empowerment coaching, and family and relationship development. After a successful corporate career, I started a coaching practice to help people transition through life?s challenges. My life-long passion to find the simplest and most effective way to communicate, build awareness, and start the process of human transformation was the motivation for developing theSOFIprocess.

Free Book Reviews
Why do you write?

Allison Wynn
I?ve always kept a daily journal, and enjoy putting my thoughts down on paper. Although this was my first published book writing the book was a natural extension of that activity.

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What is your greatest strength as a writer?

Allison Wynn
My life experiences reflect a lifetime of searching to find my significance -- a journey that has given me tremendous insight into how and why we create the relationships we have. This enables me to personally identify with what my clients and readers face in their lives.

Free Book Reviews
What quality do you most value in yourself?

Allison Wynn
I value my ability to listen, connect, and encourage conversations that create new possibilities in people?s lives. I provide the catalyst for change, especially for those who are stuck or unable to take the critical first step in a new direction.

Free Book Reviews
In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

Allison Wynn
I?m passionate about creating the opportunity for everyone to live with no regrets, and to have the ability to see that all life experiences are a necessary part of their journey.

Free Book Reviews
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Allison Wynn
I?m most proud of writing this book because it reflects a lifetime of learning and putting together the pieces that form this simple message. The complexity and simplicity of the book represents the same paradox that mirrors my own life.

Free Book Reviews
Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?

Allison Wynn
Tich Naht Hahn because his words put life into simple terms that relate to every human being. They form universal truths that bond people from varying cultures, ages, and life stages.

Source: http://freebookreviews.blogspot.com/2011/07/author-interview-allison-wynn-author-of.html

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