Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Marriage And Relationship | SAVE MY MARRIAGE BLOG

marriage and relationship

Money is the lifeblood of any business and it is the singularly most important commodity within our capitalist society and this is eloquently demonstrated by virtue of the fact that it can buy us education, good health, property and even our freedom. It is not surprising then, that when marriage is involved, currency, can play an extremely important role. It can at times, make or break a marriage, and it is usually, the way that the money is spent, and not the real amount that makes the biggest difference.

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First off, the spouses may want to retain some degree of personal autonomy and independence and therefore to that extent then, they will have their own personal account. This may prove to be a bone of contention for the other spouse who wants to share everything on an equal basis, and who wants to be able to monitor their partner?s spending habits very carefully indeed. Usually, this will make the spouse that is seeking freedom, feel hindered, since this sort of behavior is usually not needed, and it may breed dislike in the spouse, and make them feel controlled.

Like earlier in the article, the ways that the partners react while involved in the marriage to situations that involve money, can cause contention and disharmony. For a spouse that is not diligent with money, spending it without regard to the other partner, and acting recklessly, can surely create a rift between partners. The spouse that is too impulsive in attitudes to spending money, will feel controlled by the spouse who is more responsible, particularly when they both feel as if they are in the right. This can certainly cause a marriage to fail, if not dealt with quickly.

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Lots of times, people likewise use money as a bartering factor in a marriage, and is seen largely in abusive relationships, where the spouse that is abusive, takes tense control of the money, so that they can control their partner as totally as possible.

Whatever the form in which money troubles manifest themselves within the marriage, it is imperative that the parties take the time and effort to reach some sort of compromise so that they do not get polarized into the positions of one spouse who must keep a baleful eye on the finances and the other who gets to spend indiscriminately. To make a marriage, or any family relationship, work, you must have the ability to barter, and talk troubles out.

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Alison Armstrong on Personal Life Media Ep 6 Part 2 ? Marriage, Relationships and Communication

Source: http://www.savemymarriageblog.com/marriage-and-relationship-5/

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